On 11/26/2023 9:45 AM, Anton Ertl wrote:
> sc...@slp53.sl.home (Scott Lurndal) writes:
mitch...@aol.com (MitchAlsup) writes:
>>> Consider the case where two different processes MMAP the same area
>>> of memory.
>> In which case, the area of memory would be mapped to different
>> virtual address ranges in each process,
> Says who? Unless the user process asks for MAP_FIXED or the address
> range is already occupied in the user process, nothing prevents the OS
> from putting the shared area in the same process. If the permissions
> are also the same, the OS can then use one ASID for the shared area.
> This would be especially useful for the read-only sections (e.g, code)
> of common libraries like libc. However, in todays security landscape,
> you don't want one process to know where library code is mapped in
> other processes (i.e., you want ASLR), so we can no longer make use of
> that benefit. And it's doubtful whether other uses are worth the
> complications (and even if they are, there might be security issues,
> too).
It seems to me, as long as it is a different place on each system,
probably good enough. Demanding a different location in each process
would create a lot of additional memory overhead due to from things like
base-relocations or similar.
>> FWIW, MAP_FIXED is specified as an optional feature by POSIX
>> and may not be supported by the OS at all.
> As usual, what is specified by a common-subset standard is not
> relevant for what an OS implementor has to do if they want to supply
> more than a practically unusable checkbox feature like the POSIX
> subsystem for Windows. There is a reason why WSL2 includes a full
> Linux kernel.
Still using WSL1 here as for whatever reason hardware virtualization has
thus far refused to work on my PC, and is apparently required for WSL2.
I can add this to my list of annoyances, like I can install "just short
of 128GB", but putting in the full 128GB causes my PC to be like "Oh
Crap, I guess there is 3.5GB ..." (but, apparently "112GB with unmatched
RAM sticks is fine I guess...").
But, yeah, the original POSIX is an easier goal to achieve, vs, say, the
ability to port over the GNU userland.
A lot of it is doable, but things like fork+exec are a problem if one
wants to support NOMMU operation or otherwise run all of the logical
processes in a shared address space.
A practical alternative is something more like a CreateProcess style
call, but this is "not exactly POSIX". In theory though, one could treat
"fork()" more like "vfork()" and then turn the exec* call into a
CreateProcess call and then terminate the current thread. Wouldn't
really work "in general" though, for programs that expect to be able to
"fork()" and then continue running the current program as a sub-process.
>>> Should they both end up using the same ASID ??
>> They couldn't share an ASID assuming the TLB looks up by VA.
> Of course the TLB looks up by VA, what else. But if the VA is the
> same and the PA is the same, the same ASID can be used.
Typically the ASID applies to the whole virtual address space, not to
individual memory objects.
Or, at least, my page-table scheme doesn't have a way to express
per-page ASIDs (merely if a page is Private/Shared, with the results of
this partly depending on the current ASID given for the page-table).
Where, say, I am mostly using 64-bit entries in the page-table, as going
to a 128-bit page-table format would be a bit steep.
Say, PTE layout (16K pages):
(63:48): ACLID
(47:14): Physical Address.
(13:12): Address or OS flag.
(11:10): For use by OS
( 9: 0): Base page-access and similar.
(9): S1 / U1 (Page-Size or OS Flag)
(8): S0 / U0 (Page-Size or OS Flag)
(7): Nu User (Supervisor Only)
(6): No Execute
(5): No Write
(4): No Read
(3): No Cache
(2): Dirty (OS, ignored by TLB)
(1): Private/Shared (MBZ if not Valid)
(0): Present/Valid
Where, ACLID serves as an index into the ACL table, or to lookup the
VUGID parameters for the page (well, along with an alternate PTE variant
that encodes VUGID directly, but reduces the physical address to 36
bits). It is possible that the original VUGID scheme may be phased out
in favor of using exclusively ACL checking.
Note that the ACL checks don't add new permissions to a page, they add
further restrictions (with the base-access being the most permissive).
Some combinations of flags are special, and encode a few edge-case
modes; such as pages which are Read/Write in Supervisor mode but
Read-Only in user mode (separate from the possible use of ACL's to mark
pages as read-only for certain tasks).
But, FWIW, I ended up adding an extended MAP_GLOBAL flag for "mmap'ed
space should be visible to all of the processes"; which in turn was used
as part of the backing memory for the "GlobalAlloc" style calls (it is
not a global heap, in that each process still manages the memory
locally, but other intersecting processes can see the address within
their own address spaces).
Well, along with a MAP_PHYSICAL flag, for if one needs memory where
VA==PA (this may fail, with the mmap returning NULL, effectively only
allowed for "superusermode"; mostly intended for hardware interfaces).
The usual behavior of MAP_SHARED didn't really make sense outside of the
context of mapping a file, and didn't really serve the needed purpose
(say, one wants to hand off a pointer to a bitmap buffer to the GUI
subsystem to have it drawn into a window).
It is also being used for things like shared scratch buffers, say, for
passing BITMAPINFOHEADER and MIDI commands and similar across the
interprocess calls (the C API style wrapper wraps a lot of this; whereas
the internal COM-style interfaces will require any pointer-style
arguments to point to shared memory).
This is not required for normal syscall handlers, where the usual
assumption is that normal syscalls will have some means of directly
accessing the address space of the caller process. I didn't really want
to require that TKGDI have this same capability.
It is debatable whether calls like BlitImage and similar should require
global memory, or merely recommend it (potentially having the call fall
back to a scratch buffer and internal memcpy if the passed bitmap image
is not already in global memory).
I had originally considered a more complex mechanism for object sharing,
but then ended up going with this for now partly because it was easier
and lower overhead (well, and also because I wanted something that would
still work if/when I started to add proper memory protection). May make
sense to impose a limit on per-process global alloc's though (since it
is intended specifically for shared buffers and not for general heap
allocation; where for heap allocation ANONYMOUS+PRIVATE would be used
Though, looking at stuff, MAP_GLOBAL semantics may have also been
partially covered by "MAP_ANONYMOUS|MAP_SHARED"?... Though, the
semantics aren't the same.
I guess, another alternative would have been to use shm_open+mmap or
Where, say, memory map will look something like:
00yy_xxxxxxxx: Physical mapped and direct-mapped memory.
00yy_xxxxxxxx: Start of global virtual memory (*1);
3FFF_xxxxxxxx: End of global virtual memory;
4000_xxxxxxxx: Start of private/local virtual memory (possible, *2);
7FFF_xxxxxxxx: End of private/local virtual memory (possible);
8000_xxxxxxxx: Start of kernel virtual memory;
BFFF_xxxxxxxx: End of kernel virtual memory;
Cxxx_xxxxxxxx: Physical Address Range (Cached);
Dxxx_xxxxxxxx: Physical Address Range (Volatile/NoCache);
Exxx_xxxxxxxx: Reserved;
Fxxx_xxxxxxxx: MMIO and similar.
*1: The 'yy' division point may move, will depend on things like how
much RAM exists (currently, 00/01; no current "sane cost" FPGA boards
having more than 256 or 512 MB of RAM).
*2: If I go to a scheme of giving processes their own address spaces,
then private memory will be used. It is likely that executable code may
remain shared, but the data sections and heap would be put into private
address ranges.