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Provitalize Reviews 2024 | Does It Work? Important Pros!

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Violin joseph

Nov 30, 2023, 10:51:28 AM11/30/23
This article is about Provitalize, a probiotic supplement that helps women with menopause and weight gain. It tells you who makes it, what ingredients it has, what customers think of it, and how it compares to other probiotic supplements.

Top Alternative in the Market

#1. Biotics 8: Click Here To Buy ( )

#2. Yourbiology Gut+: Click Here To Buy ( )

We also tell you what we think is the best probiotic supplement for women who want to lose weight because of menopause. This might be why you are thinking of buying Provitalize.

Provitalize Review Summary
Provitalize has some good things and some bad things. It is a probiotic supplement that helps women who are going through menopause with weight gain. But it also has some drawbacks.

We think the best probiotic supplement for women is Yourbiology Gut .
Provitalize Pros

Good company Natural and safe ingredients Suitable for vegans Money-back guarantee for 90 days Provitalize Cons Not very good value Need to buy two or more bottles to get free shipping Need to buy three bottles and use Provitalize for 90 days to get money back Provitalize is a supplement that women take to feel better from menopause symptoms and weight gain. It has live probiotic bacteria and herbs that help with weight loss.

Who Makes Provitalize Better Body Co. is a company that makes health supplements. They want to help people with common health problems. They have offices in the United States (Las Vegas) and Singapore.

Top Alternative in the Market

#1. Biotics 8: Click Here To Buy ( )

#2. Yourbiology Gut+: Click Here To Buy ( )

Their main product is Provitalize. It is a probiotic supplement that makes heat in the body. It helps women who have menopause with weight gain, hot flashes, low energy, and bad sleep. Provitalize has probiotic bacteria that are proven to help with weight loss, digestion, immunity, and more.

It also has ingredients that help the body absorb the probiotics. Better Body Co. says Provitalize is made in a place that follows the rules of the FDA and GMP. It uses high quality, natural, and stimulant-free ingredients. The company gives you your money back if you are not happy in 90 days. They also give you free shipping if you buy some bottles. Better Body Co. wants to help people be healthy with supplements that are based on research.

What Is Provitalize?
Provitalize is a supplement that you take as a pill. The official website says that women who take Provitalize every day will feel their stomachs lighter, see their clothes fit better, and feel more confident.

But Provitalize is not like other diet pills. It is made for women who have gained weight because of menopause. Menopause is when women stop having periods and their hormones change.

Weight gain is a common problem for women who are near or have menopause. It can be hard for women who were slim before. The amount of fat and swelling in the belly can be different for each woman. But some sources say that 20% of women gain 10 pounds or more when they have menopause.

Some women use hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to deal with menopause and weight gain. This is when they take hormones that their body does not make anymore. But this can also be risky for their health. It can cause blood clots, heart attacks, and stroke. It may also make them more likely to get cancer.

Many women do not want to take these risks. They look for natural ways to feel better. Probiotic supplements that have the right bacteria can help them with this.

Provitalize is a probiotic supplement that claims to help with weight loss and menopause symptoms. But it is not very effective compared to other options and the herbs it contains are not very useful.

What are the benefits of Provitalize?
The maker of Provitalize says that it can help you with these things:
Less bloating Better digestion and gut health Less gas and stomach pain More energy Better gut health Weight loss Less hot flashes and other menopause problems Healthy joints What is a better alternative to Provitalize? Provitalize Provitalize CLICK to view more about Yourbiology Gut from official website

YourBiology Gut+ is the best probiotic we have found. It has different kinds of probiotics to help your gut health, like Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus acidophilus. These probiotics can help you with bloating and other signs of bad digestion.

Probiotics that help with weight loss Gut+ has some probiotics like L. acidophilus and B. lactis that are proven to help you eat less, burn more fat, and manage your weight. Gut+ has the right mix of probiotics for weight loss.Protection from stomach acid for better results

Gut+ uses a special technology called MAKtrek that protects the probiotics from your stomach acid so they can reach your intestines alive. This makes them 10 times more effective than probiotics without this protection. Better effectiveness means better weight loss benefits.Many women are losing weight with Gut+ You don’t have to trust us. Gut+ has many happy customers who say they are losing weight, especially belly fat, with Gut+. The reviews show that this formula works for weight loss. To sum up, Gut+ is the best probiotic for women who are going through menopause and want to lose weight. The probiotics help with weight management, the protection helps with absorption, and real women are seeing great results.

Like Provitalize, YourBiology Gut+ is made for women. But it works for women at any stage of their life. It does more than just help with weight loss and menopause symptoms.

YourBiology Gut+ has several probiotics that help with weight loss, like Bifidobacterium lactis and Lactobacillus acidophilus.

Studies show that Bifidobacterium lactis can help you lose belly fat.
Lactobacillus acidophilus can also help you lose fat and reduce menopause symptoms. The researchers who did one study said it is a safe natural option instead of HRT.

Provitalize only has one of these probiotics. That is a shame because they work well together.

YourBiology Gut+ is better than Provitlize in many ways. Even the money-back guarantee is better. You can get your money back in 60 days even if you buy only one bottle.

What are the Ingredients In Provitalize?

Provitalize gives you three kinds of good bacteria every time you take it:
Bifidobacterium breve Bifidobacterium lactis Lactobacillus gasseri The pills also have four more natural ingredients that come from plants:
Turmeric root extract Moringa leaf Curry leaf Bioperine How Do You Use Provitalize? You need to take two pills every day with water, in the morning, right after you get up. You can take Provitalize pills with or without food. Like all supplements, Provitalize works better when you eat well and have a healthy diet.

If you have just finished taking antibiotics and want to make your gut bacteria healthy again faster after the treatment, you can take four pills per day. But this will make the supplement twice as expensive. It will also make the chances of side effects higher.

How Good is the Provitalize Formula?

The Provitalize formula is not as good as the formulas in any of the best probiotic supplement brands. Three kinds of good bacteria is not enough. Even though all the good bacteria have shown benefits in many areas, Provitalize could not beat any of the best probiotic products. It also cannot beat good fat burners. Its value is too low.

But Provitalize is not made to be a normal gut health product. It also does not want to compete with normal supplements that help you lose weight. It is made for women who want a supplement that can help them with menopause weight gain and other problems because of the change. This makes the low number of good bacteria more okay.

Sadly, the choice of good bacteria is not the best. The formula could be much better if one of the current bacteria were changed with stronger options like most of the benefits B. breve p Lactobacillus acidophilus.
For weight loss, the plant ingredients should help. But some of the choices could have been better too. Only one of them may help you lose weight, the others will not. They also will not help with joint pain.
Bifidobacterium Lactis Nothing bad to say here. We cannot say this is wrong. You may remember we said it is also in YourBiology Gut+. Many of the best probiotic supplements have it.

Studies show good bacteria from the B. lactis family can help reduce belly fat. It is a good bacteria belly fat burner that works.

Bifidobacterium Breve This good bacteria has some value in many areas, but most of the benefits B. breve gives are for the gut. For example, studies show good bacteria from this kind can help with constipation in children.
Lactobacillus Gasseri We think L. gasseri is in the formula to help with menopause problems. If this is true, the maker made a good choice. The results of a study with 80 women (aged 40-60) show L. gasseri can be very good at reducing menopause problems in middle-aged women.

Even though this good bacteria’s power to control the menopause problems may not be as good as L. acidophilus, it still has a lot to give and is surely a good addition.

Turmeric Root extract + Bioperine We will talk about these two Provitalize ingredients together because one of them would be almost no use without the other.
Turmeric is a spice that many people use for cooking. It makes curries and other Asian dishes taste good. You probably already know this. But did you know turmeric is also good for your health? If not, you are in for a surprise because it is.

Turmeric has a substance called curcumin. It does many good things for your body. One of them is making inflammation go down.
Some studies suggest curcumin may also help control estrogen, and other hormones that are important for women’s health. But this is something that needs more research. There is still a lot we don’t know.
What we do know for sure is curcumin can help you lose body fat.
But its usefulness as a weight loss supplement ingredient, even though it is real, is not as good as that of stronger options like red pepper capsaicin and green tea. We have to tell you this so you don’t think it is more powerful than it is.
Curcumin is more valuable in other areas such as keeping your cholesterol levels healthy, lowering your blood pressure, and making your gut enzymes work better. It may also help your immune system.

The problem with curcumin is the human digestive system has trouble breaking it down. Without help, most of the curcumin we eat is wasted.
Things change when you add piperine to the mix. Piperine is a substance found in black pepper. It has been shown to be good for helping your body absorb nutrients. It is also good for helping your body absorb medicines. Drug companies often use this ability.
Normal black pepper extracts have less than 10% piperine. Bioperine is a strong option that has 95% piperine.

Why does this matter?

Because piperine can make your body absorb curcumin 2,000 times better.
Moringa Leaf Moringa (Moringa oleifera) is a tree that grows fast and can survive dry conditions. It comes from India. Its leaves have a lot of vitamins and minerals and are especially good for giving you potassium and vitamin C.

There are many benefits to eating moringa leaves and moringa leaf extract, but none of them are likely to help you with menopause symptoms or weight loss.

Curry Leaf The curry tree (Murraya koenigii) is a small, green tree that comes from India and Sri Lanka. Its leaves are very important for Indian foods and are often used in curries.
The curry leaf has several active substances such as beta-sitosterol, rutin, and quercetin. It also has antioxidant properties that may help fight free-radical damage in your body. But curry leaf extract has nothing to do with easing menopausal symptoms or weight loss.

Where to Buy Provitalize

You can buy Provitalize from the maker’s website. You can also buy it from other places like and Walmart. How much you pay for each bottle will depend on where you buy it from. Amazon may be the cheapest but, with online places like this, there is always a chance of buying fake products.

When we wrote this review, customers buying from the official site had to pay $49 for one bottle (30-day supply). That’s not too bad but this supplement may not be worth the money.

The home page of the Provitalize website talks about a 100% money-back guarantee that lasts for 90 days. But it does not say that the guarantee is only for customers who order three bottles or more and use the supplement every day for 90 days.

That’s not very honest. It’s also sad because anyone who tries Provitalize and gets bad reactions will have to stop using the supplement before long. They could waste about $120 (plus shipping) just because they are allergic to morninga or curry leaves. That’s not right. A money-back guarantee should be good for everyone.

How We Evaluated Provitalize - Standards This is the standards we used for our Provitalize evaluation.
Short introduction to probiotics and how they help your health Summary of Provitalize - who makes it, what it promises to do Provitalize Summary
What it is used for and how it helps (weight control, menopause comfort, etc.)
Main ingredients (probiotic types, plants, etc.) How much and how to use it Safety, side effects, limits Provitalize Effectiveness & Benefits

Does it do what it says?
Talk about studies on the probiotic types and plants Possible benefits for menopause, weight loss, gut health Provitalize Taste & Texture
Describe how it tastes, smells, feels, and looks like How easy it is to swallow the capsules Provitalize Cost & Value

How much it costs per bottle, how it compares to others Judge if it is worth the money Provitalize Customer Reviews
Show positive and negative reviews Common feedback on how it helps or hurts Provitalize Pros & Cons

List the main good and bad points Is it worth trying or suggesting? Conclusion & Recommendation

Overall opinion and star rating Who would you suggest it for?
Reasons to try or not try Provitalize Provitalize Review Conclusion Overall, Provitalize is a probiotic formula with some interesting ingredients. All of them can help in some ways, some of which are related to menopause and weight loss while others improve gut health.

However, it is not very good at reducing menopause symptoms and helping weight loss compared to many other options, especially YourBiology Gut+. Because it is not good enough in those two areas, there is no reason to pick Provitalize over YourBiology Gut+, which will surely give menopausal women more support.

The Provitalize website does not clearly show that its money-back guarantee is only for customers who buy three bottles and use them for 90 days. It also does not talk about the issue of side effects which could make some people quit before then.

In the end, Provitalize is a decent product that may have some value to explore. However, it has to be said, the same money spent somewhere else would probably give better results. Provitalize Probiotic Ingredient Research Sources Weight Control in Menopause: How Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis GCL2505 affects belly fat in healthy Japanese adults: a random test: How Lactobacillus acidophilus YT1 (MENOLACTO) makes menopause better: Is Bifidobacterium Breve good for treating children’s constipation? Results from a small test: How Lactobacillus gasseri CP2305 helps mild menopause problems in middle-aged women: Curcumin and being overweight: How Piperine changes how curcumin works in animals and people
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