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Deadline in 3 weeks! - Special Issue on Granular Computing for Explainable Artificial Intelligence - Final Call for Submissions

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Antonio Luca Alfeo

Feb 12, 2024, 11:51:02 AMFeb 12
Dear author,
I hope this email finds you well.

With just three weeks remaining until the submission deadline, we invite you to seize this opportunity to contribute to our upcoming special issue "Granular Computing for Explainable Artificial Intelligence".

You have until Feb. 29 to submit your paper at
During the submission process (in section "Details") select "Collection" -> "Granular Computing for Explainable Artificial Intelligence"

This special issue is dedicated to XAI methods that employ information granulation approaches.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Intrinsically explainable granular approaches
- Information granulation approaches with explainable semantic
- Concept-based representation learning
- Natural Language Explanation
- Evaluative AI
- XAI for Fairness
- Granular Approaches to explain Latent Representations
- Clustering approaches to find prototypes, factual and counterfactual explanations
- Symbolic and neuro-symbolic modeling for XAI
- Granular model (explanation, interpretation, visualization) for decision augmentation and automation
- Application of granular XAI (healthcare, social media, multiagent systems, predictive process monitoring, etc.)

More details at

Feel free to reach me for any other clarifications at
Best regards,
Antonio Luca Alfeo
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