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Defeating Tarski Undefinability and Gödel 1931 Incompleteness and

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Dec 16, 2023, 9:23:18 PM12/16/23
*This is true by definition* Within the body of analytical truth of the
analytic/synthetic distinction every element of the body of analytic
knowledge (BOAK) is true entirely on the basis of its connection to the
semantic meanings that make it true.

This proves that Gödel's 1931 Incompleteness and Tarski's Undefinability
Theorem cannot apply to the body of analytical knowledge (BOAK). Lacking
this connection excludes an expression from the BOAK, thus undecidable
expressions cannot exist within the BOAK.

True(x) is defined by the above, within the BOAK thus refuting Tarski.

Every element of the BOAK has a provability connection to its semantic
meanings truthmaker within the BOAK thus refuting both Tarski and Gödel
that say this cannot correctly and consistently accomplished.

Copyright 2023 Olcott "Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius
hits a target no one else can see." Arthur Schopenhauer

Richard Damon

Dec 16, 2023, 9:51:13 PM12/16/23
On 12/16/23 9:23 PM, olcott wrote:
> *This is true by definition* Within the body of analytical truth of the
> analytic/synthetic distinction every element of the body of analytic
> knowledge (BOAK) is true entirely on the basis of its connection to the
> semantic meanings that make it true.

And that includes INFINITE level of connections.

Remember, "Sementic" in logic does NOT mean "By the meaning of the words

> This proves that Gödel's 1931 Incompleteness and Tarski's Undefinability
> Theorem cannot apply to the body of analytical knowledge (BOAK). Lacking
> this connection excludes an expression from the BOAK, thus undecidable
> expressions cannot exist within the BOAK.

Nope., It prove you don't understand what you are talking about.
> True(x) is defined by the above, within the BOAK thus refuting Tarski.

Nope, you don't understand what Tarski means by "definition of Truth:.

> Every element of the BOAK has a provability connection to its semantic
> meanings truthmaker within the BOAK thus refuting both Tarski and Gödel
> that say this cannot correctly and consistently accomplished.

Nope. "Provable" means has a finite length connection string.

True allows for infinite length conection string.

This has been explaid to you before, but in your inabiity to learn, you
have ignored it, making you just an idiotic liar and prove your stupidity.
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