Anna Karenina Location Map—Wanted!

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Adam Wills Begley

no llegida,
28 de des. 2021, 7:19:3328/12/21
a CommunityWalk
Dear all,

I've come across an amazing map of all the Anna Karenina (Tolstoy) geographical locations, but it appears to be inaccessible because of the CommunityWalk platform being down or something. The links I've found are listed below.

Is anyone able to send me a link to a current / functional version of this interactive map? I was able to find an old archive of it on the Wayback Machine, but it seems to be missing half its features. Please help! Links below:

Thank you,

no llegida,
28 de des. 2021, 7:21:4128/12/21
We can provide a csv of the locations on the map and you can try to import it into a different service. I've heard some people having success with Google maps directly, although I'm not aware of the exact process.

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Adam Wills Begley

no llegida,
6 de gen. 2022, 6:55:026/1/22
a CommunityWalk
Please do—thank you! ASAP would be most appreciated. 

What other service would I use?

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