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Using Prolog to Compile Things

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Nick Roberts

May 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/16/99
Has anyone on this ng experience or knowledge of the use of Prolog to
implement a native-code compiler for a typical high-level imperative
language? I am toying with the idea of using Prolog for the lexer, the
parser, the intermediate (library) code generator, and the end-code
generator (and even, in effect, for linking!), i.e. the 'whole shebang'.
I'm even toying with the idea of having (most) of the IDE written in Prolog,
and thus tightly integrating the compiler and IDE.

This is an open source project (possibly GPL or similar), and a bit
experimental, and it's not a project that has a budget of millions (well
that's one way of putting it :-), so I'm willing to make the speed sacrifice
(I'm not so sure my co-projectees are, but that's mp ;-). I'm particularly
interested in the idea of using Prolog's natural searching abilities to
search for truly optimal code.

Contributions gratefully accepted.

Nick Roberts

Grzegorz Grudzinski

May 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/20/99
Nick Roberts <> pisze:

>Has anyone on this ng experience or knowledge of the use of Prolog to
>implement a native-code compiler for a typical high-level imperative


>I'm particularly interested in the idea of using Prolog's natural searching
>abilities to search for truly optimal code.

This issue (code selection and optimization) was discussed in a paper
published in PLILP proceedings a few years ago, IIRC. I do not have the
reference handy, if you want me to look for it, please write me an email, I
do not read this group too frequently.

-- Grzes
Grzegorz Grudzinski Institute of Informatics, Warsaw University

Fergus Henderson

May 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/21/99
Nick Roberts <> writes:

>Has anyone on this ng experience or knowledge of the use of Prolog to
>implement a native-code compiler for a typical high-level imperative

>language? I am toying with the idea of using Prolog for the lexer, the
>parser, the intermediate (library) code generator, and the end-code
>generator (and even, in effect, for linking!), i.e. the 'whole shebang'.

I have written a couple of compilers in Prolog. In many ways, Prolog
is an excellent language for writing compilers, but it does have some
important disadvantages.

Much of the task of compilation is manipulating trees of various
kinds, and this is a task which Prolog and other logic or functional
languages do very well.

Another advantage of Prolog is the use of unbound variables and
partially instantiated data structures. Often during code generation
you may want to make several passes over some data structure (e.g. the
parse tree), filling in the values of different attributes with each
pass. In Prolog you can leave uninitialized attributes as unbound
variables, and have each pass bind the appropriate variables. This
contrasts with some languages such as ML or Mercury where you would
normally initialize the attributes with dummy values and then each
pass would make a copy of the parse tree in order to set the new

Prolog does have some significant disadvantages. One is that Prolog
is often quite inefficient. For example, it's very difficult to get a
lexer written in Prolog to run fast.

Another disadvantage is that Prolog doesn't have records with named
fields. If you want access fields by name, then you need to write a
bunch of named access predicates, which is quite tedious. (Existing
Prolog implementations generally don't do inlining, so using named
access predicates also exacerbates the efficiency problems.)

Another disadvantage, probably more important than the previous two,
is that Prolog has very little in the way of static checking. This
works OK for small projects, but makes things very difficult when
writing large systems. If you plan to write 5000 lines of code or
more, then I would very strongly recommend using a language with
static type checking and a proper module system (some Prolog systems
do have module systems, but they are not standardized and vary
significantly between different Prolog systems). And Prolog's support
for unbound variables and nondeterminism, although useful, can also
cause a lot of problems if you accidentally forget to initialize a
variable or if you accidentally introduce nondeterminism. Other logic
programming languages such as Mercury and Visual Prolog (which,
despite the name, is quite different from Prolog) do a lot better

If you do use Prolog, then I strongly recommend that you document the
types, modes, and determinism of the predicates in your program very
carefully. This is especially important if you ever want anyone other
than yourself to maintain the program. But compilers are usually not
small projects, so I think you would probably be better off choosing a
language which has more support for static checking, such as Mercury.

Of course, I'm one of the developers of Mercury, so my opinion in that
respect is no doubt biased ;-). But Mercury was developed with my
experience of implementing compilers in Prolog in mind, and so it was
designed to address many of Prolog's faults in that area. The Mercury
compiler is written in Mercury, so it has certainly been stress-tested
in that area.

> I'm particularly interested in the idea of using Prolog's natural
> searching abilities to search for truly optimal code.

I think this is a mirage. It's pretty easy to express searching
algorithms in any language. But finding _feasible_ algorithms to
produce "truly optimal code" is going to be difficult in any language.
Prolog's searching abilities won't really help much here.
Fergus Henderson <>
WWW: <>
PGP: finger f...@
[It's my impression that in too many cases the only way to find perfectly
optimal code would be to enumerate and check an impractically large set
of possibilities. -John]

Bart Demoen

May 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/21/99
Grzegorz Grudzinski wrote

> Nick Roberts <> pisze:

> >Has anyone on this ng experience or knowledge of the use of Prolog to
> >implement a native-code compiler for a typical high-level imperative
> >language?


> This issue (code selection and optimization) was discussed in a paper
> published in PLILP proceedings a few years ago, IIRC. I do not have the
> reference handy, if you want me to look for it, please write me an email, I
> do not read this group too frequently.

I suppose he means:

PLILP'91 LNCS 528 "Optimal instructioin scheduling Using
Constraint Logic Programming" by M. Ertl and A. Krall

CLP and Prolog are not really the same thing, as some good
Prolog systems offer good constraint solvers.

I guess most compilers for Prolog are written in Prolog. Whether they use
Prolog's natural search mechanism for generating optimal code, I doubt.
Usually, you want the search a bit more directed.

Bart Demoen

Anton Ertl

May 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/22/99
to (Grzegorz Grudzinski) writes:
> This issue (code selection and optimization) was discussed in a paper
> published in PLILP proceedings a few years ago, IIRC.

Bart Demoen has already mentioned our paper (thanks), but it's about
instruction scheduling; also, it's only practical if you use it with
timeouts (exponential behaviour in some cases). You can get it at

The paper about code selection in Prolog I know of is

author = "Mahadevan Ganapathi",
title = "Prolog Based Retargetable Code Generation",
journal = "Computer Languages",
year = "1989",
volume = "14",
number = "3",
pages = "193--204"

- anton
M. Anton Ertl Some things have to be seen to be believed Most things have to be believed to be seen


May 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/22/99
Nick Roberts wrote:

> Has anyone on this ng experience or knowledge of the use of Prolog to
> implement a native-code compiler for a typical high-level imperative

> language? I am toying with the idea of using Prolog for the lexer, the
> parser, the intermediate (library) code generator, and the end-code
> generator (and even, in effect, for linking!), i.e. the 'whole shebang'.

> I'm even toying with the idea of having (most) of the IDE written in Prolog,
> and thus tightly integrating the compiler and IDE.
> This is an open source project (possibly GPL or similar), and a bit
> experimental, and it's not a project that has a budget of millions (well
> that's one way of putting it :-), so I'm willing to make the speed sacrifice

> (I'm not so sure my co-projectees are, but that's mp ;-). I'm particularly

> interested in the idea of using Prolog's natural searching abilities to
> search for truly optimal code.

Well, a couple of years ago I decided to write a smallish compiler for
my job, to improve the system they had (still have). I'd read an
article in byte about how easy this was in prolog, how it almost wrote
itself etc., so got hold of a public domain version and had a
go. Bearing in mind that I'd no experience in writing compilers, my
prolog was not marvelous and the implementation I had was buggy, I
spent two rather hellish months getting nowhere. The main problem was
the behaviour of prolog: a bug in my prolog, or the program I was
trying to parse, both caused backtracks. Asserts didn't help. I'd even
got to the point of considering asserting the current rule into the
database so I could find out where it failed (a sort of audit

Finally I realised I was wasting my time. You might well argue that
someone in my position & lack of knowledge was trying to run before I
could walk and perhaps that's true, but I switched to C++. Speaking
of trying to run before I could walk, I still had no compiler writing
experience, I had never done C++ and I didn't understand OO. Still, I
started making progress immediately and in six months I got a robust
working compiler out the door. I can only conclude that prolog (which,
incidentally, I do understand and can use properly, in its full
declarative style) is either not appropriate for compiler writing, or
I was doing something deeply wrong - I'd love to know, and I'll follow
up any postings here. Recommendation - get someone who's been there
done that to help you, or stay away from prolog.

Hope it helps.

Daniel Diaz

May 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/22/99
Nick Roberts <> writes:
|> Has anyone on this ng experience or knowledge of the use of Prolog to
|> implement a native-code compiler for a typical high-level imperative
|> language? I am toying with the idea of using Prolog for the lexer, the
|> parser, the intermediate (library) code generator, and the end-code
|> generator (and even, in effect, for linking!), i.e. the 'whole shebang'.
|> I'm even toying with the idea of having (most) of the IDE written in Prolog,
|> and thus tightly integrating the compiler and IDE.

You can use GNU Prolog ( to
both write your compiler(s) and to look at the Prolog compiler. Indeed
GNU Prolog produces stand alone native executables (useful to obtain a
command-line compiler) and its Prolog compiler is written in GNU
Prolog (bootstrapped). Another interesting point is that GNU Prolog
includes a powerful constraint solver over finite domains. Constraint
programming can help you when trying to optimize the code
(e.g. register allocation,...).

There is also a project at INRIA working on compilation using Prolog
in a part of the compilation scheme. You can ask

Daniel Diaz
University of Paris 1 INRIA Rocquencourt
75013 Paris 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex

Bart Demoen

May 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/27/99
> I can only conclude that prolog (which, incidentally, I do
> understand and can use properly, in its full declarative style) is
> either not appropriate for compiler writing, or I was doing
> something deeply wrong

With respect, I think you might have done something wrong: Prolog has
worked fine for too many people - also in compiler writing. My own
experience is this: in 1983 my boss wanted a Prolog compiler written
in Pascal (actually, Prolog to WAM code with optimisations); I wrote
it in Prolog first (although I was more familiar with Pascal at that
moment) in less than a month; then hand translated it to Pascal -
later to C. Since 1985, this compiler basically hasn't changed except
that features were added (inlining, register allocation, optimisation
of arithmetic, choicepoint reuse, improved unification ...) that were
all first modelled in Prolog in a couple of days before putting them
in C - and the Prolog code often stays in the C code as comment. This
compiler has not been really touched for 5 years now but is still part
of a commercial Prolog system with some big industrial users.

Maybe my experience contains for you also a proof that Prolog isn't
the right language to release a compiler in - opinions may vary there,
but I indeed belief that Prolog is best used for its prototyping

Anyway, there might have been something wrong with the Prolog system you
had - you write:

> so got hold of a public domain version


> The main problem was the behaviour of prolog: a bug in my prolog, or
> the program I was trying to parse, both caused backtracks. Asserts
> didn't help. I'd even got to the point of considering asserting the
> current rule into the database so I could find out where it failed
> (a sort of audit trail).

This sounds like there was no decent debugger in your Prolog system.
But using asserts for debugging appears very weird to me as well - you
must have been desparate :-)

It is true that unanticipated backtracking in buggy Prolog programs
occurs and can be difficult to track down without the help of a
debugger, a methodology and/or experience. Typed logic languages make
this easier.

Bart Demoen

Andrew Bromage

May 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/27/99
G'day all.

Nick Roberts <> writes:

>> I'm particularly interested in the idea of using Prolog's natural

>> searching abilities to search for truly optimal code.

The moderator commented:

>[It's my impression that in too many cases the only way to find perfectly
>optimal code would be to enumerate and check an impractically large set
>of possibilities. -John]

This is true, which means you can't just throw nondeterministic
searching at a problem and hope everything happens for you. All that
the searching capabilities of logic languages really buy you in these
sorts of cases is a much more convenient way to express the problem.

A case in point is template-matching bottom-up code generation. A
compiler in an imperative language would use techniques such as
dynamic programming to control the algorithmic complexity and a
compiler in Prolog/Mercury/whatever is no different. However the job
of template matching and collating code sequences for comparison is
much more conveniently expressed in a language with good pattern
matching/ indexing capabilities and nondeterminism (with an
all-solutions facility, naturally) than in a more conventional
programming language.

Writing a template-matching code generator in an imperative language
generally requires the use of a "code generator generator", and
usually a heavily customised one at that, to generate the pattern
matching and collating code from a set of templates and rules. It's
much more convenient (and potentially more efficient) to write your
code generator in a language which does most of it for you.

Andrew Bromage

Mark William Hopkins

Jun 2, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/2/99
Actually, the entire question is being posed at the wrong level. It's
not a compiler you want written in Prolog, but the program that
generates the compiler! Because that's where the intelligence is

Here, efficiency is irrelevant. It's not the efficiency of the
process that counts, but of the product made by the process.
[Well, it's not totally irrelevant. The process does have to finish
before the heat death of the universe to be of practical interest. -John]

Nick Roberts

Jun 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/6/99
First, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank very much all the
people who took the time and trouble to reply either to the group or
to me directly. Your responses were extremely helpful, and I am most

Second, I was actually seriously proposing that the compiler itself be
written in Prolog (rather than a compiler compiler). My long term
plan is, I think, to: (a) write a Prolog interpreter in Ada; (b) write
an optimising Ada compiler in Prolog; (c) recompile the Prolog
interpreter (to get a faster Prolog interpreter); (d) write a Prolog
compiler in Prolog, and compile the Ada compiler (thus getting a
faster Ada compiler); (e) convert the speed-critical parts (or maybe
all) of the Ada compiler into Ada (thus getting an even faster Ada
compiler). I think the technical term for this process is
'bootstrapping' (or is it 'incest'? :-)

It is certainly the case that I will use a great deal of (the Prolog
equivalent of) macro pre-processing to get from source code to running
(interpreted) Prolog code, but this is totally standard Prolog idiom.
A distinct possibility is the use of Prolog to seriously transform
things (e.g. BNFs to Prolog rules), perhaps over many, many steps, but
I haven't got to anything like this level of sophistication yet (and I
hope I can avoid it!).

My main ambitions in using Prolog are: (1) to investigate the
possibilities of searching deeply for optimal code; (2) to 'expose'
the inner workings of a compiler to students as much as possible, to
facilitate both understanding and experimentation. As such, speed of
execution necessarily has to take a back seat (at this stage, anyway).

On top of this, pundits tell me that a Prolog program can, with a
sophisticated compiler, be compiled into native code almost as fast as
if the program had been written in an imperative language. This
doesn't necessarily solve the problem of Prolog's (legendary) memory
greed, however, so it may or may not be a 'final solution.'

Real compilers tend to be obscure beasts, and therefore, I think, a
bit of a turn-off for many students of systems software.

I am fascinated by the idea of creating a compiler whose inner
workings can be much more readily 'seen' by students. I feel Prolog
can help to do this, in conjunction with the pedantic approach of
'first we do transformation A, then we do transformation B, then C,
then D, then E,' and so on. Incredibly slow, yes; but it would be
practicable (especially by the use of really good windowing
facilities) to show the results of each step, in a (reasonably)
readable form, all the way from source to object. I think a lot of
students would find that fun. It would be to compiler students what
'George' (the archetypal 'dummy' body) was to medical students.

Anyway, enough ramblings. Here's to the universe dying hot!

Nick Roberts

Mark William Hopkins wrote

Laurent Guerby

Jun 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/12/99
"Nick Roberts" <> writes:
> [...] Second, I was actually seriously proposing that the compiler

> itself be written in Prolog (rather than a compiler compiler). My
> long term plan is, I think, to: (a) write a Prolog interpreter in
> Ada; (b) write an optimising Ada compiler in Prolog; (c) recompile
> the Prolog interpreter (to get a faster Prolog interpreter); (d)
> write a Prolog compiler in Prolog, and compile the Ada compiler
> (thus getting a faster Ada compiler); (e) convert the speed-critical
> parts (or maybe all) of the Ada compiler into Ada (thus getting an
> even faster Ada compiler). [...]

If you consider putting Ada in the loop and are interested mainly in
backend optimization issues, I suggest you choose a subset of the
language since writing a front-end able to reach production quality
for the full Ada 95 language is not a simple task, the estimate of 50
man years is floating around (and it's not including back-end work

A practical already well defined subset is Spark 95, see the book
"High Integrity Ada : The Spark Approach" by John Barnes,
Addison-Wesley Pub Co; ISBN: 0201175177. You might want to add dynamic
allocation and a few other gizmo so you can program your compiler
easily with it (note that the GNU Ada compiler has its front end
written in Ada, and started with a small subset so as to be able to
bootstrap as early as possible and abandon the Ada 83 commercial
compiler used at the beginning of the project ;-).


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