KU Leuven Campus Diepenbeek
We welcome applicants with a wide range of expertise. Expertise in constraint programming and declarative programming is especially appreciated.
There is a vacancy for a full-time academic position (tenured or tenure track) in the Computer Science Department at KU Leuven in the area of declarative methods for cognitive robotics. The vacant position is located at Diepenbeek Campus, which is part of the Faculty of Engineering Technology of the Science and Technology Group at KU Leuven. We are looking for internationally oriented candidates with an excellent research record and with good teaching competence in Computer Science.
The most used programming language for Robotics are C/C++ and Python: the first because one wants to get the most out of the available CPU-power, the second because of its accessibility. However, in the context of cognitive robotics, these languages have many drawbacks: software built in these languages does not scale well due to a lack of appropriate abstraction mechanisms, (formal) testing and debugging is difficult, parallelization is complex, ... Especially within artificial intelligence, declarative programming languages (both logical and functional) often enable faster, more accurate and more error-proof development of software.
Feel free to get in touch if you have questions.
Tom Schrijvers