Hopefully someone with HP-UX and/or Informix experience is out there because we haven't found anyone to help us yet. Thankfully our backup system is accessible still.
We moved our HP-UX/Informix/SAP system to a new data center and new storage. One thing we had to deal with was recreating the multipath config, but once we found the proper commands that was resolved easily. Otherwise system has stayed exactly as it wat, same ip address, etc.
When we try to start informix we get this:
12:45:39 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Started.
12:45:40 The number of configured CPU poll threads exceeds 'NUMCPUVPS'.
NETTYPE 'serverlztcp' poll threads started on NET VPs.
Mon Apr 1 12:45:41 2019
12:45:41 Buffer manager: env variable NOFUZZYCKPT is
defined. All checkpoints will be hard checkpoints.
12:45:41 Event alarms enabled. ALARMPROG = '/informix/xyz/etc/no_log.sh'
12:45:41 Booting Language <c> from module <>
12:45:41 Loading Module <CNULL>
12:45:41 Booting Language <builtin> from module <>
12:45:41 Loading Module <BUILTINNULL>
12:45:47 Dynamically allocated new message shared memory segment (size 776KB)
12:45:47 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 9.40.FC5XS Software Serial Number AAA#B000000
12:45:47 HPUX Version B.11.11 -> Using flag/select style KAIO
12:45:47 HP KAIO concurrent requests changed from 1000 to 2000
12:45:47 HPUX KAIO Segment locked addr=0x40000000 size=
12:45:47 listener-thread: err = -25572: oserr = 226: errstr = : Network driver cannot bind a name to the port.
System error = 226.
12:45:47 sql_listener: ASF_LISTEN failed
12:45:47 Attempting to bring listener thread down.
12:45:47 Server stopped.
12:45:48 HPUX KAIO Segment locked addr=0x0 size=2560000000
I have tracked down the port that it should be using (from /etc/services) and using netstat -an I can see that it is NOT being used.
One thing I have found is that I cannot ping, although lo0 is up. Not sure if informix is trying to bind to all available addresses or only one?
I'm not an informix expert, but so far everything seems to be checking out with what people with this error are told to look for.
I've checked sqlhosts and services and they appear to match up correctly.
/etc/resolve.conf looks good and localhost is resolved from the hosts file ok.
There is no firewall enabled as far as I can tell.
We have rebooted the system.
I can SSH to the system and network connectivity is good aside from
There are a few databases and I've commented out as much as I could from sqlhosts, but I don't think it's a conflict.
Anyone have any suggestions?
Should I be able to ping
Any help is greatly appreciated.