Neighborhood Roots - Next week's outreach to neighbors - PLEASE REPLY

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Annette Mills

Jun 28, 2023, 7:01:41 PM6/28/23

Hi, Community Inclusion and Natural Areas Action Teams,


We decided at our last meeting on June 12th that Mike Beilstein, Jim Stratton, and I would scope out potential neighborhoods for our 2023 Neighborhood Roots planting party. We were also authorized to make a decision!


Here’s what we found:


1.     SE Thompson Street and adjoining streets have more than 20 potential yards for planting trees.

2.     NE Lancaster, which was recommended to us by Aaron Lesan and Jennifer Killian (City of Corvallis Urban Forester), has 7-8 potential planting sites.


Our decision: The 2023 Neighborhood Roots project will focus on SE Thompson Street and adjoining streets.


David Eckert has already ordered 10 trees for us because the supply at Sevenoaks Native Nursery was quickly dwindling. He was only able to get small trees (5 gallon containers) because our team waited too long to order. The right time to order would have been April. If anyone else on the team wants to seek out and order native trees from some other source, please let us know.


Our outreach to neighbors is scheduled for Wednesday, July 5, at 7 pm. I’ll get back to you with a meeting location.


I’ve updated last year’s flyers and will have them printed in time for next week’s outreach.


In the meantime, please send a “YES” or “NO” to let us know if you’re able to attend.






Annette Mills, Facilitator/Director (she/her/hers)

Corvallis Sustainability Coalition

541-230-1237 (No texting, please)


I live within the traditional homeland of the Ampinefu Band of Kalapuya.  Following the Willamette Valley Treaty of 1855 (Kalapuya …Treaty), Kalapuya people were forcibly removed to reservations at either Grand Ronde or Siletz. Today, the Kalapuya live on tribal lands or tribal-ceded lands throughout the region. Many Kalapuya are active members of the sovereign nations of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde or the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians. Kalapuya culture is alive.



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