The Real News

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Leonie Zurakowsky

Mar 1, 2016, 5:04:30 AM3/1/16

Hey All,

Stop reading the fake news and read some of these articles.

The Canadian Government now has a site where you can launch your own direct petition. Looks like not too many people know about it. Looks like this is a good time to flood that site!

Here are some you might want to sign now:

Against the TransCanada (Energy East) pipeline 

Against the Kinder Morgan pipeline

Pro-forests and nature

Pro-Killer Whales

Con-the oath of allegiance to the Queen of England


Another one

We love Howe Sound and believe we have a right to live in a healthy environment. Say no to pipelines and tankers. Say no to Woodfibre LNG. Sign the Howe Sound ...

Why the shut down of fracking is not yet reason to celebrate (read to the end)

It was a tumultuous week in the world of hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) for shale oil and gas, with a few of the biggest companies in the U.S. announcing ...
Why Canada should be on the forefront of solar, water and wind power in Canada (why can we harness the rain in BC?

The Middle East and North Africa will be one of the keenly watched emerging solar power markets this year, as a large number of tenders representing huge capacities ...

It may be too late to stop it but it's not too late to stop talking about it and planning for it, is it? 
The worst predicted impacts of climate change are starting to happen — and much faster than climate scientists expected

Indigenous given the shaft in oil disasters 

A disastrous spate of oil spills in the Peruvian Amazon have gone from bad to worse in recent days, leaving Indigenous tribes frantically trying to clean up the mess ...

Just as we were advised as children, "Never forget". And to think he's still active in parliament although you don't hear about him much anymore, do you?

Thanks for paying attention!

Joan Janzen

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