Hi, Action Team members,
First, I want to apologize for being about 4 weeks behind with this message. August has been a rough month for my family health-wise…
Our teams need to be reaching out to potential tree hosts NOW for our November 2024 Neighborhood Roots plantings!
Please fill out the following poll ASAP, and no later than Sunday evening, August 25: https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/e9O952Zb, so we can schedule our outreach for next Tuesday or Wednesday.
Hopefully, we’ll have enough volunteers to reach out to households in the Ryan/Thompson/Park Avenue area. As in the past, we’ll meet in a designated location, and give you handouts to drop off at homes, along with a list of addresses to cover. It’s pretty simple, but very important!
Thank you in advance for your help.
Annette Mills, Facilitator/Director
Corvallis Sustainability Coalition
541-230-1237 (No texting, please)