ZLIBCompressionImpl::compress( const char* data_in,
unsigned int data_in_len,
char* data_out,
unsigned int* data_out_len )
int err = ::compress( (unsigned char *) data_out,
(unsigned long* ) data_out_len,
(unsigned char *) data_in,
(unsigned long) data_in_len );
if( err != Z_OK )
THROW_SEP( "ZLIB compression error" );
return TRUE;
Every thing works fine and a I can decompress the data using:
ZLIBCompressionImpl::uncompress( const char* data_in,
unsigned int data_in_len,
char* data_out,
unsigned int* data_out_len )
int err = ::uncompress( (unsigned char *) data_out,
(unsigned long* ) data_out_len,
(unsigned char *) data_in,
(unsigned long) data_in_len );
if( err != Z_OK )
THROW_SEP( "ZLIB compression error" );
return TRUE;
As long as I am using the C++ code above I can compress and decompress at
will, and have never seen an error. The problem comes in when
I try to decompress the data in python.
If I write the compressed data to a file as follows:
ofstream oFile3; "rebundle.varz", ios:: out | ios::binary );
int compressedLen = compressed.length();
cout << "About to write: " << compressedLen
<< " bytes to rebundle.varz" << endl;
oFile3.write( (char*)&compressedLen , 4 );
oFile3.write(, compressedLen );
then read it in with python and try to decompress it:
Python 2.1.1 (#1, Oct 9 2001, 13:27:21) [C] on aix4
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
fh = open( name, "rb" )
lenStr = 4 )
length = struct.unpack( '!L', lenStr )[0]
blob = length )
blob = zlib.decompress( blob )
I then get the following error:
zlib.error: Error -3 while decompressing data: incorrect header check.
Python is reading the correct number of bytes and the data looks the
Is there some extra header that I should be writing? Does the python
version of ZLIB have known problems (I think that it is using ZLIB 1.1.3)
Any ideas?
Kevin Kalbfleisch
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0x78, 0xDA - max mode
0x78, 0x9C - normal mode
0x78, 0x5E - fast mode
0x78, 0x01 - no compression
If you use preset dictionaries the second header byte looks different. In
this case an extended header is required too.