Call for Papers: Special Issue on Real Life Applications of Fuzzy
Logic, Advances in Fuzzy Systems
Web site:
The objective of this special issue is to explore the advances of
fuzzy logic in a large number of real life applications and commercial
products in a variety of fields. Although fuzzy logic has
applications in a number of different areas, it is not yet known to
nonfuzzy people how it can be applied in different products that are
available in the market. For nonfuzzy people, the word “fuzzy” is
still fuzzy. It is important that nonfuzzy people know where fuzzy
logic can be used.
We invite authors to submit original research articles as well as
review articles that provide insight in applications where fuzzy logic
can be used. It is known that fuzzy logic is used in automobiles, but
it is very much less known how, where, and in what car function fuzzy
logic is being used. The issue is expected to include applications
from simple products like cameras, air conditioners, and microwave
ovens to sophisticated applications like cars, helicopters, bullet
trains, and health monitors.
Potential topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
-- Applications of fuzzy logic in automobiles
-- Applications of fuzzy logic in defense and security
-- Applications of fuzzy logic in medicine and biomedical fields
-- Applications of fuzzy logic in Internet and computer security
-- Applications of fuzzy logic in consumer electronics
-- Applications of fuzzy logic in decision making (law, business,
Before submission, authors should carefully read over the journal's
author guidelines, which are located at
Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of their complete
manuscript through the journal manuscript tracking system at according to the following timetable:
Manuscript Due May 4, 2012
First Round of Reviews July 27, 2012
Publication Date September 21, 2012
Lead Guest Editor
Harpreet Singh, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA
Guest Editors
Madan M. Gupta, Intelligent Systems Research Laboratory, College of
Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada
Thomas Meitzler, TARDEC RDECOM, Warren, MI, USA
Zeng-Guang Hou, Institute of Automation, The Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Beijing, China
Kum Kum Garg, Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT), Manipal
University, Karnataka, Manipal 576104, India
Ashu M. G. Solo, FBCS, Maverick Technologies America Inc., Suite 808,
1220 North Market Street, Wilmington, DE 19801, U.S.A.
URL for Advances in Fuzzy Systems journal:
URL for Call for Papers on Special Issue on Real Life Applications of
Fuzzy Logic: