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[SSCI 2022] Call for Participations (early registration ends on 1st Oct)

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SSCI 2022 - Singapore

Sep 28, 2022, 7:45:10 PM9/28/22
[Apologies for cross-postings]


IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence
(IEEE SSCI 2022)
December 4 - December 7, 2022 | Singapore

****Call for Participations***
(Early registration closes on 1st October 2022)

Register at



IEEE SSCI is an established flagship annual international series of symposia on computational intelligence sponsored bythe IEEE Computational Intelligence Society to promote and stimulate discussion on the latest theory, algorithms,applications and emerging topics on computational intelligence. By co-locating multiple symposia under one roof, eachdedicated to a specific topic in the CI domain, IEEE SSCI aims to encourage cross-fertilization of ideas and provide aunique platform for top researchers, professionals, and students from all around the world to discuss and present theirfindings. IEEE SSCI 2022 will feature keynote addresses, tutorials, panel discussions and special sessions, all of whichare open to all participants. The conference proceedings of the IEEE SSCI will be included in the IEEE Xplore andindexed by all major databases.

***Conference Mode***
With the improved COVID situation and further easing of travel and quarantine measures in Singapore, the conference will be held in-person. However, if at the time of the conference, there will be still travel restrictions for some countries, provision will be provided for authors to upload a video/poster of their presentation and do the oral presentation remotely. This will however mean that there will be no live streaming of the conference presentations for remote participants, as in the hybrid conference, as well as there will be no specific fee for digital/virtual registration.

Registration for IEEE SSCI 2022 has started and early registration will close on Monday, 26th September 2022.
Please refer to for the full registration detials.

***CIS Travel Grants***
IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) is pleased to offer (1) IEEE CIS Student Travel Grant,(2) IEEE CIS Conference Travel Grant and (3) IEEE CIS Industry Early Career Travel Grant for IEEE CIS members who are keen on in-person oral presentation of their papers at IEEE SSCI 2022. The deadline for application is 7th October 2022. Please refer to for the full details on this generous offer.

***CIS Student Hackathon***
IEEE SSCI 2022 will co-host the 2022 IEEE CIS Student Hackathon on Computational Intelligence in Biomedicine and Healthcare. The submission deadline is 30th September 2022. Please refer to for full details.

***Plenary Speakers***
Witold Pedrycz University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada

Mengjie Zhang Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Chuan-Kang Ting National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan

Shuicheng Yan Sea AI Lab

Donald Wunsch Missouri University of Science and Technology, Missouri

Panel Session: Women in Computational Intelligence Achieving IEEE Fellow Status - The Way Forward
This panel is a joint initiative between IEEE CIS WCI and IEEE WIE to provide support and encouragement to women in Computational Intelligence to achieve IEEE fellow status. The panel will provide guidance and discuss challenges, mapping a way forward to support women in Computational Intelligence in becoming IEEE Fellows.


* Adaptive Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning(IEEE ADPRL)
* Artificial Life (IEEE ALIFE)
* Automated Algorithm Design, Configuration and Selection (IEEE AADCS)
* CI Applications in Smart Grid (IEEE CIASG)
* CI and Ensemble Learning (IEEE CIEL)
* CI for Astroinformatics (IEEE CIAstro)
* CI for Brain Computer Interfaces (IEEE CIBCI)
* CI for Engineering Solutions (IEEE CIES)
* CI for Human-like Intelligence (IEEE CIHLI)
* CI for Multimedia Signal and Vision Processing (IEEE CIMSIVP)
* CI for Security and Defense Applications (IEEE CISDA)
* CI in Agriculture (IEEE CIAg)
* CI in Big Data (IEEE CIBD)
* CI in Biometrics and Identity Management (IEEE CIBIM)
* CI in Control and Automation (IEEE CICA)
* CI in Cyber Security (IEEE CICS)
* CI in Data Mining (IEEE CIDM)
* CI in Dynamic and Uncertain Environment (IEEE CIDUE)
* CI in Feature Analysis, Selection and Learning in Image and Pattern Recognition (IEEE FASLIP)
* CI in Healthcare and E-health (IEEE CICARE)
* CI in IoT and Smart Cities (IEEE CIIoT)
* CI in Remote Sensing (IEEE CIRS)
* CI in Vehicle and Transportation Systems (IEEE CIVTS)
* Cooperative Metaheuristics (IEEE SCM)
* Deep Learning (IEEE DL)
* Differential Evolution (IEEE SDE)
* Ethical, Social and Legal Implications of ArtificialIntelligence (IEEE ETHAI)
* Evolutionary Neural Architecture Search and Applications(IEEE ENASA)
* Evolutionary Scheduling and CombinatorialOptimisation (IEEE ESCO)
* Evolving and Autonomous Learning Systems (IEEE EALS)
* Explainable Data Analytics in Computational Intelligence (IEEE EDACI)
* Foundations of CI (IEEE FOCI)
* Immune Computation (IEEE IComputation)
* Intelligent Agents (IEEE IA)
* Model-Based Evolutionary Algorithms (IEEE MBEA)
* Multi-agent System Coordination and Optimization (IEEE MASCO)
* Multicriteria Decision-Making (IEEE MCDM)
* Nature-Inspired Computation in Engineering (IEEE NICE)
* Neuromorphic Cognitive Computing (IEEE SNCC)
* Robotic Intelligence in Informationally StructuredSpace (IEEE RiiSS)
* Swarm Intelligence Symposium (IEEE SIS)

***Special Sessions***
* Advancing Capabilities of Simulation Models with Computational Intelligence (ASM)
* Artificial Intelligence-based Uncertainty Quantification (AUQ)
* CI in Soil and Water Management (SWM)
* CI Methods for Neurology and Neuro-Psychiatry (CIMoN)
* Conjunection of Quantum Computing and Evolutionary Computation (EVO-QANTUM)
* Evolutionary Transfer Learning and Domain Adaptation (EADLA)
* Evolving Deep and Transfer Learning Models for Computer Vision and Medical Imaging (ECV)
* Games (GAMES)
* Genetic Programming and Machine Learning for Scheduling (GPMLS)
* Human and Machine Intelligence in CollaborativeDecision Making (HMI)
* Physics-Informed Computational Intelligence: Theories, Models and Application (PHYCI)

****Important Dates****

* Early Bird Registration Monday, 26th September 2022
* IEEE SSCI 2022 Conference 4th December to 7th December 2022

****Organizing Committee****

* Advisory Chairs
Kay-Chen TAN City University of Hong Kong
Yew-Soon ONG Nanyang Technological University

* General Chairs
Ah-Hwee TAN Singapore Management University
Dipti SRINIVASAN National University of Singapore
Chunyan MIAO Nanyang Technological University

* Program Chairs
Hisao ISHIBUCHI Southern University of Science and Technology
Chee-Keong KWOH Nanyang Technological University

* Finance Chair
Jian-Chao YAO DSO National Laboratories, Singapore

* Keynote/Tutorial Chairs
Yaochu JIN Bielefeld University
Mahardhika PRATAMA Nanyang Technological University

* Exhibit/Competition Chair
Chi-Keong GOH AI2Labs

* Publication Chairs
Anupam TRIVEDI National University of Singapore
Keeley CROCKETT Manchester Metropolitan University

* Publicity Chairs
Teck-Hou TENG ST Engineering
Catherine HUANG McAfee AI Research
Pauline C. HADDOW Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Jialin LIU Southern University of Science and Technology

* Local Organizing Chairs
Di WANG Nanyang Technological University
Zhaoxia WANG Singapore Management University
Hao ZHANG Nanyang Technological University

* Submission Chair
Budhitama Subagdja Singapore Management University
Hao ZHANG Nanyang Technological University

* Webmaster
Shanthoshigaa Singapore Management University

****Sponsors/Supporting Organizations****

IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
IEEE Singapore
Singapore Exhibition & Convention Bureau
Singapore Management University
National University of Singapore
Nanyang Technological University
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