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Neighborhood Roots flyer distribution on Monday at 4:15 pm

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Annette Mills

Nov 11, 2023, 8:19:13 PM11/11/23

Thanks to Carlos, Aleita, and Molly for offering to help me distribute flyers on Monday, inviting people in the Thompson Street neighborhood to next Sunday’s Planting Party.


We’ll be meeting on Monday at 4:15 pm in front of 2345 SE Thompson, which is also where we’ll be meeting next Sunday.


If you can help on Monday afternoon, PLEASE JOIN US. As they say, many hands make light work!




From: Annette Mills []
Sent: Tuesday, November 7, 2023 7:47 PM
To: '' <>; '' <>; '' <>
Subject: Neighborhood Planting Party - Can you help? PLEASE REPLY by Thurs. 11/9/23




This year’s Neighborhood Roots Planting Party is less than 2 weeks away, and we hope you’ll be part of it!


I need to find out who’s available to help:


·        Can you help distribute Planting Party invitations? We’ll be going door-to-door in the Thompson Street neighborhood on either Monday afternoon (11/13) or Wednesday morning (11/5), depending on the weather forecast.

·        Can you help the day of the event? We’ll need help on Sunday 11/19 at 1 pm (event set-up) and at 2 pm (tree-planting).


Please let me know ASAP and no later than Thursday 11/9/23 if you can help.






Annette Mills, Facilitator/Director (she/her/hers)

Corvallis Sustainability Coalition

541-230-1237 (No texting, please)


I live within the traditional homeland of the Ampinefu Band of Kalapuya.  Following the Willamette Valley Treaty of 1855 (Kalapuya …Treaty), Kalapuya people were forcibly removed to reservations at either Grand Ronde or Siletz. Today, the Kalapuya live on tribal lands or tribal-ceded lands throughout the region. Many Kalapuya are active members of the sovereign nations of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde or the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians. Kalapuya culture is alive.



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