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Re: AMD CPU funny

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Dec 20, 2023, 1:08:54 PM12/20/23
Vir Campestris <> wrote:
> This is not the right group for this - but I don't know where is.
> Suggestions on a postcard please...

I'm crossposting this to comp.arch, where they may have some ideas.

> For reasons I won't go into I've been writing some code to evaluate
> memory performance on my AMD Ryzen 5 3400G.
> It says in the stuff I've found that each core has an 8-way set
> associative L1 data cache of 128k (and an L1 instruction cache); an L2
> cache of 512k, also set associative; and there's an L3 cache of 4MB.
> To measure the performance I have three nested loops.
> The innermost one goes around a loop incrementing a series of 64 bit
> memory locations. The length of the series is set by the outermost loop.
> The middle one repeats the innermost loop so that the number of memory
> accesses is constant regardless of the series length.
> The outermost one sets the series length. It starts at 1, and doubles it
> each time.
> I _thought_ what would happen is that as I increase the length of the
> series after a while the data won't fit in the cache, and I'll see a
> sudden slowdown.
> What I actually see is:
> With a series length of 56 to 128 bytes I get the highest speed.
> With a series length of 500B to 1.5MB, I get a consistent speed of about
> 2/3 the highest speed.
> Once the series length exceeds 1.5MB the speed drops, and is consistent
> from then on. That I can see is main memory speed, and is about 40% of
> the highest.
> OK so far.
> But...
> Series length 8B is about the same as the 56 to 128 speed. Series length
> 16B is a bit less. Series length 32 is a lot less. Not as slow as main
> memory, but not much more than half the peak speed. My next step up is
> the peak speed. Series length 144 to 448 is slower still - slower in
> fact than the main memory speed.
> WTF?
> I can post the code (C++, but not very complex) if that would help.

For 'series length 8B/16B/32B' do you mean 8 bytes? ie 8B is a single 64
bit word transferred?

What instruction sequences are being generated for the 8/16/32/64 byte
loops? I'm wondering if the compiler is using different instructions,
eg using MMX, SSE, AVX to do the operations. Maybe they are having
different caching behaviour?

It would help if you could tell us the compiler and platform you're using,
including version.



Dec 20, 2023, 2:00:40 PM12/20/23
Can we see the code ??

Can you present a table of the timing results ??

Vir Campestris

Dec 21, 2023, 9:11:18 AM12/21/23
On 20/12/2023 18:08, Theo wrote:
> Vir Campestris <> wrote:
>> This is not the right group for this - but I don't know where is.
>> Suggestions on a postcard please...
> I'm crossposting this to comp.arch, where they may have some ideas.
> For 'series length 8B/16B/32B' do you mean 8 bytes? ie 8B is a single 64
> bit word transferred?
Yes. My system has a 64 bit CPU and 64 bit main memory.

> What instruction sequences are being generated for the 8/16/32/64 byte
> loops? I'm wondering if the compiler is using different instructions,
> eg using MMX, SSE, AVX to do the operations. Maybe they are having
> different caching behaviour?
It's running the same loop for each time, but with different values for
the loop sizes.

> It would help if you could tell us the compiler and platform you're using,
> including version.

g++ (Ubuntu 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.4.0
Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO

Which of course tells you I'm running Ubuntu!

On 20/12/2023 18:58, MitchAlsup wrote:
> Can we see the code ??
> Can you present a table of the timing results ??

I've run this with more detailed increments on the line size, but here
are my results for powers of 2.

Size 1 gave 3.82242e+09 bytes/second.
Size 2 gave 3.80533e+09 bytes/second.
Size 4 gave 2.68017e+09 bytes/second.
Size 8 gave 2.33751e+09 bytes/second.
Size 16 gave 2.18424e+09 bytes/second.
Size 32 gave 2.10243e+09 bytes/second.
Size 64 gave 1.99371e+09 bytes/second.
Size 128 gave 1.98475e+09 bytes/second.
Size 256 gave 2.01653e+09 bytes/second.
Size 512 gave 2.00884e+09 bytes/second.
Size 1024 gave 2.02713e+09 bytes/second.
Size 2048 gave 2.01803e+09 bytes/second.
Size 4096 gave 3.26472e+09 bytes/second.
Size 8192 gave 3.85126e+09 bytes/second.
Size 16384 gave 3.85377e+09 bytes/second.
Size 32768 gave 3.85293e+09 bytes/second.
Size 65536 gave 2.06793e+09 bytes/second.
Size 131072 gave 2.06845e+09 bytes/second.

The code will continue, but the results are roughly stable for larger sizes.

The code I have put in a signature block; there's no point in risking
someone posting it again. I've commented it, but no doubt not in all the
right places! I'd be interested to know what results other people get.

#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

int main()
// If your computer is much slower or faster than mine
// you may need to adjust this value.
constexpr size_t NextCount = 1 << 28;

std::vector<uint64_t> CacheStore(NextCount, 0);

// Get a raw pointer to the vector.
// On my machine (Ubuntu, g++) this improves
// performance. Using vector's operator[]
// results in a function call.
uint64_t *CachePtr = &CacheStore[0];

// SetSize is the count of the uint64_t items to be tested.
// I assume that when this is too big for a cache the data
// will overflow to the next level.
// Each loop it doubles in size. I've run it with smaller
// increments too, and the behaviour
// is still confusing.
for (auto SetSize = 1; SetSize < NextCount; SetSize<<=1)
size_t loopcount = 0;
size_t j = NextCount / SetSize;
auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();

// The outer loop repeats enough times so that the data
// written by the inner loops of various sizes is
// approximately constant.
for (size_t k = 0; k < j; ++k)
// The inner loop modifies data
// within a set of words.
for (size_t l = 0; l < SetSize; ++l)
// read-modify-write some data.
// Comment this out
// to confirm that the looping is not
// the cause of the anomaly

// this counts the actual number
// of memory accesses.
// rounding errors means that for
// different SetSize values
// the count is not completely
// consistent.

// Work out how long the loops took in microseconds,
// then scale to seconds
auto delta =
(std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - start).count()
/ 1e6;

// calculate how many bytes per second, and print.
std::cout << "Size " << SetSize << " gave "
<< (double)loopcount * (double)sizeof(uint64_t) /
delta << " bytes/second." << std::endl;

return 0;

Scott Lurndal

Dec 21, 2023, 9:56:49 AM12/21/23
Vir Campestris <> writes:
>On 20/12/2023 18:08, Theo wrote:
>> Vir Campestris <> wrote:
>>> This is not the right group for this - but I don't know where is.
>>> Suggestions on a postcard please...
>> I'm crossposting this to comp.arch, where they may have some ideas.
>> For 'series length 8B/16B/32B' do you mean 8 bytes? ie 8B is a single 64
>> bit word transferred?
>Yes. My system has a 64 bit CPU and 64 bit main memory.

Surely your main memory is just a sequence of 8-bit bytes (+ECC).

Vir Campestris

Dec 21, 2023, 10:32:15 AM12/21/23
AIUI I have two DIMMs, each of which has a 32-bit bus. I'm not up on
hardware these days, but it used to be if you wanted to write a byte
into your 16-bit memory you had to read both bytes, then write one back.


Michael S

Dec 21, 2023, 11:09:38 AM12/21/23
DIMMs have 64-bit data buses. Both these days and previous millennium.
Now, these days DDR5 DIMM splits 64-bit data bus into pair of
independent 32-bit channels, but the total is still 64 bits.

That's a physical perspective. From logical perspective, DDR3 and DDR4
bits exchange data with controller in 512-bit chunks. On DDR5 DIMM each
channel exchanges data with controller in 512-bit chunks.

From signaling perspective, it is still possible (at least on non-ECC
gear) to tell to memory to write just 8 bits out of 512 and to ignore
the rest. In PC-class hardware this ability is used very rarely if used
at all.

Andy Burns

Dec 21, 2023, 1:05:24 PM12/21/23
Vir Campestris wrote:

> Scott Lurndal wrote:
>> Surely your main memory is just a sequence of 8-bit bytes (+ECC).
> AIUI I have two DIMMs, each of which has a 32-bit bus. I'm not up on
> hardware these days, but it used to be if you wanted to write a byte
> into your 16-bit memory you had to read both bytes, then write one back.

I thought intel x64 machines work in cache lines of 64 bytes per memory
transaction ... maybe AMD processors are different?


Dec 21, 2023, 1:32:03 PM12/21/23
Vir Campestris wrote:

> On 20/12/2023 18:58, MitchAlsup wrote:
> >
> > Can we see the code ??
> >
> > Can you present a table of the timing results ??

> I've run this with more detailed increments on the line size, but here
> are my results for powers of 2.

{ A
> Size 1 gave 3.82242e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 2 gave 3.80533e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 4 gave 2.68017e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 8 gave 2.33751e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 16 gave 2.18424e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 32 gave 2.10243e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 64 gave 1.99371e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 128 gave 1.98475e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 256 gave 2.01653e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 512 gave 2.00884e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 1024 gave 2.02713e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 2048 gave 2.01803e+09 bytes/second.
} A
{ B
> Size 4096 gave 3.26472e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 8192 gave 3.85126e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 16384 gave 3.85377e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 32768 gave 3.85293e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 65536 gave 2.06793e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 131072 gave 2.06845e+09 bytes/second.
} B

A) Here we have a classical sequence pipelines often encounter where
a simple loop starts off fast 4 bytes/cycle and progressively slows
down by a factor of 2 (2 bytes per cycle) over some interval of
complexity (size). What is important is that factor of 2 something
that took 1 cycle early starts taking 2 cycles later on.

B) here we have a second classical sequence where the performance at
some boundary (4096) reverts back to the 1 cycle pipeline of performance
only to degrade again (in basically the same sequence as A). {{Side
note: size=4096 has "flutter" in the stairstep. size={8192..32768}
has peak performance--probably something to do with sets in the cache
and 4096 is the size of a page (TLB effects)}}.
I suspect the flutter has something to do with your buffer crossing
a page boundary.


Dec 21, 2023, 1:40:27 PM12/21/23
Michael S wrote:

> On Thu, 21 Dec 2023 15:32:10 +0000
> Vir Campestris <> wrote:

>> On 21/12/2023 14:56, Scott Lurndal wrote:
>> > Vir Campestris <> writes:
>> >> On 20/12/2023 18:08, Theo wrote:
>> >>> Vir Campestris <> wrote:
>> >>>> This is not the right group for this - but I don't know where is.
>> >>>> Suggestions on a postcard please...
>> >>>
>> >>> I'm crossposting this to comp.arch, where they may have some
>> >>> ideas.
>> >> <snip>
>> >>>
>> >>> For 'series length 8B/16B/32B' do you mean 8 bytes? ie 8B is a
>> >>> single 64 bit word transferred?
>> >>>
>> >> Yes. My system has a 64 bit CPU and 64 bit main memory.
>> >
>> > Surely your main memory is just a sequence of 8-bit bytes (+ECC).
>> >
>> AIUI I have two DIMMs, each of which has a 32-bit bus. I'm not up on
>> hardware these days, but it used to be if you wanted to write a byte
>> into your 16-bit memory you had to read both bytes, then write one
>> back.
>> And

> DIMMs have 64-bit data buses. Both these days and previous millennium.
> Now, these days DDR5 DIMM splits 64-bit data bus into pair of
> independent 32-bit channels, but the total is still 64 bits.

All DDR DIMMs have 64-bit busses (200 pins on the DIMM).
Some SDR (pre 2000) DIMMs had 32-bit busses, some ancient laptop memory
carriers had 32-bit busses.

> That's a physical perspective. From logical perspective, DDR3 and DDR4
> bits exchange data with controller in 512-bit chunks. On DDR5 DIMM each
> channel exchanges data with controller in 512-bit chunks.

Note:: 512-bis is 64-bytes.

> From signaling perspective, it is still possible (at least on non-ECC
> gear) to tell to memory to write just 8 bits out of 512 and to ignore
> the rest. In PC-class hardware this ability is used very rarely if used
> at all.

Never justified when CPU uses a cache. So, only unCacheable (sized)
requests can use this. AMD memory controllers hid this from the DRAMs
so we at least had the opportunity to recompute ECC on ECC carrying
DIMMs. MC would ask DRC for the line of data, check (and repair) ECC
then write the unCacheable data, and place the written data in the
outbound memory queue with its new ECC.

Chris M. Thomasson

Dec 21, 2023, 4:21:05 PM12/21/23
Remember when Intel had a false sharing problem when they had 128 cache
lines split into two 64 regions? Iirc, it was on some of their first
hyperthreaded processors. A work around from intel was to offset threads
using alloca... I remember it.

Michael S

Dec 21, 2023, 5:55:17 PM12/21/23
Are you sure? My impression always was that the word DIMM was invented
to clearly separate 64-bit DIMMs from 32-bit SIMMs.

> some ancient laptop
> memory carriers had 32-bit busses.

But were they called just DIMM or SO-DIMM?
The later indeed had 72-pin variant with 32-bit bus.

> > That's a physical perspective. From logical perspective, DDR3 and
> > DDR4 bits exchange data with controller in 512-bit chunks. On DDR5
> > DIMM each channel exchanges data with controller in 512-bit chunks.
> >
> Note:: 512-bis is 64-bytes.

Which *not* co-incidentally matches cache line size of majority of x86


Dec 21, 2023, 6:50:28 PM12/21/23
Dual In-Line Memory Module means they have pins on both sides of the
board where pins make contact with the plug. They put pins on both
sides so they could get ~200 pins {Vdd, Gnd, lock, reset, control,
and data} this was in the early 1990s.

>> some ancient laptop
>> memory carriers had 32-bit busses.

> But were they called just DIMM or SO-DIMM?
> The later indeed had 72-pin variant with 32-bit bus.

That sounds right.

>> > That's a physical perspective. From logical perspective, DDR3 and
>> > DDR4 bits exchange data with controller in 512-bit chunks. On DDR5
>> > DIMM each channel exchanges data with controller in 512-bit chunks.
>> >
>> Note:: 512-bis is 64-bytes.

> Which *not* co-incidentally matches cache line size of majority of x86
> CPUs.

Given that x86 at the time the Std committee was doing the first one
represented 90% of all computers being sold, and the people on the
committee wanting to keep it that way, is unsurprising.

Chris M. Thomasson

Dec 21, 2023, 9:28:50 PM12/21/23
It was a nightmare, however, at least the workaround did help a bit wrt

Vir Campestris

Dec 22, 2023, 8:42:44 AM12/22/23
I ran it with the memory access commented out. When I do that the
overall time is consistent regardless of how many times it goes around
the inner loop, and how many times the outer one.

But pipelines are funny things.

64k x 64 bit words is I think my L3 cache size. It's not very big on my
CPU, they had to fit a GPU on the die.

I'd be interested to see the results from anyone else's computer.



Dec 22, 2023, 1:12:42 PM12/22/23
In comp.arch Vir Campestris <> wrote:
> I'd be interested to see the results from anyone else's computer.

$ neofetch --off
OS: Kubuntu 23.10 x86_64
Host: 20QBS03N00 ThinkPad X1 Titanium Gen 1
Kernel: 6.5.0-14-generic
CPU: 11th Gen Intel i5-1130G7 (8) @ 4.000GHz
GPU: Intel Tiger Lake-UP4 GT2 [Iris Xe Graphics]
Memory: 4436MiB / 15704MiB
$ gcc --version
gcc version 13.2.0 (Ubuntu 13.2.0-4ubuntu3)

$ g++ -o cache cache.c
$ ./cache
Size 1 gave 4.13643e+09 bytes/second.
Size 2 gave 4.79971e+09 bytes/second.
Size 4 gave 4.87535e+09 bytes/second.
Size 8 gave 4.8321e+09 bytes/second.
Size 16 gave 4.71703e+09 bytes/second.
Size 32 gave 3.89488e+09 bytes/second.
Size 64 gave 4.02976e+09 bytes/second.
Size 128 gave 4.15832e+09 bytes/second.
Size 256 gave 4.19562e+09 bytes/second.
Size 512 gave 4.08511e+09 bytes/second.
Size 1024 gave 4.0796e+09 bytes/second.
Size 2048 gave 4.11983e+09 bytes/second.
Size 4096 gave 4.06869e+09 bytes/second.
Size 8192 gave 4.06807e+09 bytes/second.
Size 16384 gave 4.06217e+09 bytes/second.
Size 32768 gave 4.06067e+09 bytes/second.
Size 65536 gave 4.04791e+09 bytes/second.
Size 131072 gave 4.06143e+09 bytes/second.
Size 262144 gave 4.04301e+09 bytes/second.
Size 524288 gave 4.03872e+09 bytes/second.
Size 1048576 gave 3.97715e+09 bytes/second.
Size 2097152 gave 3.97609e+09 bytes/second.
Size 4194304 gave 3.98361e+09 bytes/second.
Size 8388608 gave 3.98617e+09 bytes/second.
Size 16777216 gave 3.98376e+09 bytes/second.
Size 33554432 gave 3.98504e+09 bytes/second.
Size 67108864 gave 3.98726e+09 bytes/second.
Size 134217728 gave 3.99495e+09 bytes/second.


Dec 22, 2023, 2:36:18 PM12/22/23
Theo wrote:
> $ g++ -o cache cache.c
> $ ./cache
{ A
> Size 1 gave 4.13643e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 2 gave 4.79971e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 4 gave 4.87535e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 8 gave 4.8321e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 16 gave 4.71703e+09 bytes/second.
} A
{ B
> Size 32 gave 3.89488e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 64 gave 4.02976e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 128 gave 4.15832e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 256 gave 4.19562e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 512 gave 4.08511e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 1024 gave 4.0796e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 2048 gave 4.11983e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 4096 gave 4.06869e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 8192 gave 4.06807e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 16384 gave 4.06217e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 32768 gave 4.06067e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 65536 gave 4.04791e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 131072 gave 4.06143e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 262144 gave 4.04301e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 524288 gave 4.03872e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 1048576 gave 3.97715e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 2097152 gave 3.97609e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 4194304 gave 3.98361e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 8388608 gave 3.98617e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 16777216 gave 3.98376e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 33554432 gave 3.98504e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 67108864 gave 3.98726e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 134217728 gave 3.99495e+09 bytes/second.
} B

The B group are essentially 4.0 with noise.
The A group are essentially 4.8 with a startup flutter.
A 20% down or 25% up change at 32::64.


Dec 22, 2023, 4:58:20 PM12/22/23
In comp.arch MitchAlsup <> wrote:
> Theo wrote:
> > $ g++ -o cache cache.c
> > $ ./cache
> { A
> > Size 1 gave 4.13643e+09 bytes/second.
> > Size 2 gave 4.79971e+09 bytes/second.
> > Size 4 gave 4.87535e+09 bytes/second.
> > Size 8 gave 4.8321e+09 bytes/second.
> > Size 16 gave 4.71703e+09 bytes/second.
> } A
> { B
> > Size 32 gave 3.89488e+09 bytes/second.
> > Size 134217728 gave 3.99495e+09 bytes/second.
> } B
> The B group are essentially 4.0 with noise.
> The A group are essentially 4.8 with a startup flutter.
> A 20% down or 25% up change at 32::64.

The nearest machine I have to the OP is this:

OS: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS x86_64
Host: 1U4LW-X570/2L2T
Kernel: 5.4.0-167-generic
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X (16) @ 3.800GHz
GPU: 29:00.0 ASPEED Technology, Inc. ASPEED Graphics Family
Memory: 3332MiB / 128805MiB

gcc (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0

Size 1 gave 6.22043e+09 bytes/second.
Size 2 gave 6.35674e+09 bytes/second.
Size 4 gave 4.14766e+09 bytes/second.
Size 8 gave 5.4239e+09 bytes/second.
Size 16 gave 6.01113e+09 bytes/second.
Size 32 gave 7.75976e+09 bytes/second.
Size 64 gave 8.7972e+09 bytes/second.
Size 128 gave 9.71523e+09 bytes/second.
Size 256 gave 9.91644e+09 bytes/second.
Size 512 gave 1.00179e+10 bytes/second.
Size 1024 gave 1.0065e+10 bytes/second.
Size 2048 gave 9.78508e+09 bytes/second.
Size 4096 gave 9.76764e+09 bytes/second.
Size 8192 gave 9.86537e+09 bytes/second.
Size 16384 gave 9.90053e+09 bytes/second.
Size 32768 gave 9.91552e+09 bytes/second.
Size 65536 gave 9.84556e+09 bytes/second.
Size 131072 gave 9.78442e+09 bytes/second.
Size 262144 gave 9.80282e+09 bytes/second.
Size 524288 gave 9.81447e+09 bytes/second.
Size 1048576 gave 9.81981e+09 bytes/second.
Size 2097152 gave 9.81456e+09 bytes/second.
Size 4194304 gave 9.70057e+09 bytes/second.
Size 8388608 gave 9.55507e+09 bytes/second.
Size 16777216 gave 9.44032e+09 bytes/second.
Size 33554432 gave 9.33896e+09 bytes/second.
Size 67108864 gave 9.28529e+09 bytes/second.
Size 134217728 gave 9.25213e+09 bytes/second.

which seems to have more flutter in group A. I get similar results in a VM
running on a AMD Ryzen 9 5950X (32) @ 3.393GHz.



Dec 22, 2023, 6:25:25 PM12/22/23
Theo wrote:

> In comp.arch MitchAlsup <> wrote:

> gcc (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0

{ A
> Size 1 gave 6.22043e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 2 gave 6.35674e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 4 gave 4.14766e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 8 gave 5.4239e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 16 gave 6.01113e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 32 gave 7.75976e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 64 gave 8.7972e+09 bytes/second.
} A
{ B
> Size 128 gave 9.71523e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 256 gave 9.91644e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 512 gave 1.00179e+10 bytes/second.
> Size 1024 gave 1.0065e+10 bytes/second.
> Size 2048 gave 9.78508e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 4096 gave 9.76764e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 8192 gave 9.86537e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 16384 gave 9.90053e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 32768 gave 9.91552e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 65536 gave 9.84556e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 131072 gave 9.78442e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 262144 gave 9.80282e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 524288 gave 9.81447e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 1048576 gave 9.81981e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 2097152 gave 9.81456e+09 bytes/second.
} B
{ C
> Size 4194304 gave 9.70057e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 8388608 gave 9.55507e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 16777216 gave 9.44032e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 33554432 gave 9.33896e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 67108864 gave 9.28529e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 134217728 gave 9.25213e+09 bytes/second.
} C

> which seems to have more flutter in group A. I get similar results in a VM
> running on a AMD Ryzen 9 5950X (32) @ 3.393GHz.

A has some kind of startup irregularity: down then up.
B is essentially constant
C is slowly degrading (maybe from TLB effects}

> Theo

Vir Campestris

Dec 23, 2023, 4:34:19 PM12/23/23
On 22/12/2023 21:58, Theo wrote:
> which seems to have more flutter in group A. I get similar results
in a VM
> running on a AMD Ryzen 9 5950X (32) @ 3.393GHz.
> Theo
Thank you for those. Neither of them show the odd thing I was seeing -
but I compiled with -ofast. Does that make a difference?


Thomas Koenig

Dec 23, 2023, 5:50:15 PM12/23/23
Vir Campestris <> schrieb:
That would put it in an executable named "fast" :-)

-march=native -mtune=native might make more of a difference, depending
on how good the compiler's model of your hardware is.

David Brown

Dec 25, 2023, 9:56:25 AM12/25/23
On 23/12/2023 23:50, Thomas Koenig wrote:
> Vir Campestris <> schrieb:
>> On 22/12/2023 21:58, Theo wrote:
>> <snip>
>>> which seems to have more flutter in group A. I get similar results
>> in a VM
>>> running on a AMD Ryzen 9 5950X (32) @ 3.393GHz.
>>> Theo
>> Thank you for those. Neither of them show the odd thing I was seeing -
>> but I compiled with -ofast. Does that make a difference?
> That would put it in an executable named "fast" :-)

Some programs are really fussy about capitalisation!

> -march=native -mtune=native might make more of a difference, depending
> on how good the compiler's model of your hardware is.

For gcc on modern x86-64 processors (IME at least), the difference
between -O0 and -O1 is often large, but the difference between -O1 and
higher levels usually makes far less difference. The processors
themselves do a good job of things like instruction scheduling and
register renaming at runtime, and are designed to be good for running
weakly optimised code. I find it makes a bigger difference on
processors that don't do as much at run-time, such as microcontroller cores.

But the "-march=native" can make a very big difference, especially if it
means the compiler can use SIMD or other advanced instructions. (You
don't need "-mtune" if you have "march", as it is implied by "-march" -
you only need both if you want to make a build that will run on many
x86-64 variants but is optimised for one particular one.) And the
"-march=native" benefits go well with some of the higher optimisations -
thus it is good to combine "-march=native" with "-Ofast" or "-O2".

In practice, things also vary dramatically according to the type of program.

Vir Campestris

Dec 27, 2023, 9:20:14 AM12/27/23
On 25/12/2023 14:56, David Brown wrote:
> On 23/12/2023 23:50, Thomas Koenig wrote:
>> Vir Campestris <> schrieb:
>>> On 22/12/2023 21:58, Theo wrote:
>>> <snip>
>>>> which seems to have more flutter in group A.  I get similar results
>>> in a VM
>>>> running on a AMD Ryzen 9 5950X (32) @ 3.393GHz.
>>>> Theo
>>> Thank you for those. Neither of them show the odd thing I was seeing -
>>> but I compiled with -ofast. Does that make a difference?
>> That would put it in an executable named "fast" :-)

> Some programs are really fussy about capitalisation!
>> -march=native -mtune=native might make more of a difference, depending
>> on how good the compiler's model of your hardware is.
> For gcc on modern x86-64 processors (IME at least), the difference
> between -O0 and -O1 is often large, but the difference between -O1 and
> higher levels usually makes far less difference.  The processors
> themselves do a good job of things like instruction scheduling and
> register renaming at runtime, and are designed to be good for running
> weakly optimised code.  I find it makes a bigger difference on
> processors that don't do as much at run-time, such as microcontroller
> cores.
> But the "-march=native" can make a very big difference, especially if it
> means the compiler can use SIMD or other advanced instructions.  (You
> don't need "-mtune" if you have "march", as it is implied by "-march" -
> you only need both if you want to make a build that will run on many
> x86-64 variants but is optimised for one particular one.)  And the
> "-march=native" benefits go well with some of the higher optimisations -
> thus it is good to combine "-march=native" with "-Ofast" or "-O2".
> In practice, things also vary dramatically according to the type of
> program.

mtune=native _does_ make a difference. Somewhat to my surprise it makes
it _slower_ - the biggest difference being about 5% with a size of 128k

I checked O0 (really slow) O1 (a lot faster) O3 (quite a bit faster too)
Ofast (mostly slightly faster than O3 when I use a capital O) and O3

The pipeline thing made me try something different - instead of
incrementing a value I used std::copy to copy each word to the next one.

That rose to a peak rate of about 64MB/S with a size of 32k, dropped
sharply to 45MB/s and then showed a steady decline to 40MB/s at 256k. It
then dropped sharply to 10MB/S for all larger sizes.

A much more sensible result!


David Brown

Dec 27, 2023, 10:02:16 AM12/27/23
"-Ofast" is like -O3, but additionally allows the compiler to "bend" the
rules somewhat. For example, it allows optimisations of stores that
might cause data races if another thread can see the same data, and it
enables "-ffast-math" which treats floating point as somewhat
approximate and always finite, rather than following IEEE rules
strictly. If you are okay with this, then "-Ofast" is fine, but you
should read the documentation to check that you are happy with it.

While you are there, you can see a number of other optimisation flags
that are not enabled by any -O sets. These may or may not help,
depending on your source code.

Michael S

Dec 27, 2023, 11:38:50 AM12/27/23
GB rather than MB, hopefully

> Andy

Can you tell us what are you trying to achieve?
Is it a microbenchmark intended to improve your understanding of Zen1
Or part of the code that you want to run as fast as possible?
If the later, what exactly do you want to be done by the code?

Vir Campestris

Dec 29, 2023, 12:54:57 PM12/29/23
It is a microbenchmark.

I was trying to understand cache performance on my system.

Over in comp.lang.c++ you'll find a thread about Sieve or Eratosthenes.

I and another poster are trying to optimise it. Not for any good reason
of course... but I was just curious about some of the results I was getting.


Andy Burns

Dec 29, 2023, 1:19:18 PM12/29/23
Vir Campestris wrote:

> It is a microbenchmark.
> I was trying to understand cache performance on my system.
> Over in comp.lang.c++ you'll find a thread about Sieve or Eratosthenes.
> I and another poster are trying to optimise it. Not for any good reason
> of course... but I was just curious about some of the results I was
> getting.

A few years ago this guy popped-up on youtube, saying "I was the author
of Task Manager on Windows NT", I ignored the recommendation for quite a
while thinking he just wanted people to blow smoke up his arse,
eventually I watched and he seems a decent guy ... anyway he did a drag
racing series using sieve prime algorithm


Others have contributed in all manner of languages


Andy Burns

Dec 29, 2023, 4:30:54 PM12/29/23
Vir Campestris wrote:

> The code I have put in a signature block; there's no point in risking
> someone posting it again. I've commented it, but no doubt not in all the
> right places! I'd be interested to know what results other people get.

Built and run under Win11 with g++ 13.2.0
on a laptop with
i7-11370H CPU (3.3GHz base, 4.28GHz turbo)
L1 d-cache 48kB per core
L2 cache 1.2MB
L3 cache 12MB
16GB memory

Size 1 gave 5.12047e+09 bytes/second.
Size 2 gave 5.76467e+09 bytes/second.
Size 4 gave 5.78979e+09 bytes/second.
Size 8 gave 5.6642e+09 bytes/second.
Size 16 gave 5.55303e+09 bytes/second.
Size 32 gave 4.4151e+09 bytes/second.
Size 64 gave 4.67783e+09 bytes/second.
Size 128 gave 4.85115e+09 bytes/second.
Size 256 gave 4.88147e+09 bytes/second.
Size 512 gave 4.5214e+09 bytes/second.
Size 1024 gave 4.64794e+09 bytes/second.
Size 2048 gave 4.69149e+09 bytes/second.
Size 4096 gave 4.69416e+09 bytes/second.
Size 8192 gave 4.73425e+09 bytes/second.
Size 16384 gave 4.76353e+09 bytes/second.
Size 32768 gave 4.70864e+09 bytes/second.
Size 65536 gave 4.75244e+09 bytes/second.
Size 131072 gave 4.76452e+09 bytes/second.
Size 262144 gave 4.69839e+09 bytes/second.
Size 524288 gave 4.71094e+09 bytes/second.
Size 1048576 gave 4.62922e+09 bytes/second.
Size 2097152 gave 4.55435e+09 bytes/second.
Size 4194304 gave 4.58315e+09 bytes/second.
Size 8388608 gave 4.55917e+09 bytes/second.
Size 16777216 gave 4.60661e+09 bytes/second.
Size 33554432 gave 4.63509e+09 bytes/second.
Size 67108864 gave 4.62349e+09 bytes/second.
Size 134217728 gave 4.62406e+09 bytes/second.

Andy Burns

Dec 29, 2023, 5:04:19 PM12/29/23
and (perversely?) with -Ofast

Size 1 gave 4.64966e+09 bytes/second.
Size 2 gave 9.39481e+09 bytes/second.
Size 4 gave 1.59656e+10 bytes/second.
Size 8 gave 2.6789e+10 bytes/second.
Size 16 gave 4.42999e+10 bytes/second.
Size 32 gave 4.51076e+10 bytes/second.
Size 64 gave 4.90103e+10 bytes/second.
Size 128 gave 4.08414e+10 bytes/second.
Size 256 gave 4.36978e+10 bytes/second.
Size 512 gave 4.54119e+10 bytes/second.
Size 1024 gave 4.50594e+10 bytes/second.
Size 2048 gave 4.71622e+10 bytes/second.
Size 4096 gave 4.60261e+10 bytes/second.
Size 8192 gave 3.84764e+10 bytes/second.
Size 16384 gave 3.90878e+10 bytes/second.
Size 32768 gave 3.76718e+10 bytes/second.
Size 65536 gave 3.87339e+10 bytes/second.
Size 131072 gave 3.89058e+10 bytes/second.
Size 262144 gave 3.85662e+10 bytes/second.
Size 524288 gave 4.19209e+10 bytes/second.
Size 1048576 gave 3.00962e+10 bytes/second.
Size 2097152 gave 1.37616e+10 bytes/second.
Size 4194304 gave 1.4136e+10 bytes/second.
Size 8388608 gave 1.39413e+10 bytes/second.
Size 16777216 gave 1.35747e+10 bytes/second.
Size 33554432 gave 1.37286e+10 bytes/second.
Size 67108864 gave 1.38163e+10 bytes/second.
Size 134217728 gave 1.29987e+10 bytes/second.


Dec 29, 2023, 5:05:23 PM12/29/23
This data set has a 5/4 ratio best to worst with noise.

Andy Burns

Dec 29, 2023, 5:07:34 PM12/29/23
Andy Burns wrote:

> and (perversely?) with -Ofast

I must look at the exponent, not just the mantissa
I must look at the exponent, not just the mantissa
I must look at the exponent, not just the mantissa


Dec 29, 2023, 7:00:34 PM12/29/23
{ A
> Size 1 gave 4.64966e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 2 gave 9.39481e+09 bytes/second.
> Size 4 gave 1.59656e+10 bytes/second.
> Size 8 gave 2.6789e+10 bytes/second.
> Size 16 gave 4.42999e+10 bytes/second.
} A
{ B
> Size 32 gave 4.51076e+10 bytes/second.
> Size 64 gave 4.90103e+10 bytes/second.
> Size 128 gave 4.08414e+10 bytes/second.
> Size 256 gave 4.36978e+10 bytes/second.
> Size 512 gave 4.54119e+10 bytes/second.
> Size 1024 gave 4.50594e+10 bytes/second.
> Size 2048 gave 4.71622e+10 bytes/second.
> Size 4096 gave 4.60261e+10 bytes/second.
} B
{ C
> Size 8192 gave 3.84764e+10 bytes/second.
> Size 16384 gave 3.90878e+10 bytes/second.
> Size 32768 gave 3.76718e+10 bytes/second.
> Size 65536 gave 3.87339e+10 bytes/second.
> Size 131072 gave 3.89058e+10 bytes/second.
> Size 262144 gave 3.85662e+10 bytes/second.
> Size 524288 gave 4.19209e+10 bytes/second.
} C
{ D
> Size 1048576 gave 3.00962e+10 bytes/second.
> Size 2097152 gave 1.37616e+10 bytes/second.
> Size 4194304 gave 1.4136e+10 bytes/second.
> Size 8388608 gave 1.39413e+10 bytes/second.
> Size 16777216 gave 1.35747e+10 bytes/second.
> Size 33554432 gave 1.37286e+10 bytes/second.
> Size 67108864 gave 1.38163e+10 bytes/second.
> Size 134217728 gave 1.29987e+10 bytes/second.
} D

A displays BW follows access size

B displays essentially the same performance throughout

C displays a minor step down in performance due to L2 or TLB effects 5 to 4 ratio

D displays a major stepdown in performance at DIV 3 compared to C 3 to 1 ratio

Terje Mathisen

Dec 30, 2023, 8:58:00 AM12/30/23
Andy Burns wrote:
> Vir Campestris wrote:
>> It is a microbenchmark.
>> I was trying to understand cache performance on my system.
>> Over in comp.lang.c++ you'll find a thread about Sieve or Eratosthenes.
>> I and another poster are trying to optimise it. Not for any good
>> reason of course... but I was just curious about some of the results I
>> was getting.
> A few years ago this guy popped-up on youtube, saying "I was the author
> of Task Manager on Windows NT", I ignored the recommendation for quite a
> while thinking he just wanted people to blow smoke up his arse,
> eventually I watched and he seems a decent guy ... anyway he did a drag
> racing series using sieve prime algorithm
> <>

Dave is a Good Guy!

I have contributed to his "smallest windows program ever" with a small
tweak that saved 4 (or 6?) bytes.

The sieve algorithm used above is more advanced than the fixed modulo 30
program I wrote a ffew decades ago, but similar in approach.

I decided to use mod 30 because as soon as you get to 30+, there are
exactly 8 possible prime locations in each block, so it fits perfectly
in a byte map. :-)

> Others have contributed in all manner of languages
> <>


- <Terje.Mathisen at>
"almost all programming can be viewed as an exercise in caching"


Dec 30, 2023, 1:24:50 PM12/30/23
On 12/30/2023 7:57 AM, Terje Mathisen wrote:
> Andy Burns wrote:
>> Vir Campestris wrote:
>>> It is a microbenchmark.
>>> I was trying to understand cache performance on my system.
>>> Over in comp.lang.c++ you'll find a thread about Sieve or Eratosthenes.
>>> I and another poster are trying to optimise it. Not for any good
>>> reason of course... but I was just curious about some of the results
>>> I was getting.
>> A few years ago this guy popped-up on youtube, saying "I was the
>> author of Task Manager on Windows NT", I ignored the recommendation
>> for quite a while thinking he just wanted people to blow smoke up his
>> arse, eventually I watched and he seems a decent guy ... anyway he did
>> a drag racing series using sieve prime algorithm
>> <>
> Dave is a Good Guy!

Yes, and generally interesting videos on YouTube.

He did interviews with David Cutler and Raymond Chen as well, both
fairly big names at Microsoft, which were also kinda interesting.

> I have contributed to his "smallest windows program ever" with a small
> tweak that saved 4 (or 6?) bytes.
> The sieve algorithm used above is more advanced than the fixed modulo 30
> program I wrote a ffew decades ago, but similar in approach.
> I decided to use mod 30 because as soon as you get to 30+, there are
> exactly 8 possible prime locations in each block, so it fits perfectly
> in a byte map. :-)
> 1,7,11,13,17,19,23,29

I before used a prime sieve to test static vs dynamic types performance
in my compiler, and noted that the relative performance difference was
smaller than might otherwise be expected (intuitively, one would expect
dynamic types to be horridly slow, since nearly every operation is
effectively a runtime call).

Namely, I only saw around a 3x difference at the time, rather than
around a 10x+ difference, which is more what I would expect.

Granted, a prime sieve is also not exactly something that performs well
on my ISA design (but, slightly less "aggressively badly" than a the
"recursive Fibonacci number" algorithm, *).

*, IIRC:
long rfib(long x)
{ return((x<2)?1:(rfib(x-1)+rfib(x-2))); }
Which is basically a stress test of function call and return performance...


Dec 30, 2023, 5:05:55 PM12/30/23
BGB wrote:

> long rfib(long x)
> { return((x<2)?1:(rfib(x-1)+rfib(x-2))); }

At first I thought the following looked pretty good:

ENTER R29,R0,#0 // just 3 preserved registers.

CMP R2,R1,#2
MOV R1,#1 // return 1
EXIT R29,R0,#0

SUB R30,R1,#2
SUB R1,R1,#1
CALL rfib // rfib(n-1)
MOV R29,R1
MOV R1,R30
CALL rfib // rfib(n-2)

ADD R1,R1,R29
EXIT R29,R0,#0 // return rfib(n-1)+rfib(n-2)

But then I moved save and restore to the rfib() calls making the last rung
on the call tree less expensive by 6 memory references each, and by saving
restoring only 2 registers rather than 3 at the cost of a MOV, so each non-
leaf level in the call tree saves/restores only 4 registers instead of 6::

SUB R2,R1,#2
PNLT R2,TT // (n-2) < 0
MOV R1,#1 // return 1

ENTER R30,R0,#0 // just 2 preserved registers.
MOV R30,R2
SUB R1,R1,#1
CALL rfib // rfib(n-1)
MOV R1,R30
MOV R30,R2
CALL rfib // rfib(n-2)

ADD R1,R1,R30
EXIT R30,R0,#0 // return rfib(n-1)+rfib(n-2)

But then I realized that rfib(n-2) has already been computed by rfib(n-1).
Since the size of the redundant element on the stack is constant, rfib(n-1)
makes a location available to rfib(n-2) so only 1 call is required instead
of 2::

ENTER R0,R0,#8
STD #0,[SP+8] // setup rfib[n-2]
CALL rfib1 // recurse through rfib1
EXIT R0,R0,#8

SUB R2,R1,#2
PNLT R2,TT // (n-2) < 0
MOV R1,#1 // return 1

ENTER R0,R0,#8 // no preserved registers just return address

SUB R1,R1,#1
CALL rfib1 // rfib(n-1)
LDD R2,[SP] // save rfib(n-2)

ADD R1,R1,R30
STD R1,[SP+16] // restore rfib(n-2)
EXIT R0,R0,#8 // return rfib(n-1)+rfib(n-2)



Dec 30, 2023, 6:19:19 PM12/30/23
On 12/30/2023 4:05 PM, MitchAlsup wrote:
> BGB wrote:
>>    long rfib(long x)
>>      { return((x<2)?1:(rfib(x-1)+rfib(x-2))); }
> At first I thought the following looked pretty good:
> rfib:
>      ENTER   R29,R0,#0          // just 3 preserved registers.
>      CMP     R2,R1,#2
>      PGE     R2,TT
>      MOV     R1,#1              // return 1
>      EXIT    R29,R0,#0
>      SUB     R30,R1,#2
>      SUB     R1,R1,#1
>      CALL    rfib               // rfib(n-1)
>      MOV     R29,R1
>      MOV     R1,R30
>      CALL    rfib               // rfib(n-2)
>      ADD     R1,R1,R29
>      EXIT    R29,R0,#0          // return rfib(n-1)+rfib(n-2)

Theoretically, could be done in my ISA something like:
ADD -24, SP | MOV LR, R1
MOV 1, R2 | CMPGE 2, R4
BF .L0
MOV.X R12, (SP, 0)
MOV R4, R12 | MOV.Q R1, (SP, 16)
ADD R12, -1, R4
BSR rfib
MOV R2, R13 | ADD R12, -2, R4
BSR rfib
ADD R2, R13, R2
MOV.Q (SP, 16), R1
MOV.X (SP, 0), R12
ADD 24, SP

But, my compiler isn't going to pull off anything like this.

Checking, actual BGBCC output:
BSR __prolog_0000_0000020000FC
ADD -208, SP
// tk_shell_chksvar.c:234 { return((x<2)?1:(rfib(x-1)+rfib(x-2))); }
BT .L00802A62
MOV 1, RQ10
BRA .L00802A63

SUB RQ13, 1, RQ14
BSR rfib
SUB RQ13, 2, RQ14
BSR rfib
ADD RQ12, RQ11, RQ14
MOV RQ14, RQ10


ADD 208, SP
BRA __epilog_0000_0000020000FC
.balign 4

( Yes, this is more MOV's than "technically necessary", but eliminating
them from the compiler output is "easier said than done" given how some
parts of the compiler work. RQn/RDn are technically equivalent to Rn,
but the compiler distinguishes them as early on the idea was that the
assembler might distinguish instructions based on type, like
EAX/RAX/AX/... on x86-64, but it didn't quite happen this way. )

And, fetching the prolog and epilog:
ADD -48, SP
MOV.Q R1, (SP, 40)
MOV.X R12, (SP, 16)
MOV.Q R14, (SP, 32)
MOV.X R10, (SP, 0)

MOV.Q (SP, 40), R1
MOV.X (SP, 0), R10
MOV.X (SP, 16), R12
MOV.Q (SP, 32), R14
ADD 48, SP

Or, a little closer to the final machine-code (BJX2 Baseline):

rfib: //@03E27C
4911 STC R1, R1
.reloc __prolog_0000_0000020000FC 0F/RELW20_BJX
F000_D000 BSR (PC, 0)
F2F1_D330 ADD -208, SP
18D4 MOV R4, R13
F2DA_C802 CMPQGE 2, R13
.reloc .L00802A62 0F/RELW20_BJX
E000_C000 BT (PC, 0)
DA01 MOV 1, R10
.reloc .L00802A63 0F/RELW20_BJX
F000_C000 BRA (PC, 0)
3000 NOP

.L00802A62: //@03E298
F2ED_11FF ADD R13, -1, R14
F04E_1089 MOV R14, R4
.reloc rfib 0F/RELW20_BJX
F000_D000 BSR (PC, 0)
F4C2_1089 MOV R2, R12 |
F2ED_11FE ADD R13, -2, R14
F04E_1089 MOV R14, R4
.reloc rfib 0F/RELW20_BJX
F000_D000 BSR (PC, 0)
F0B2_1089 MOV R2, R11
F0EC_10B0 ADD R12, R11, R14
F0AE_1089 MOV R14, R10

.L00802A63: //@03E2C0
182A MOV R10, R2

.L00C108CE: //@03E2C2
F2F0_D0D0 ADD 208, SP
.reloc __epilog_0000_0000020000FC 0F/RELW20_BJX
F000_C000 BRA (PC, 0)
3030 BRK
If you cache the intermediate results of the calculations, this entirely
defeats its use as a benchmark...

Say, because it drops from ~ O(2^n) to ~ O(n)...

Granted, There are plenty of other much more efficient ways of
calculating Fibonacci numbers...


Dec 30, 2023, 7:00:39 PM12/30/23
> ..L00802A62:
> SUB RQ13, 1, RQ14
> MOV RQ14, RQ4
> BSR rfib
> MOV RQ2, RQ12
> SUB RQ13, 2, RQ14
> MOV RQ14, RQ4
> BSR rfib
> MOV RQ2, RQ11
> ADD RQ12, RQ11, RQ14
> MOV RQ14, RQ10

> ..L00802A63:
> MOV RQ10, RQ2

> ..L00C108CE:
> ..reloc __prolog_0000_0000020000FC 0F/RELW20_BJX
> F000_D000 BSR (PC, 0)
> F2F1_D330 ADD -208, SP
> 18D4 MOV R4, R13
> F2DA_C802 CMPQGE 2, R13
> ..reloc .L00802A62 0F/RELW20_BJX
> E000_C000 BT (PC, 0)
> DA01 MOV 1, R10
> ..reloc .L00802A63 0F/RELW20_BJX
> F000_C000 BRA (PC, 0)
> 3000 NOP

> ..L00802A62: //@03E298
> F2ED_11FF ADD R13, -1, R14
> F04E_1089 MOV R14, R4
> ..reloc rfib 0F/RELW20_BJX
> F000_D000 BSR (PC, 0)
> F4C2_1089 MOV R2, R12 |
> F2ED_11FE ADD R13, -2, R14
> F04E_1089 MOV R14, R4
> ..reloc rfib 0F/RELW20_BJX
> F000_D000 BSR (PC, 0)
> F0B2_1089 MOV R2, R11
> F0EC_10B0 ADD R12, R11, R14
> F0AE_1089 MOV R14, R10

> ..L00802A63: //@03E2C0
> 182A MOV R10, R2

> ..L00C108CE: //@03E2C2
> F2F0_D0D0 ADD 208, SP
> ..reloc __epilog_0000_0000020000FC 0F/RELW20_BJX
Exactly:: but there is talk of compilers figuring out that rfib() is a
pure function and then the compiler itself performs that transformation.

{{Oh and BTW: Fibonacci should have never been a benchmark (post 1985)}}

> Say, because it drops from ~ O(2^n) to ~ O(n)...

It also reduces the constant term in BigO ! since the code path is shorter.

Back in 1982±, S.E.L. got their compiler to recognize the transcendental
loop as constant, and this one transformation improved Whetstone by 3×.

> Granted, There are plenty of other much more efficient ways of
> calculating Fibonacci numbers...

Make a file as big as you like, and simply index.

BigO( const )


Dec 31, 2023, 4:12:15 AM12/31/23
On 30/12/2023 23:19, BGB wrote:

> Granted, There are plenty of other much more efficient ways of
> calculating Fibonacci numbers...

Yes. In order of effort.

1) Memoize the recursive function.
2) Return values for (n-1,n-2) as a tuple, and make it single (tail)
recursive. Which a smart compiler could theoretically convert to an
iterative loop.
3) Write an iterative loop yourself.
4) Remember college maths, and solve the recurrence relation to give a
very simple closed form solution.

In fact, given that fib grows exponentially, so we only ever need to
calculate it for small values of n, the only “bad” solution is the naive
double recursive one.

Terje Mathisen

Dec 31, 2023, 10:22:44 AM12/31/23
That is the huge/obvious/sneaky (take your pick!) Fib optimization,
since you are effectively getting rid of the O(2^n) exponential
recursion fanout, making it O(n) instead.

The step from that to tail recursion elimination is the only thing
remaining, right?

What you've done is similar to converting

f_n = fib(n)


(f_n,f_n_minus_1) = fib2(n)
if (n < 2) return (1,1);
(f2,f1) = fib2(n-1);
return (f1+f2,f1);

Daniel James

Dec 31, 2023, 10:44:51 AM12/31/23
On 31/12/2023 09:12, Pancho wrote:
> In fact, given that fib grows exponentially, so we only ever need to
> calculate it for small values of n, the only “bad” solution is the naive
> double recursive one.

Well, I might disagree.

Given that we only ever need to calculate it for small values of n (as
you say, and if that's true) its efficiency doesn't matter. If you need
to compute it often enough that efficiency might become relevant just
put the results in a table and use that. Given that fib goes over 10^12
after about 60 terms it needn't be a very big table.

The naive doubly recursive solution has the huge merit of being

Unlike, say:

double fib( int n )
return (pow( (1+sqrt(5.0))/2, n+1 )
- pow( (1-sqrt(5.0))/2, n+1 ))
/ sqrt(5.0);

... which is great for fibs of big values, but not fast for small ones.



Dec 31, 2023, 11:40:14 AM12/31/23
On 31/12/2023 15:45, Daniel James wrote:
> On 31/12/2023 09:12, Pancho wrote:
>> In fact, given that fib grows exponentially, so we only ever need to
>> calculate it for small values of n, the only “bad” solution is the
>> naive double recursive one.
> Well, I might disagree.
> Given that we only ever need to calculate it for small values of n (as
> you say, and if that's true) its efficiency doesn't matter. If you need
> to compute it often enough that efficiency might become relevant just
> put the results in a table and use that. Given that fib goes over 10^12
> after about 60 terms it needn't be a very big table.

Memoization, is effectively a lookup table, but without the thinking. In
my case, avoiding thinking massively improves code reliability.

> The naive doubly recursive solution has the huge merit of being
> human-readable.
>Yes, but you'd be surprised how quickly double recursion goes bad. I
haven't tested recently, but off the top of my head, the maximum
function call depth would be something like 300, so fib(10) would be a
stack overflow. fib(60) would need a stack function call depth ~ 1e18.

> Unlike, say:
>   double fib( int n )
>   {
>       return (pow( (1+sqrt(5.0))/2, n+1 )
>               - pow( (1-sqrt(5.0))/2, n+1 ))
>           / sqrt(5.0);
>   }
> ... which is great for fibs of big values, but not fast for small ones.

Why isn't it fast for small fibs?

I seem to recall, if statements are more costly than floating point
function calls, like exponential.

Vir Campestris

Dec 31, 2023, 11:53:03 AM12/31/23
On 29/12/2023 22:04, Andy Burns wrote:
> and (perversely?) with -Ofast

Thank you for those. It looks as though there are some other effects
going on apart from the cache size - but I can clearly see the drop when
you run out of cache. Within the caches? Too much noise for me to


Terje Mathisen

Dec 31, 2023, 12:03:47 PM12/31/23
The recursive fob() function has just a single if () statement, so worst
case you'll get one or two branch mispredicts, while the 2^n recursive
calls (for fib(10 or 11)) will probably each take about as long.

An iterative O(n) version will take 2-4 clcok cycles per iteration, so
for n less than about 40, you'd only have ~100 clock cycles to evaluate
the two pow() calls. (I'm assuming the compiler or programmer have
pre-calculated both (1+sqrt(5))*0.5 and (1-sqrt(5))*0.5 as well as
1/sqrt(5), so that only the two pow() calls remain!)

You need Mitch's ~20-cycle pow() to win this one at one or two-digit N.


Dec 31, 2023, 4:04:07 PM12/31/23
On 31/12/2023 16:40, Pancho wrote:
> I
> haven't tested recently, but off the top of my head, the maximum
> function call depth would be something like 300, so fib(10) would be a
> stack overflow. fib(60) would need a stack function call depth ~ 1e18.

Sorry this was a mistake, the function call depth is only ~n not 2^n.
For fib(n), there are ~2^n function calls, but not 2^n deep on the stack.


Dec 31, 2023, 4:19:06 PM12/31/23
On 31/12/2023 17:03, Terje Mathisen wrote:

> The recursive fob() function has just a single if () statement, so worst
> case you'll get one or two branch mispredicts, while the 2^n recursive
> calls (for fib(10 or 11)) will probably each take about as long.

How many cycles for a branch mispredict? From real life, I have seen if
statements be more expensve than pow, but it was a long time ago, and
possibly code specific. It surprised me at the time, but ever since I
tend to ignore the cost of functions like pow().

> An iterative O(n) version will take 2-4 clcok cycles per iteration, so
> for n less than about 40, you'd only have ~100 clock cycles to evaluate
> the two pow() calls. (I'm assuming the compiler or programmer have
> pre-calculated both (1+sqrt(5))*0.5 and (1-sqrt(5))*0.5 as well as
> 1/sqrt(5), so that only the two pow() calls remain!)
> You need Mitch's ~20-cycle pow() to win this one at one or two-digit N.

I generally don't worry about optimizing stuff that is very fast.
Premature optimisation is the root of all evil and what not. If you are
really calling it a huge number of times, a lookup is quickest.

Daniel James

Jan 1, 2024, 9:59:45 AMJan 1
On 31/12/2023 16:40, Pancho wrote:
>> The naive doubly recursive solution has the huge merit of being
>> human-readable.
> Yes, but you'd be surprised how quickly double recursion goes bad. I
> haven't tested recently, but off the top of my head, the maximum
> function call depth would be something like 300, so fib(10) would be
> a stack overflow. fib(60) would need a stack function call depth ~
> 1e18.

On 64-bit gcc here on Debian (so, 64-bit ints) I can call fib(50)
without blowing the stack, but it takes minutes (on a Ryzen 7).

However, the (signed) 64-bit integer result overflows for fib(n) where
n>45, which is more of a problem.

>> Unlike, say:
>> double fib( int n )
>> {
>> return (pow( (1+sqrt(5.0))/2, n+1 )
>> - pow( (1-sqrt(5.0))/2, n+1 ))
>> / sqrt(5.0);
>> }
>> ... which is great for fibs of big values, but not fast for small
>> ones.
> Why isn't it fast for small fibs?

Gut feeling. I haven't timed it, and it may be.

I mean ... obviously it will be as fast for small ones as for large, but
for small ones it won't beat an iterative calculation and for very small
ones I doubt it will beat the naive recursive method.

My point, though, was that clear code is often more important than fast
execution, and while the naive recursive method for fibs gets horribly
slow for large values even it is acceptable for small ones.

> I seem to recall, if statements are more costly than floating point
> function calls, like exponential.

if statements are costly if they invalidate instruction prefetch and/or
jump to code that isn't in the cache ... but optimizers and CPUs are
pretty good at branch prediction and cacheing.



Jan 1, 2024, 3:20:22 PMJan 1
Daniel James wrote:

> Unlike, say:

> double fib( int n )
> {
> return (pow( (1+sqrt(5.0))/2, n+1 )
> - pow( (1-sqrt(5.0))/2, n+1 ))
> / sqrt(5.0);
> }

Looks fast to me::

ADD R2,R1,#1
POWN R3,#(1+sqrt(5.0))/2,R2
POWN R4,#(1-sqrt(5.0))/2,R2
FDIV R1,R2,#sqrt(5)


Jan 1, 2024, 3:25:22 PMJan 1
Terje Mathisen wrote:

> Pancho wrote:
>>> Unlike, say:
>>>    double fib( int n )
>>>    {
>>>        return (pow( (1+sqrt(5.0))/2, n+1 )
>>>                - pow( (1-sqrt(5.0))/2, n+1 ))
>>>            / sqrt(5.0);
>>>    }
>>> ... which is great for fibs of big values, but not fast for small ones.
>> Why isn't it fast for small fibs?
>> I seem to recall, if statements are more costly than floating point
>> function calls, like exponential.

> The recursive fob() function has just a single if () statement, so worst
> case you'll get one or two branch mispredicts, while the 2^n recursive
> calls (for fib(10 or 11)) will probably each take about as long.

> An iterative O(n) version will take 2-4 clcok cycles per iteration, so
> for n less than about 40, you'd only have ~100 clock cycles to evaluate
> the two pow() calls.

POW is 39 cycles (unpipelined) in My 66000 ISA.

> (I'm assuming the compiler or programmer have
> pre-calculated both (1+sqrt(5))*0.5 and (1-sqrt(5))*0.5 as well as
> 1/sqrt(5), so that only the two pow() calls remain!)

Plus a FSUB and FDIV.

> You need Mitch's ~20-cycle pow() to win this one at one or two-digit N.

The Ln2() is 14, the exp2() is another 14, then there is the 90-bit×64-bit
multiply 5-cycles and pipeline latency of 5 cycles (and I seem to be missing
a cycle)

> Terje


Jan 1, 2024, 3:26:22 PMJan 1
Pancho wrote:

> On 31/12/2023 17:03, Terje Mathisen wrote:

>> The recursive fob() function has just a single if () statement, so worst
>> case you'll get one or two branch mispredicts, while the 2^n recursive
>> calls (for fib(10 or 11)) will probably each take about as long.

> How many cycles for a branch mispredict? From real life, I have seen if
> statements be more expensve than pow, but it was a long time ago, and
> possibly code specific. It surprised me at the time, but ever since I
> tend to ignore the cost of functions like pow().

Long latency branch mispredicts are often in the 13-cycle range. So if you
are issuing 2 instructions per cycle into the pipeline, you may be throwing
~40 instructions per mispredict. For example LD-CMP-BR where the LD misses
L1 but hits in L2.

Tim Rentsch

Jan 1, 2024, 5:04:05 PMJan 1
Pancho <> writes:

> On 30/12/2023 23:19, BGB wrote:
>> Granted, There are plenty of other much more efficient ways of
>> calculating Fibonacci numbers...
> Yes. In order of effort.
> 1) Memoize the recursive function.
> 2) Return values for (n-1,n-2) as a tuple, and make it single (tail)
> recursive. Which a smart compiler could theoretically convert to an
> iterative loop.
> 3) Write an iterative loop yourself.
> 4) Remember college maths, and solve the recurrence relation to give a
> very simple closed form solution.

All of these approaches have drawbacks of one sort or another.

For (1), we end up writing more code and using more memory.
Some problems are a good fit to memoization, but computing
Fibonacci numbers isn't one of the.

For (2), compilers are not so good at dealing with tail
recursion when the return value is a pair of results
rather than a single result.

For (3), iterative code takes more mental effort to see
that it works than does a simple recursive version.

For (4), limitations of floating point cause wrong values to
be produced, for just for 64-bit inputs.

Also, simply storing values in a table takes a fair amount
of memory: almost 3k bytes for 128-bit inputs, or about
3/4 k bytes for 64-bit inputs.

Here is a recursive formulation that is better than the
suggestion given in (2):

typedef unsigned long long NN;

static NN fib2( NN a, NN b, NN k );

fibonacci( NN n ){
return fib2( 1, 0, n );

static NN
fib2( NN a, NN b, NN k ){
return k == 0 ? b : fib2( b, a+b, k-1 );

At optimization -Os or better, the resulting code looks
very much the same as if a single iterative loop had
been written instead.

Actually we can do much better, but we should do at least
as well as the code shown above.

Tim Rentsch

Jan 1, 2024, 5:29:08 PMJan 1
Daniel James <dan...@me.invalid> writes:

> However, the (signed) 64-bit integer result overflows for fib(n) where
> n>45, which is more of a problem.

fib( 92 ) is still less than 1UL << 63 (or fib(93) for a 64-bit
unsigned type).

And fib( 186 ) still fits in a 128-bit unsigned type.

Thomas Koenig

Jan 1, 2024, 5:46:29 PMJan 1
Tim Rentsch <> schrieb:
> Pancho <> writes:
>> On 30/12/2023 23:19, BGB wrote:
>>> Granted, There are plenty of other much more efficient ways of
>>> calculating Fibonacci numbers...
>> Yes. In order of effort.
>> 1) Memoize the recursive function.
>> 2) Return values for (n-1,n-2) as a tuple, and make it single (tail)
>> recursive. Which a smart compiler could theoretically convert to an
>> iterative loop.
>> 3) Write an iterative loop yourself.
>> 4) Remember college maths, and solve the recurrence relation to give a
>> very simple closed form solution.
> All of these approaches have drawbacks of one sort or another.
> For (1), we end up writing more code and using more memory.
> Some problems are a good fit to memoization, but computing
> Fibonacci numbers isn't one of the.
> For (2), compilers are not so good at dealing with tail
> recursion when the return value is a pair of results
> rather than a single result.
> For (3), iterative code takes more mental effort to see
> that it works than does a simple recursive version.

I don't think that

#include <stdio.h>

unsigned long int fib (int n)
unsigned long f1, f2, fn;

if (n < 2)
return 1;

f1 = 1;
f2 = 1;
while (n >= 2) {
fn = f2 + f1;
f1 = f2;
f2 = fn;
return fn;

is particularly intellecually challenging.

However, my favorite method is .
Not because it is particularly effective or easy to understand,
but because the sequence is nice to listen to.


Jan 1, 2024, 6:56:09 PMJan 1
Thomas Koenig wrote:

> #include <stdio.h>

> unsigned long int fib (int n)
> {
> unsigned long f1, f2, fn;

> if (n < 2)
> return 1;

> f1 = 1;
> f2 = 1;
> do { // we know n >=2 so at least 1 path through the loop is performed.
> fn = f2 + f1;
> f1 = f2;
> f2 = fn;
> n--;
> } while( n > 2 );
> return fn;
> }

Saves 1 cycle and and at least 1 instruction of code footprint.

Terje Mathisen

Jan 2, 2024, 2:16:48 AMJan 2
The final FDIV should be a FMUL by (1.0/sqrt(5.0))

Probably followed by a round to nearest int.

Terje Mathisen

Jan 2, 2024, 2:22:23 AMJan 2
If calculating fib(n) for n in the fixed 0..186 range is actually
important to you, then you would obviously allocate 16*187 (about 3KB)
bytes of table space and do a simple lookup instead.

Terje Mathisen

Jan 2, 2024, 3:05:05 AMJan 2
I have written asm code for this, and noted that on x86 where reg MOVes
used to cost a cycle, it was better to unroll and get rid of the reg-reg

I think the following should work:

u64 fib(unsigned n)
if (n-- < 2) return 1;
a = 1; b = 1;

a += (n & 1); // Odd remaining n
n >>= 1;

while (n--) {
b += a;
a += b;
return a;

Tim Rentsch

Jan 2, 2024, 3:08:49 AMJan 2
Daniel James <dan...@me.invalid> writes:

> On 31/12/2023 09:12, Pancho wrote:
>> In fact, given that fib grows exponentially, so we only ever need to
>> calculate it for small values of n, the only ?bad? solution is the
>> naive double recursive one.
> Well, I might disagree.
> Given that we only ever need to calculate it for small values of n (as
> you say, and if that's true) its efficiency doesn't matter. If you
> need to compute it often enough that efficiency might become relevant
> just put the results in a table and use that. Given that fib goes over
> 10^12 after about 60 terms it needn't be a very big table.

When the size of the table is more than ten times the size of
the code, and the code is reasonably fast, using a table is a
poor choice. Fibonacci functions don't have to be slow.

> The naive doubly recursive solution has the huge merit of being
> human-readable.

But unacceptably slow.

> Unlike, say:
> double fib( int n )
> {
> return (pow( (1+sqrt(5.0))/2, n+1 )
> - pow( (1-sqrt(5.0))/2, n+1 ))
> / sqrt(5.0);
> }
> ... which is great for fibs of big values, but not fast for small ones.

Unacceptable for fibs of big values, because the values computed
are wrong.

Tim Rentsch

Jan 2, 2024, 3:24:28 AMJan 2
I'm sure there are other people who feel the same way.

Even so, when a short, functional, recursive version
is available, it is often easier to write, easier to
read, and simpler to show that it produces correct
results, in which case doing that is a better choice,
even if an imperative version is not particularly
intellecually challenging.

Incidentally your code produces wrong values, as
fib(0) is 0 and fib(1) is 1.

Terje Mathisen

Jan 2, 2024, 3:27:09 AMJan 2
So either you move to quad or arbitrary precision (which will of course
be somewhat slow, or you use a hybrid technique, with lookup tables for
smallish n, iterative loop for somewhat larger and your O(log(n))
approach only for very large n?

Working with 256-bit uints, each addition will take 4-8 clock cycles,
and it overflows well before n reaches 400, right? In that case a worst
case iterative solution is less than 3000 clock cycles or about a
microsecond away.

Terje Mathisen

Jan 2, 2024, 3:36:22 AMJan 2
So return n for (n<2)?

Thomas Koenig

Jan 2, 2024, 3:54:15 AMJan 2
MitchAlsup <> schrieb:
> Thomas Koenig wrote:
>> #include <stdio.h>
>> unsigned long int fib (int n)
>> {
>> unsigned long f1, f2, fn;
>> if (n < 2)
>> return 1;
>> f1 = 1;
>> f2 = 1;
>> do { // we know n >=2 so at least 1 path through the loop is performed.
>> fn = f2 + f1;
>> f1 = f2;
>> f2 = fn;
>> n--;
>> } while( n > 2 );

(This should be n >= 2)
>> return fn;
>> }
> Saves 1 cycle and and at least 1 instruction of code footprint.

Fortunately, this is one of the transformations which compilers
do automatically these days. For both versions, the code for
fib generated by a recent gcc on x86_64 with -O3 is

movl $1, %edx
cmpl $1, %edi
jle .L1
movl $1, %eax
movl $1, %ecx
jmp .L3
.p2align 4,,10
.p2align 3
movq %rdx, %rax
subl $1, %edi
leaq (%rcx,%rax), %rdx
movq %rax, %rcx
cmpl $1, %edi
jne .L5
movq %rdx, %rax

which looks pretty good.


Jan 2, 2024, 4:23:43 AMJan 2
On 01/01/2024 15:00, Daniel James wrote:
> On 31/12/2023 16:40, Pancho wrote:
>>> The naive doubly recursive solution has the huge merit of being
>>> human-readable.
>> Yes, but you'd be surprised how quickly double recursion goes bad. I
>> haven't tested recently, but off the top of my head, the maximum
>> function call depth would be something like 300, so fib(10) would be
>> a stack overflow. fib(60) would need a stack function call depth ~
>> 1e18.
> On 64-bit gcc here on Debian (so, 64-bit ints) I can call fib(50)
> without blowing the stack, but it takes minutes (on a Ryzen 7).
> However, the (signed) 64-bit integer result overflows for fib(n) where
> n>45, which is more of a problem.

Yes, I explained that was a brain fart on my part. I remembered the
recursive stack limit was low and confused the number of recursive calls
with stack depth.

The real place I've had recursive stuff break, is tree/graph handling,
where a tree may adopt linear characteristics. There are much better
algorithms than a naive recursive one.

>>> Unlike, say:
>>>    double fib( int n )
>>>    {
>>>        return (pow( (1+sqrt(5.0))/2, n+1 )
>>>                - pow( (1-sqrt(5.0))/2, n+1 ))
>>>            / sqrt(5.0);
>>>    }
>>> ... which is great for fibs of big values, but not fast for small
>>> ones.
>> Why isn't it fast for small fibs?
> Gut feeling. I haven't timed it, and it may be.

Yes, what I'm saying is it normally isn't valid. Floating point
functions are fast, and it is rarely something you need to optimise.

> I mean ... obviously it will be as fast for small ones as for large, but
> for small ones it won't beat an iterative calculation and for very small
> ones I doubt it will beat the naive recursive method.

It generally doesn't matter if something very, very fast is slightly
faster than something just very fast. Especially when you also have
very, very slow behaviour elsewhere.

> My point, though, was that clear code is often more important than fast
> execution, and while the naive recursive method for fibs gets horribly
> slow for large values even it is acceptable for small ones.

From a mathematical viewpoint, the closed form solution gives clearer
behaviour. It really depends on what you want, giving it a standard name
is probably the most important thing.

>> I seem to recall, if statements are more costly than floating point
>> function calls, like exponential.
> if statements are costly if they invalidate instruction prefetch and/or
> jump to code that isn't in the cache ... but optimizers and CPUs are
> pretty good at branch prediction and cacheing.

I was remembering software doing real life financial calcs, but I'm old,
so it was a long time ago. Pipelines are longer now, but maybe branch
prediction is better?, So I don't know if it is more of a problem or
less of a problem nowadays.

Thomas Koenig

Jan 2, 2024, 6:24:42 AMJan 2
Tim Rentsch <> schrieb:
Unless, of course, it runs in exponential time, as the
primitive version with the recurrence does.

Compilers often do not do a good job of replacing recursion
with iteration (is there a verb for that? Maybe it can be called
iterationizing?), so it is something to consider if an algorithm
is at all time critical or stack space is problematic.

Tim Rentsch

Jan 2, 2024, 1:49:19 PMJan 2
Sure. Implicit in my comment is that the alternatives being
considered are algorithmically comparable. Otherwise it's
comparing apples and oranges.

> Compilers often do not do a good job of replacing recursion
> with iteration (is there a verb for that? Maybe it can be called
> iterationizing?), so it is something to consider if an algorithm
> is at all time critical or stack space is problematic.

Of course. I take it as given that recursive functions that use
an actual recursive call are unacceptable, except perhaps in
special cases, as for example quicksort. I tend to use functional
recursion and mutual recursion a fair amount, but not in cases
where an actual call is done in the recursive cycle.

By the way a term that may satisfy your question is "tail call

Tim Rentsch

Jan 2, 2024, 1:57:00 PMJan 2
Terje Mathisen <> writes:

> Tim Rentsch wrote:
>> Thomas Koenig <> writes:

>>> unsigned long int fib (int n)
>>> {
>>> unsigned long f1, f2, fn;
>>> if (n < 2)
>>> return 1;
>>> f1 = 1;
>>> f2 = 1;
>>> while (n >= 2) {
>>> fn = f2 + f1;
>>> f1 = f2;
>>> f2 = fn;
>>> n--;
>>> }
>>> return fn;
>>> }


>> Incidentally your code produces wrong values, as
>> fib(0) is 0 and fib(1) is 1.
> So return n for (n<2)?

In situations like this one, usually I would favor something
more like this:

if( n < 8 ) return 0xd8532110u >> n*4 & 15;


Jan 2, 2024, 2:01:19 PMJan 2
Whereas table lookup is never more than 100ns away (in DRAM).

> Terje


Jan 2, 2024, 2:11:38 PMJan 2
Thomas Koenig wrote:

> Compilers often do not do a good job of replacing recursion
> with iteration (is there a verb for that? Maybe it can be called
> iterationizing?), so it is something to consider if an algorithm
> is at all time critical or stack space is problematic.

Tail recursion elimination.


Jan 2, 2024, 2:11:38 PMJan 2
Thomas Koenig wrote:

> MitchAlsup <> schrieb:
>> Thomas Koenig wrote:
>>> #include <stdio.h>
>>> unsigned long int fib (int n)
>>> {
>>> unsigned long f1, f2, fn;
>>> if (n < 2)
>>> return 1;
>>> f1 = 1;
>>> f2 = 1;
>>> do { // we know n >=2 so at least 1 path through the loop is performed.
>>> fn = f2 + f1;
>>> f1 = f2;
>>> f2 = fn;
>>> n--;
>>> } while( n > 2 );

> (This should be n >= 2)


Tim Rentsch

Jan 2, 2024, 2:19:12 PMJan 2
This code still has the off-by-one error w.r.t. the
value of n.

We can fix that and simultaneously simplify the code:

fib( unsigned n ){
u64 b = n&1, a = b^1;

n >>= 1;
while( n-- ) a += b, b += a;

return b;

Tim Rentsch

Jan 2, 2024, 2:27:56 PMJan 2
Pancho <> writes:

> On 01/01/2024 15:00, Daniel James wrote:

>>>> double fib( int n )
>>>> {
>>>> return (pow( (1+sqrt(5.0))/2, n+1 )
>>>> - pow( (1-sqrt(5.0))/2, n+1 ))
>>>> / sqrt(5.0);
>>>> }
>>>> ... which is great for fibs of big values, but not fast for small
>>>> ones.

> From a mathematical viewpoint, the closed form solution gives clearer
> behaviour.

The problem with using this mathematically exact formula is
that the code gives wrong answers. Using floating point is
a poor choice for computing Fibonacci values.

Tim Rentsch

Jan 2, 2024, 3:19:58 PMJan 2
Terje Mathisen <> writes:

> Tim Rentsch wrote:
>> Daniel James <dan...@me.invalid> writes:
>>> However, the (signed) 64-bit integer result overflows for fib(n) where
>>> n>45, which is more of a problem.
>> fib( 92 ) is still less than 1UL << 63 (or fib(93) for a 64-bit
>> unsigned type).
>> And fib( 186 ) still fits in a 128-bit unsigned type.
> If calculating fib(n) for n in the fixed 0..186 range is actually
> important to you, then you would obviously allocate 16*187 (about 3KB)
> bytes of table space and do a simple lookup instead.

I have no doubt that some people would, but I wouldn't. It isn't
hard to write code that has very good performance, and that doesn't
have the associated costs in terms of memory use, cache behavior,
and potential page faults and TLB misses.

(To be clear, I am talking specifically about computing fibonacci

Tim Rentsch

Jan 2, 2024, 4:58:11 PMJan 2
To me, what makes floating point unattractive in this case is
great care must be taken to ensure correct values are produced.
Add to that the increased time cost, and using floating point
just looks like a lot more downside than upside.

> or you use a hybrid technique, with lookup
> tables for smallish n, iterative loop for somewhat larger and your
> O(log(n)) approach only for very large n?

Oh, you remembered I wrote an O(log(n)) fibonacci function. That
is nice. :)

Based on what I know now, my inclination is to use the constant-shift
technique (as seen in another post) for n < 8, the O(log(n)) method
for results that will be more than 64 bits, and a small-constant-linear
method in between those two regions. (Incidentally, the intermediate
method is something I had already written, and might be seen as a
generalization of your two-fold speedup code. You might want to take
a look at enhancing the two-fold speedup idea so it does at most one of
those, and then after that gets a four-fold speedup. The best
performing code I have for 64 bits goes two steps farther, so all the
iterations after the "startup transient" are 16-fold speedup.)

> Working with 256-bit uints, each addition will take 4-8 clock cycles,
> and it overflows well before n reaches 400, right? In that case a
> worst case iterative solution is less than 3000 clock cycles or about
> a microsecond away.

By test, my O(log(n)) code runs in 25-30 nanoseconds for 128-bit
results. At a guess, 256-bit results would run about 5 to 10
times slower than that.

By the way, your two-fold speedup code runs about 1.6 times as
fast as using simple iteration.


Jan 2, 2024, 5:46:53 PMJan 2
Tim Rentsch wrote:

> Terje Mathisen <> writes:


>>> Incidentally your code produces wrong values, as
>>> fib(0) is 0 and fib(1) is 1.
>> So return n for (n<2)?

> In situations like this one, usually I would favor something
> more like this:

> if( n < 8 ) return 0xd8532110u >> n*4 & 15;

Which is::

CMP R2,R1,#8
LEA R2,[IP,R1<<2,0xF00000000-.]
SLL R1,0xd853110,R2


Terje Mathisen

Jan 3, 2024, 8:03:35 AMJan 3
OK at best:

The decrement of EDI should be paired with the JNE, saving a CMP, and
the two reg-reg moves could be avoided with a single level of unrolling.

OTOH, with 3-way superscalar processing and zero-cycle MOV, it should
still run at about two cycles/iteration, and a single cycle is a hard
limit due to the latency of the ADD (or in this case, LEA).

Terje Mathisen

Jan 3, 2024, 8:12:32 AMJan 3
In my own quicksort implementation (from 3-4 decades ago) I used
recursion for the smaller partition and looping for the other/larger
half. That way stack usage/recursion depth was guaranteed to never
exceed log2(n/5). The /5 divisor was because I used a different sort
algorithm on partition sizes <= 5.

> recursion and mutual recursion a fair amount, but not in cases
> where an actual call is done in the recursive cycle.
> By the way a term that may satisfy your question is "tail call
> optimization".

As noted, that is always a good idea even when having two (or more!)
recursive calls in the source code.

Terje Mathisen

Jan 3, 2024, 8:23:16 AMJan 3

Could be extended a little bit more with a lookup table, or to 16 values
with a SIMD in-register lookup operation. Using a 64-bit constant allows
11 values to fit inside 6-bit sub-containers, as long as they are stored
in reverse order so that the bottom value (0) can survive without the
top two bits.

Something like

if (n < 11) return ((0<<60)+(1<<54)+(1<<48)+(2<<42)...(21<<6)+34)>>
(60-n*6) & 63;

Anyway, this is code golfing and not a realistic scenario where you
would definitely use a direct lookup table for all the possible values.


Jan 3, 2024, 12:56:50 PMJan 3
Terje Mathisen wrote:

> Something like

> if (n < 11) return ((0<<60)+(1<<54)+(1<<48)+(2<<42)...(21<<6)+34)>>
> (60-n*6) & 63;

unsigned char bytes[14] = { 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233 };
unsigned short half[11] = {377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368 };

fib( unsigned n )
if( n <= 14 ) return bytes[n];
if( n <= 25 ) return half[n-14];
return fib( n-1 ) + fib( n-2 );

Terje Mathisen

Jan 3, 2024, 2:17:31 PMJan 3
Very nice except for not using the unroll-by-two, started with the two
last table entries? (Or second-to-last to fix any parity issue)


Jan 3, 2024, 4:05:57 PMJan 3
unsigned char bytes[14] = { 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233 };
unsigned short half[11] = {377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368 };

fib( unsigned n )
if( n <= 14 ) return bytes[n];
if( n <= 25 ) return half[n-14];
uint64_t a = half[9], b = half[10];
for( n -= 25; n; n-- )

Tim Rentsch

Jan 3, 2024, 10:43:27 PMJan 3
Probably not exactly that, but thank you.

Tim Rentsch

Jan 3, 2024, 11:37:25 PMJan 3
No reason to provide more values. It turns out these initial 8
values are just what the doctor ordered as a lead in to my latest
iterative version. In earlier versions putting in this special
case hurt more than it helped.

> Using a 64-bit
> constant allows 11 values to fit inside 6-bit sub-containers, as long
> as they are stored in reverse order so that the bottom value (0) can
> survive without the top two bits.
> Something like
> if (n < 11) return ((0<<60)+(1<<54)+(1<<48)+(2<<42)...(21<<6)+34)>>
> (60-n*6) & 63;

Probably more clever than useful. If I were doing this most likely
I would write the constant in octal:

0001010203051015254267u >> (60-6*n) & 63

Note by the way that you left off the value 55, which puts the
values 21 and 34 in the wrong places.

> Anyway, this is code golfing and not a realistic scenario where you
> would definitely use a direct lookup table for all the possible
> values.

A full lookup table is too doggone big. Also part of the point
of using the constant shift method is not to access data memory,
as that has other costs (and which are unlikely to show up in
speed measurements). The computational form is plenty fast
enough (worst case time between 7 and 8 nanoseconds in my tests).

This technique of packing several small values into a constant
and shifting to get a specific result is useful in lots of
situations. For example, if we are writing a function to test
for primality, it can start with

if( n < 64 ) return 0240404242024042424254 >>n &1;

for a fast test on small integers.

Tim Rentsch

Jan 3, 2024, 11:41:12 PMJan 3
Several bugs in this code (and exponential blowup when n > 25).

Tim Rentsch

Jan 3, 2024, 11:50:00 PMJan 3
You need to divide n-25 by 2, and adjust for an even or odd
value before the divide.

Terje Mathisen

Jan 4, 2024, 1:59:26 AMJan 4
I agree, this is indeed "fast enough".
> This technique of packing several small values into a constant
> and shifting to get a specific result is useful in lots of
> situations. For example, if we are writing a function to test
> for primality, it can start with
> if( n < 64 ) return 0240404242024042424254 >>n &1;
> for a fast test on small integers.

I have been using this particular trick since at least the 386, so
around 1990. :-)

It did not make the same kind of sense when registers only had 16 bits
and a table lookup was about the same cost as a shift & mask.

Your 64-bit bitmap here is (inversely) related to the modulo 30 packing
I'm using in my sieve, where the 8 possible prime locations in each
block of 30 numbers will fit in a byte.

Terje Mathisen

Jan 4, 2024, 2:07:45 AMJan 4
As Tim wrote, you need something like

uint64_t a = half[8+(n&1)], b = half[9+(n&1)];
for (n = (n-24)>>1; n; n--) {}

to start the unrolled loop with the correct parity, although I might
have an off-by-one error in the (a,b) initializer here...

Since Tim is using a 4-way unroll, I believe he would be loading 4
values from a table of at least 7 entries to handle loop alignement.

Terje Mathisen

Jan 4, 2024, 4:09:59 AMJan 4
Terje Mathisen wrote:
> Since Tim is using a 4-way unroll, I believe he would be loading 4
> values from a table of at least 7 entries to handle loop alignement.

I took another look at this, and it looks pretty nice to use 4 starting
entries (a..d in increasing order), then a two-cycle recurrence:

a = c+d
b = c+2*d
c = a+b
d = a+2*b

which every LEA-capable compiler around could convert into

lea rax,[rcx+rdx]
lea rbx,[rcx+2*rdx]

lea rcx,[rax+rbx]
lea rdx,[rax+2*rbx]

The pairs of instructions can run at the same time, so this can run in
two cycles as long as back-to-back LEA can run in subsequent cycles.

To run even faster than this I seem to need actual multiplications, with
small fibonacci numbers as the multipliers:

f(n+1) = f(n)+f(n-1)
f(n+2) = 2*f(n)+f(n-1)
f(n+3) = 3*f(n)+2*f(n-1)
f(n+4) = 5*f(n)+3*(f(n-1)
f(n+8) = 34*(f(n)+21*f(n-1)

Terje Mathisen

Jan 4, 2024, 5:00:29 AMJan 4
Do you actually get 16 results per clock cycle?

I don't see _any_ way to do that...
>> Working with 256-bit uints, each addition will take 4-8 clock cycles,
>> and it overflows well before n reaches 400, right? In that case a
>> worst case iterative solution is less than 3000 clock cycles or about
>> a microsecond away.
> By test, my O(log(n)) code runs in 25-30 nanoseconds for 128-bit

That is impressive!

> results. At a guess, 256-bit results would run about 5 to 10
> times slower than that.
> By the way, your two-fold speedup code runs about 1.6 times as
> fast as using simple iteration.
That's in the expected ballpark.

Tim Rentsch

Jan 4, 2024, 7:37:01 AMJan 4
Terje Mathisen <> writes:

> Tim Rentsch wrote:
>> This technique of packing several small values into a constant
>> and shifting to get a specific result is useful in lots of
>> situations. For example, if we are writing a function to test
>> for primality, it can start with
>> if( n < 64 ) return 0240404242024042424254 >>n &1;
>> for a fast test on small integers.
> [...]
> Your 64-bit bitmap here is (inversely) related to the modulo 30
> packing I'm using in my sieve, where the 8 possible prime
> locations in each block of 30 numbers will fit in a byte.

I wrote one of these about 20 years, and recently was motivated
to write one again. I'm curious - have you tried running your
sieve for all primes less than a trillion (1e12)?

Tim Rentsch

Jan 4, 2024, 8:07:15 AMJan 4
As much as I am tempted to post the actual code, let me start
with something more like a hint, which I fully expect you can
carry forward to do the whole deal.

(forward by 0) a b
(forward by 1) b a+b
(forward by 2) a+b a+2b
(forward by 3) a+2b 2a+3b
(forward by 4) 2a+3b 3a+5b
(forward by 5) 3a+5b 5a+8b
(forward by 6) 5a+8b 8a+13b

and so forth.

Tim Rentsch

Jan 4, 2024, 8:14:01 AMJan 4
Terje Mathisen <> writes:

> Tim Rentsch wrote:

Just one short followup here for now...

>> By test, my O(log(n)) code runs in 25-30 nanoseconds for 128-bit
> That is impressive!

I took the O(log(n)) code and put it in python (with arbirary
precision integers). Running fib( 1000000 ) took well under
a second.

Exponentials are insanely slow, and O(log(n)) is insanely fast...

Terje Mathisen

Jan 4, 2024, 12:00:50 PMJan 4
No, I wrote this back in the 32-bit days and even though it is blocked
(with a 128 kB block size corresponding to nearly 4M numbers sieved per
block afair), I never ran it _that_ far!


Jan 4, 2024, 6:10:56 PMJan 4
Terje Mathisen wrote:

> To run even faster than this I seem to need actual multiplications, with
> small fibonacci numbers as the multipliers:

> f(n+1) = f(n)+f(n-1)
> f(n+2) = 2*f(n)+f(n-1)
> f(n+3) = 3*f(n)+2*f(n-1)
> f(n+4) = 5*f(n)+3*(f(n-1)
> ....
> f(n+8) = 34*(f(n)+21*f(n-1)


unsigned short table[18] = { 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 34, 55, 89,
144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584 };

fib( unsigned n )
i = n & 15;
a = table[i ];
b = table[i+1];
for( n -= i; n ; n -= 16 )
i = n & 15;
a = a*table[i ] + b*table[i+1];
b = a*table[i+1] + b*table[i+2];
return a;

Knocking off 16 fibs per loop.


Jan 4, 2024, 6:21:41 PMJan 4
MitchAlsup wrote:

> Terje Mathisen wrote:

>> To run even faster than this I seem to need actual multiplications, with
>> small fibonacci numbers as the multipliers:

>> f(n+1) = f(n)+f(n-1)
>> f(n+2) = 2*f(n)+f(n-1)
>> f(n+3) = 3*f(n)+2*f(n-1)
>> f(n+4) = 5*f(n)+3*(f(n-1)
>> ....
>> f(n+8) = 34*(f(n)+21*f(n-1)

> Combining::

> unsigned short table[18] = { 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 34, 55, 89,
> 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584 };

> fib( unsigned n )
> {
> i = n & 15;
> a = table[i ];
> b = table[i+1];
> for( n -= i; n ; n -= 16 )
> {
> i = n & 15;
t = a*table[i ] + b*table[i+1];
> b = a*table[i+1] + b*table[i+2];
a = t;

Terje Mathisen

Jan 5, 2024, 4:04:36 AMJan 5
Isn't that exactly the same as what I posted just above, i.e. that
subsequent levels require pairs of multiplications by smaller fib numbers?

All these muls are of course independent, but since we only have a very
small number of multipliers in current CPUS, we cannot expect to do more
than a pair of them in each cycle (all with latency 3-5).

Doing it with adds instead means that we have to generate
a,2*a,3*a,5*a,8*a,13*a etc.

We can use LEA and shifts to handle a*(2,3,5,8) and b ditto, so that
gets us to the next 5 fib numbers all done in parallel and at latency 1
or 2:

All these can be done in parallel on a 5-wide CPU:
a5 = LEA(a,a*4);
b3 = LEA(b,b*2); b5 = LEA(b,b*4);
f(n) = a+b;
f(n+1) = LEA(b+a*2);

These next operations can run in the second cycle, so we've generated 5
new fib() numbers in two cycles:

f(n+2) = f(n)+f(n+1);
f(n+3) = a5+b3;
f(n+4) = LEA(b5+a*8);

In the same cycle we can generate a couple more aggregate multiples:

a13 = LEA(a5,a*8); b13=LEA(b5,b*8);

and then we get to spew out the 6th fib value in the third cycle

f(n+5) = LEA(a13,b*8);

but I get the feel that it is better to stay at 4 or 5 new numbers in
each step?

Tim Rentsch

Jan 5, 2024, 11:55:17 AMJan 5
I didn't really follow what you were saying, but I'm pretty
sure the two aren't the same, because I keep only two values,
a and b, no matter how many levels of x-fold-speedup is done.

> All these muls are of course independent, but since we only have a
> very small number of multipliers in current CPUS, we cannot expect to
> do more than a pair of them in each cycle (all with latency 3-5).
> Doing it with adds instead means that we have to generate
> a,2*a,3*a,5*a,8*a,13*a etc.
> We can use LEA and shifts to handle a*(2,3,5,8) and b ditto, so that
> gets us to the next 5 fib numbers all done in parallel and at latency
> 1 or 2:
> All these can be done in parallel on a 5-wide CPU:
> a5 = LEA(a,a*4);
> b3 = LEA(b,b*2); b5 = LEA(b,b*4);
> f(n) = a+b;
> f(n+1) = LEA(b+a*2);
> These next operations can run in the second cycle, so we've generated
> 5 new fib() numbers in two cycles:
> f(n+2) = f(n)+f(n+1);
> f(n+3) = a5+b3;
> f(n+4) = LEA(b5+a*8);
> In the same cycle we can generate a couple more aggregate multiples:
> a13 = LEA(a5,a*8); b13=LEA(b5,b*8);
> and then we get to spew out the 6th fib value in the third cycle
> f(n+5) = LEA(a13,b*8);
> but I get the feel that it is better to stay at 4 or 5 new numbers in
> each step?

In the code that follows, b is the current fibonacci number, and a
is the previous fibonacci number.

fib_example( unsigned n ){
U64 b = n&1, a = b^1;

if( n & 2 ) a += b, b += a;
if( n & 4 ) a += b, b += a, a += b, b += a;
if( n & 8 ){
U64 na = 13*a+21*b, nb = 21*a+34*b;
a = na, b = nb;

n >>= 4;
while( n-- ){
U64 na = 610*a + 987*b, nb = 987*a + 1597*b;
a = na, b = nb;

return b;

Note that fib(8) is 21, and fib(16) is 987.

It should be easy to see how to modify this code to extend it one
level and get a 32-fold speedup for the last stage, which does in
fact give a significant performance improvement.

Also I have no doubt that you can see ways to make the code run
even faster. I'm interested to see what you come up with, with
the stipulation that no lookup tables be used.


Jan 5, 2024, 12:07:35 PMJan 5
On 1/2/2024 2:08 AM, Tim Rentsch wrote:
> Daniel James <dan...@me.invalid> writes:
>> On 31/12/2023 09:12, Pancho wrote:
>>> In fact, given that fib grows exponentially, so we only ever need to
>>> calculate it for small values of n, the only ?bad? solution is the
>>> naive double recursive one.
>> Well, I might disagree.
>> Given that we only ever need to calculate it for small values of n (as
>> you say, and if that's true) its efficiency doesn't matter. If you
>> need to compute it often enough that efficiency might become relevant
>> just put the results in a table and use that. Given that fib goes over
>> 10^12 after about 60 terms it needn't be a very big table.
> When the size of the table is more than ten times the size of
> the code, and the code is reasonably fast, using a table is a
> poor choice. Fibonacci functions don't have to be slow.
>> The naive doubly recursive solution has the huge merit of being
>> human-readable.
> But unacceptably slow.

Ironically, its slowness is its main use-case...

It puts function call/return through a workout, and also gives a simple
check value to detect if it has gone amiss.

There are many faster ways to calculate Fibonacci numbers, but not so
many that also happen to be a ready-made and fairly concise

Even if, yes, in premise a compiler could optimize it away.

But, say, if one wanted something less slow, say (untested):
long fasterfib(int n)
long c0, c1, c2;

Terje Mathisen

Jan 5, 2024, 1:58:39 PMJan 5
You are skipping intermediate numbers!

> It should be easy to see how to modify this code to extend it one
> level and get a 32-fold speedup for the last stage, which does in
> fact give a significant performance improvement.

I should have realized that you were in fact doing so since you showed
your log2(n) algorithm, but I was in fact assuming that you had to
generate all intermediate values as well.
> Also I have no doubt that you can see ways to make the code run
> even faster. I'm interested to see what you come up with, with
> the stipulation that no lookup tables be used.
The four MULs will be the limiting factor here, but the key idea is that
there will only ever be four of them, so this could go however far you
want to take it.

With four MULs you should get a new (a,b) pair every 6-7 clock cycles
(assuming two fully pipelined MUL units), this isn't that much faster
than code which generates 5 new fib values every two cycles, and then
you actually get to see all intermediate values as well.

Still very nice idea. :-)

Tim Rentsch

Jan 6, 2024, 10:35:22 AMJan 6
After n -= i, the lower order four bits of n are zero, which means
the coefficients being used are 0, 1, and 1. Also the table is
missing the value 21.

fib( unsigned n ){
static unsigned short table[17] = {
1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610,
U64 a = table[n&15], b = table[(n&15)+1];

for( n >>= 4; n--; ){

Tim Rentsch

Jan 6, 2024, 12:23:58 PMJan 6
BGB <> writes:

> On 1/2/2024 2:08 AM, Tim Rentsch wrote:
>> Daniel James <dan...@me.invalid> writes:
>>> On 31/12/2023 09:12, Pancho wrote:
>>>> In fact, given that fib grows exponentially, so we only ever need to
>>>> calculate it for small values of n, the only ?bad? solution is the
>>>> naive double recursive one.
>>> Well, I might disagree.
>>> Given that we only ever need to calculate it for small values of n (as
>>> you say, and if that's true) its efficiency doesn't matter. If you
>>> need to compute it often enough that efficiency might become relevant
>>> just put the results in a table and use that. Given that fib goes over
>>> 10^12 after about 60 terms it needn't be a very big table.
>> When the size of the table is more than ten times the size of
>> the code, and the code is reasonably fast, using a table is a
>> poor choice. Fibonacci functions don't have to be slow.
>>> The naive doubly recursive solution has the huge merit of being
>>> human-readable.
>> But unacceptably slow.


> But, say, if one wanted something less slow, say (untested):
> long fasterfib(int n)
> {
> long c0, c1, c2;
> if(n<2)
> return(1);
> c0=1;
> c1=1;
> c2=c0+c1;
> while(n>2)
> {
> c0=c1;
> c1=c2;
> c2=c0+c1;
> n--;
> }
> return(c2);
> }

The Fibonacci numbers start at 0: fib(0) == 0, fib(1) == 1, ...
The code above produces something else.

What you're showing is a standard iterative version, much like
the one posted by Thomas Koenig early on.

Tim Rentsch

Jan 6, 2024, 1:20:23 PMJan 6
Terje Mathisen <> writes:

> Tim Rentsch wrote:


>> In the code that follows, b is the current fibonacci number, and a
>> is the previous fibonacci number.
>> U64
>> fib_example( unsigned n ){
>> U64 b = n&1, a = b^1;
>> if( n & 2 ) a += b, b += a;
>> if( n & 4 ) a += b, b += a, a += b, b += a;
>> if( n & 8 ){
>> U64 na = 13*a+21*b, nb = 21*a+34*b;
>> a = na, b = nb;
>> }
>> n >>= 4;
>> while( n-- ){
>> U64 na = 610*a + 987*b, nb = 987*a + 1597*b;
>> a = na, b = nb;
>> }
>> return b;
>> }
>> Note that fib(8) is 21, and fib(16) is 987.
> You are skipping intermediate numbers!

Oh yes. It never occurred to me to do anything but.


> Still very nice idea. :-)

Thank you. It seem obvious in retrospect, but that property
holds for lots of ideas that are not obvious ahead of time.

I have an interesting footnote. My first implementation of this
idea was written using a functional recursive style. I was doing
performance measurements using a relatively low optimization setting
(-Os). Just this morning I decided to turn up the level to -O3, and
was surprised to see that the functional version ran faster than
everything else, 25% faster than the closest imperative version.
I've seen this result before in other cases - code written in a
functional style actually runs faster than code written in an
imperative style.

Here is the code:

typedef unsigned long long U64;

static U64 ff1( U64, U64, unsigned );
static U64 ff2( U64, U64, unsigned );
static U64 ff3( U64, U64, unsigned );
static U64 ff4( U64, U64, unsigned );

functional_fib( unsigned n ){
n < 8 ? 0xd8532110u >>(n*4) &15 :
n & 1 ? ff1( 0, 1, n/2 ) :
/*******/ ff1( 1, 0, n/2 );

ff1( U64 a, U64 b, unsigned k ){
return k & 1 ? ff2( a+b, a+2*b, k/2 ) : ff2( a, b, k/2 );

ff2( U64 a, U64 b, unsigned k ){
return k & 1 ? ff3( 2*a+3*b, 3*a+5*b, k/2 ) : ff3( a, b, k/2 );

ff3( U64 a, U64 b, unsigned k ){
return k & 1 ? ff4( 13*a+21*b, 21*a+34*b, k/2 ) : ff4( a, b, k/2 );

ff4( U64 a, U64 b, unsigned k ){
return k ? ff4( 610*a+987*b, 987*a+1597*b, k-1 ) : b;

Paul A. Clayton

Jan 8, 2024, 9:25:35 AMJan 8
On 1/2/24 2:10 PM, MitchAlsup wrote:
> Thomas Koenig wrote:
>> Compilers often do not do a good job of replacing recursion
>> with iteration (is there a verb for that? Maybe it can be called
>> iterationizing?), so it is something to consider if an algorithm
>> is at all time critical or stack space is problematic.
> Tail recursion elimination.

I thought compilers generally were good at tail recursion
elimination but did not attempt "flattening" something like
flood-fill (which is not "tail recursion" but could avoid
some of the function call overhead). (I.e., I vaguely
remember over a decade ago noticing that this case was not
optimized — for the samegnome game which has a small board
so recursive depth and call overhead was not really significant.)

I also vaguely recall reading at some point that even
recursion that was "easy" to convert to tail recursion was
not handled by gcc (also many years ago).
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