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On the URL index and categories

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Nov 13, 2022, 7:33:35 PM11/13/22
to Common Screens
 Hello there!

Absolutely brilliant project that you have created here!

I have been working on a tool for about 4 months to identify parked domains, and while I have had fair progress, this project will help me to come closer to full coverage.

I am especially interested in the categorization feature.
Might I ask about an approximate time frame for more URL categorization? Right now I see that most fields are \\N

Thank You.

Bpm Tips

Nov 18, 2022, 3:22:54 PM11/18/22
to Common Screens
We checked the \\N issue and identified a bug in our classification engine, we have fixed it and the december upload will have the missing categorizations resolved.
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Common Screens

Nov 18, 2022, 3:48:56 PM11/18/22
to Common Screens
Regarding parked domains, a combination of image processing and using OCR data will be ideal to identify them, if you come up with a project using this data please add it to our examples list.

On Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 7:33:35 PM UTC-5 Siddartha wrote:
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