Fw: Making Woodfibre LNG a Provincial election issue and other issues

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Leonie Zurakowsky

Mar 27, 2017, 3:20:28 PM3/27/17
to Communities Against Pipelines

From: My Sea to Sky <in...@myseatosky.org>
Sent: March 27, 2017 11:10 AM
To: Joan Janzen
Subject: Making Woodfibre LNG a Provincial election issue

Hi Joan --

Spring is in the air, and so is a Provincial election. Elections are a golden opportunity to make our politicians sit up and take notice of the issues we're most concerned about. Our goal is to make Woodfibre LNG a provincial election issue, and we need your help.

For the last 2 years, our volunteers have been collecting signatures on the Howe Sound Declaration. Unlike other online petitions that last for a few days and then are forgotten about, we've continued to collect signatures as a way to build awareness about Woodfibre LNG. We delivered the declaration to MLA Jordan Sturdy when we hit 2,000 signatures, we delivered it again to MP Pamela Goldsmith-Jones when it hit 8,000 signatures, and right now we have over 10,400 signatures. We want to double that number by April 15th.

"That's crazy!" we hear you say. Ahhh, but we have a plan. 

You have already signed (thank you!), but can you ask your friends and family to sign the Howe Sound Declaration? If each of you recruit two people we will far exceed our goal.

Once we reach our goal we will deliver the Howe Sound Declaration to each candidate in the ridings around Howe Sound, the Sunshine Coast, Vancouver, and Victoria and let them know how many people in their riding have signed the Howe Sound Declaration. Then we'll ask them what they plan to do to stop the project.

Here are four easy ways you can help us to get more signatures:

Share this link on Facebook

Tweet it to the twitterverse!

Print the Howe Sound Declaration, collect signatures, and mail it to us
Send signatures to: Anna Barford, 128 W Hastings St #210, Vancouver, BC V6B 1G8


Forward the email below to your friends


Howe Sound is under threat from Woodfibre LNG, which proposes to construct and operate a liquefied natural gas (LNG) export facility on the previous Woodfibre Pulp and Paper Mill site located approximately 7 km west-southwest of Squamish.

Why is this project a bad idea?

  • Woodfibre LNG is owned by Sukanto Tanoto, an Indonesian billionaire that has been found guilty of tax evasion and human rights violations.
  • LNG tanker traffic puts people that live in Howe Sound, Vancouver, and Victoria at risk, as international safety guidelines are not being followed.
  • Underwater noise and light pollution will affect salmon migration routes, herring, and marine mammals.
  • Increased local air pollution will affect human health in the lower mainland, particularly the elderly and kids with asthma.
  • LNG exports will increase fracking in northeast BC. Over 70% of B.C.'s natural gas is fracked. If Woodfibre LNG project goes ahead it will result in 24 new fracking wells every year.
  • Site C dam and the eDrive subsidy will increase your hydro bills so Woodfibre LNG can have cheap power.
  • Woodfibre LNG's local and upstream greenhouse gas emissions are equivalent to adding 170,000 cars to the road.
  • Woodfibre LNG staff Byng Giraud and Marian Ngo have donated illegally to the BC Liberal party, while the project was undergoing its environmental assessment.

Help us stop Woodfibre LNG. Please sign the Howe Sound Declaration.



The My Sea to Sky team

This campaign will only succeed if we can get thousands of people to sign the Howe Sound Declaration. Can you chip in to help us pay for Facebook ads and outreach materials so we can promote this action as widely as possible? Every dollar helps.





My Sea to Sky · Vancouver, BC V6L 2C3, Canada
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Your comments always welcome!

Thanks for reading, 

Joan Janzen

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