Promise API Proposal

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Kris Zyp

Mar 24, 2009, 12:03:21 PM3/24/09
I promised to propose a promise API (sorry for the pun), so here it is.
If I started from scratch, my personal preference would probably be to
spell it "Future". But, I strongly believe in following prior
implementations, and I am pretty sure that Dojo's Deferred API would be
the most widely used promise API in JavaScript. The following API is
therefore based on Dojo's
(, with a few
changes based on what we have learned from experience using the API (the
need for allowing progress events) and keeping things minimal (I omitted
some of the extra convenience functions), as well as some influence from
the waterken (sp?) API:

Deferred = function(/*Function?*/ canceller){
// summary:
// Creates a new promise, encapsulating a sequence of
callbacks in
// response to a value that
// may not yet be available. This is modeled after the
Deferred class
// from Twisted <>.
Deferred.prototype = {
cancel: function(){
// summary:
// Cancels a Deferred that has not yet received a value,
or is
// waiting on another Deferred as its value.
callback: function(result){
// summary:
// Fulfills the Deferred promise object, beginning the
// sequence with a non-error value.

errback: function(/*Error*/error){
// summary:
// Fulfills the Deferred promise object with an error,
beginning the
// callback sequence with an error result.

progress: function(progressValue){
// summary:
// Indicate that progress has been made on fulfilling
this Deferred object

addCallbacks: function(callback, errback, progressback){
// summary:
// Add separate callback, errback, and progressback to
the end of the callback
// sequence. Non-function values are ignored.
wait: function(){
// summary:
// This will block the execution of the current function
while waiting for the Deferred
// to be fulfilled, *if* the implementation and this
Deferred support this operation. If
// supported, the function will return the result of the
resolved Deferred when it is
// is fulfilled. If the Deferred is resolved with an error,
than this function will throw the
// the provided error object. If the concurrency model of
the implementation or the
// Deferred object do not support blocking, the "wait"
property should be a null or
// undefined. This API is not intended to imply that
implementations that provide
// a "wait" function are superior.

Deferred.when = function(value, callback, errback){
// summary:
// When the value is not a Deferred object, the callback
function is immediately called
// with the value as the first argument.. If the value is an
instance of Deferred, this is
// equivalent to calling value.addCallbacks(callback, errback);

Deferred.wait = function(value){
// summary:
// When the value is not a Deferred object, the value is
immediately returned. If the
// value is an instance of Deferred, this returns the result
of executing value.wait();

Tyler Close

Mar 24, 2009, 12:34:35 PM3/24/09
Hi Kris,

It's probably a good thing that you are sticking with the "Deferred"
term, since what you're proposing is much closer to the Deferred
concept implemented in Twisted, than to Futures in Lisp or Promises in

I'm new to this list, so am missing a bit of context. I hope you don't
mind if I ask a couple newbie questions. When you say you're proposing
an API, are you talking about a future version of Dojo, or is this
group working on some sort of standard API to be implemented by many
libraries? If the latter, I'd like to make a case for making an API
more like the promise in E, than like the deferred in Twisted. The
promise API has a number of advantages in terms of both expressiveness
and safety. I'll hold off on explaining these advantages until we
clarify the purpose of this discussion.


Tyler Close

Mar 24, 2009, 2:38:50 PM3/24/09
Ahh... I see from the wiki that you must be proposing a standard API
for interaction between libraries. In that case, I'll just forge ahead
with an explanation of why a promise API is better than a deferred

First off, it's worth spending some time on this, since this kind of
API tends to be very contagious. Once one module adopts it, it spreads
to its public interface and so to the working's of other libraries.
Having many different asynchronous messaging APIs would be about as
annoying as having multiple different string APIs (for those who
remember Win32 programming and the constant fiddling with string
types). Since an asynchronous messaging API also introduces what are
effectively new control flow statements to the language, many slightly
different APIs could be very disorienting for a programmer.

To compare different APIs, you need a good understanding of the
problem being addressed. For asynchronous messaging, there are a
number of important issues to consider. The API should:

1) make it easy to coordinate with remote objects
2) make it safe to coordinate with local objects that may be either
buggy or malicious
3) provide a framework that assists debugging of asynchronous messaging

Let's consider each of these for the proposed Deferred API, and the
ref_send promise API <>.

1) Easy coordination with remote objects.

In local-only computing, all objects live in the same process and
coordinate with each other through synchronous invocations or variable
accesses. Our programming languages provide a lightweight syntax for
expressing these basic operations, helping us express interactions
that involve many objects. If we want to maintain programmer
productivity when these objects are distributed across many different
processes, we need a similarly lightweight syntax for expressing the
basic operations. For example, consider a simple scenario of reading a
value from one object and passing it to a different object. In the
local-only case, such code might look like:

var good = ... // object to read from
var account = ... // object to write to
var payment = account.withdraw(good.price);

In a distributed scenario, the good and account may each be in a
separate process from the local one. Using the ref_send API, this code
would look like:

var good = ...
var account = ...
var payment =, 'withdraw', [ Q.get(good, 'price') ])

In the above code, both the good and account variables hold a promise
for a remote object. The global 'Q' variable provides access to the
promise API. The call "Q.get(good, 'price')" accesses the price field
on the object that the 'good' promise will eventually refer to and
returns a promise for the value of the field at the time it was read.
We then pass this promise as an argument to the withdraw method, which
returns a promise for the produced payment object.

AFAICT, the proposed Deferred API doesn't provide a way to express the
above interaction.

2) Safe coordination with local objects

One of the most effective ways of making working programs is to write
them in such a way that you limit the number of ways in which things
can go wrong. For example, when one object passes data to another
object, it is often useful to know the receiving object can read the
data but not change it. For example,

var price = Q.get(good, 'price');
... // do a purchase
return price;

In the above ref_send code, it's helpful to know that the price will
be determined once and the caller will receive the same price as was
used in the purchase code. If the price variable instead held a
Deferred, we'd have to think about what could happen if the caller
invoked the callback() function on the price, thus setting the price.
The normal references in Javascript give the holder the ability to
access the referred to object, but not the ability to make the
reference refer to a different object. A ref_send promise follows this
same convention, whereas a Deferred is a new kind of reference that
lets all holders remap the reference to a different object. These new
semantics create many opportunities for things to go wrong in new

If your program actually does want the semantics provided by a
Deferred, you can still implement it using the ref_send promise API.
For example, the following Deferred code:

var d = new Deferred();
d.addCallbacks(function (value) { /* will get 'foo' */ });


var x = Q.defer()
Q.when(x.promise, function (value) { /* will get 'foo' */ });

but you can pass 'x.promise' to another object and not worry about the
promise's value changing.

Similarly, the callback chaining semantics of a Deferred:

var a = new Deferred();
a.addCallbacks(function (value) { /* will get 'foo' */ return 'bar'; });
a.addCallbacks(function (value) { /* will get 'bar' */ });


var x = Q.defer()
var c = Q.when(x.promise, function (value) { /* will get 'foo' */
return 'bar'; });
Q.when(c, function (value) { /* will get 'bar' */ });

3) Debugging

In local-only computing, stack traces are often a crucial debugging
tool, as they provide a snapshot of the call chain leading up to an
error condition. In asynchronous messaging, this call chain is broken
up, since the callee is invoked later. Having lost a crucial debugging
tool, its important to provide a similarly powerful one. For promises,
Mark Miller, Terry Stanley and myself have been working on Causeway, a
program that can stitch stack traces back together after they've been
broken up by asynchronous messaging
<>. AFAIK, the Deferred API has
not been designed with similar debugging support in mind.

There's a lot more that could be said on the advantages of promises. A
lot of design work has been done on them over the course of decades.
I'll stop here for now, to see if people want to pursue this.


Kris Zyp

Mar 24, 2009, 7:24:07 PM3/24/09

Tyler Close wrote:
> Ahh... I see from the wiki that you must be proposing a standard API
> for interaction between libraries. In that case, I'll just forge ahead
> with an explanation of why a promise API is better than a deferred
> API.
> First off, it's worth spending some time on this, since this kind of
> API tends to be very contagious. Once one module adopts it, it spreads
> to its public interface and so to the working's of other libraries.
> Having many different asynchronous messaging APIs would be about as
> annoying as having multiple different string APIs (for those who
> remember Win32 programming and the constant fiddling with string
> types). Since an asynchronous messaging API also introduces what are
> effectively new control flow statements to the language, many slightly
> different APIs could be very disorienting for a programmer.

I completely agree, that is why we want to standardize a promise API.

No, it doesn't. Why should a remote object API be combined with a
promise API? That seems like a poor separation of concerns. Why is the
remote object API more first class in the async world than other async
APIs? What protocol for remote object interaction would we use?

IIUC, you are suggesting that read-only promise are valuable for
security purposes. That makes sense, I agree. Is there a reason we can't
have a method or getter on the Deferred API that returns a "clone" that
doesn't affect the result in the original? It seems like unnecessary
complexity to force differentiation between the read-only and writable
promises for the 99% use case that doesn't need to send a promise to an
untrusted function.

> 3) Debugging
> In local-only computing, stack traces are often a crucial debugging
> tool, as they provide a snapshot of the call chain leading up to an
> error condition. In asynchronous messaging, this call chain is broken
> up, since the callee is invoked later. Having lost a crucial debugging
> tool, its important to provide a similarly powerful one. For promises,
> Mark Miller, Terry Stanley and myself have been working on Causeway, a
> program that can stitch stack traces back together after they've been
> broken up by asynchronous messaging
> <>. AFAIK, the Deferred API has
> not been designed with similar debugging support in mind.

Is there a reason why the ref_send API would be more debuggable than the
Deferred API for promises that I proposed?

Also, what does the Q stand for?

Tyler Close

Mar 25, 2009, 1:02:50 PM3/25/09
Responses inline below...

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 4:24 PM, Kris Zyp <> wrote:
> Tyler Close wrote:
>> In a distributed scenario, the good and account may each be in a
>> separate process from the local one. Using the ref_send API, this code
>> would look like:
>> var good  = ...
>> var account = ...
>> var payment =, 'withdraw', [ Q.get(good, 'price') ])
>> In the above code, both the good and account variables hold a promise
>> for a remote object. The global 'Q' variable provides access to the
>> promise API. The call "Q.get(good, 'price')" accesses the price field
>> on the object that the 'good' promise will eventually refer to and
>> returns a promise for the value of the field at the time it was read.
>> We then pass this promise as an argument to the withdraw method, which
>> returns a promise for the produced payment object.
>> AFAICT, the proposed Deferred API doesn't provide a way to express the
>> above interaction.
> No, it doesn't. Why should a remote object API be combined with a
> promise API?

Not so much 'combined with' as 'compatible with'. A promise is useful
for setting up operations, like invocations and field accesses, on an
object that is yet-to-be-determined. The and Q.get() methods
exist to do that setup on any promise, regardless of why the target
object has not yet been determined. Both of these methods also return
a promise, making it easy to setup another layer of pending operations
on the return values from the first layer of operations. For example,
in the above code, the return promise from the Q.get() call is
immediately passed as an argument to the call. That one line
of code at the end of the example generates 3 promises and sets up 2
layers of future operations. The goal of the and Q.get() API
is to enable that level of expressiveness for working with
yet-to-be-determined objects. It's about the syntax. Assuming all the
objects were local, the example could also be coded using only when()
calls, which are similar to the when() methods defined in the proposed
Deferred API. For example:

var payment = Q.when(good, function (goodValue) {
return Q.when(account, function (accountValue) {
return accountValue.withdraw(goodValue);

For the local only case, the above code is semantically equivalent to
the previous code, but is more awkward to read and write and doesn't
work when the good and/or account may be remote. So the and
Q.get() API is about providing a more productive syntax for promises
and a compatibility layer that we can plug a remote messaging
implementation into.

> That seems like a poor separation of concerns. Why is the
> remote object API more first class in the async world than other async
> APIs? What protocol for remote object interaction would we use?

So if you crack open the source code on the example page I've provided
for the ref_send library <>,
you'll find that this separation of concerns between the promise API
and the remote messaging implementation is present. The ref_send.js
file only defines the promise API and provides an implementation for
local-only promises. This implementation has been done such that it is
easy to plug in other promise implementations, which is what the
web_send.js file does, providing remote promises built on top of XHR.
The goal is to support many different promise implementations, all
manipulated through the same API provided by the Q object. For
example, a planned next step is to provide a promise implementation
built on top of the new cross-frame scripting APIs. From the
programmer's perspective, all these different promises can be treated
the same.

>> 2) Safe coordination with local objects

> IIUC, you are suggesting that read-only promise are valuable for
> security purposes. That makes sense, I agree. Is there a reason we can't
> have a method or getter on the Deferred API that returns a "clone" that
> doesn't affect the result in the original?

When you're making heavy use of promises, you end up passing them
around quite freely, like you do with normal references in synchronous
code. Once you start doing asynchronous operations, you quickly find
that most of your references become promises. Imagine what it would be
like to program in Javascript if you had to "clone" a reference before
passing it to another object. Your code would be littered with "clone"
operations in a haphazard and awkward way, making it less readable and
likely still not secure since you probably forgot to do the "clone"
operation in some places.

>> 3) Debugging
>> In local-only computing, stack traces are often a crucial debugging
>> tool, as they provide a snapshot of the call chain leading up to an
>> error condition. In asynchronous messaging, this call chain is broken
>> up, since the callee is invoked later. Having lost a crucial debugging
>> tool, its important to provide a similarly powerful one. For promises,
>> Mark Miller, Terry Stanley and myself have been working on Causeway, a
>> program that can stitch stack traces back together after they've been
>> broken up by asynchronous messaging
>> <>. AFAIK, the Deferred API has
>> not been designed with similar debugging support in mind.
> Is there a reason why the ref_send API would be more debuggable than the
> Deferred API for promises that I proposed?

Since the proposed Deferred API doesn't provide a or Q.get()
API, it can't be used to generate remote operations and so can't
generate the Causeway log events used to stitch together traces of
call chains that cross process boundaries.

> Also, what does the Q stand for?

Q stands for "queue", as in "queue this invocation for later" or
"queue this field access for later". The operations done via the Q
object are things that don't happen immediately, but rather are queued
to happen later.

> Thanks,
> Kris

My pleasure,

Kris Zyp

Mar 25, 2009, 3:33:59 PM3/25/09

I certainly agree that we want promises and remote object interaction to
be compatible. And if we agree that the goal is compatibility and not
combining, is it safe to surmise that we can define these with separate
APIs/modules (for ServerJS's purposes)?

>> That seems like a poor separation of concerns. Why is the
>> remote object API more first class in the async world than other async
>> APIs? What protocol for remote object interaction would we use?
> So if you crack open the source code on the example page I've provided
> for the ref_send library <>,
> you'll find that this separation of concerns between the promise API
> and the remote messaging implementation is present. The ref_send.js
> file only defines the promise API and provides an implementation for
> local-only promises. This implementation has been done such that it is
> easy to plug in other promise implementations, which is what the
> web_send.js file does, providing remote promises built on top of XHR.
> The goal is to support many different promise implementations, all
> manipulated through the same API provided by the Q object. For
> example, a planned next step is to provide a promise implementation
> built on top of the new cross-frame scripting APIs. From the
> programmer's perspective, all these different promises can be treated
> the same.

I am curious how this works. If I write a SOAP handler and JSON-RPC
handler, how does Q.get or know which handler to call?
var vow1 = fetchObjectForSOAPInteraction();
var vow2 = fetchObjectForJSONRPCInteraction();, "foo", []);, "foo", []);

If I wrote both the fetch functions, how do indicate to how to
execute the method execution on the different remote objects?

>>> 2) Safe coordination with local objects
>> IIUC, you are suggesting that read-only promise are valuable for
>> security purposes. That makes sense, I agree. Is there a reason we can't
>> have a method or getter on the Deferred API that returns a "clone" that
>> doesn't affect the result in the original?
> When you're making heavy use of promises, you end up passing them
> around quite freely, like you do with normal references in synchronous
> code. Once you start doing asynchronous operations, you quickly find
> that most of your references become promises. Imagine what it would be
> like to program in Javascript if you had to "clone" a reference before
> passing it to another object. Your code would be littered with "clone"
> operations in a haphazard and awkward way, making it less readable and
> likely still not secure since you probably forgot to do the "clone"
> operation in some places.

The "clone" method was supposed to be analogous to your separation of
read-only and writable promises. How is that that programmers using your
API are so much less likely to improperly distinguish between them? If I
spelled it "promise" and made it getter would there be any difference
between them?

Designing the syntax around separate promises still feels we are
designing convenience for the exception rather than the norm.

>>> 3) Debugging
>>> In local-only computing, stack traces are often a crucial debugging
>>> tool, as they provide a snapshot of the call chain leading up to an
>>> error condition. In asynchronous messaging, this call chain is broken
>>> up, since the callee is invoked later. Having lost a crucial debugging
>>> tool, its important to provide a similarly powerful one. For promises,
>>> Mark Miller, Terry Stanley and myself have been working on Causeway, a
>>> program that can stitch stack traces back together after they've been
>>> broken up by asynchronous messaging
>>> <>. AFAIK, the Deferred API has
>>> not been designed with similar debugging support in mind.
>> Is there a reason why the ref_send API would be more debuggable than the
>> Deferred API for promises that I proposed?
> Since the proposed Deferred API doesn't provide a or Q.get()
> API, it can't be used to generate remote operations and so can't
> generate the Causeway log events used to stitch together traces of
> call chains that cross process boundaries.

Obviously if you can't generate remote operations they can't be debugged
:P. But, if post and get exist in a separate API, why can't they be
debugged in the same manner from that API?


Tyler Close

Mar 30, 2009, 12:26:45 PM3/30/09
Responses inline below...

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 12:33 PM, Kris Zyp <> wrote:
> Tyler Close wrote:
>> For the local only case, the above code is semantically equivalent to
>> the previous code, but is more awkward to read and write and doesn't
>> work when the good and/or account may be remote. So the and
>> Q.get() API is about providing a more productive syntax for promises
>> and a compatibility layer that we can plug a remote messaging
>> implementation into.
> I certainly agree that we want promises and remote object interaction to
> be compatible. And if we agree that the goal is compatibility and not
> combining, is it safe to surmise that we can define these with separate
> APIs/modules (for ServerJS's purposes)?

Not providing a way to schedule future invocations greatly limits the
utility of promises. Really, this functionality is the thing that
makes a promise what it is. Most of the programming idioms in the E
language and the Waterken server rely on this functionality. I'm not
sure that there's much value in a promise API that doesn't support
scheduling future invocations.

It's also worth noting that the Q.get() and functions add
very little complexity to the implementation. For example, see my
local-only promise implementation at:

This code follows the "Good Parts" conventions for Javascript, so the
public API is defined at the bottom of the file. Note that the Q.get()
and implementations are short sugar methods that rely on
plumbing code that is already necessary for implementing Q.when().
There's very little cost to providing these methods, and a lot to be

The implementation delegates the invocation part of the call
to the provided promise object, so your
fetchObjectForSOAPInteraction() function would return a promise
implementation that does SOAP messaging.

Your use of the 'vow' terminology suggests that you've at least looked
at some of the E language material. Given that, I'm surprised that you
don't think the get() and post() methods are important to the utility
of promises. How did you come to this view?

>>>> 2) Safe coordination with local objects
>>> IIUC, you are suggesting that read-only promise are valuable for
>>> security purposes. That makes sense, I agree. Is there a reason we can't
>>> have a method or getter on the Deferred API that returns a "clone" that
>>> doesn't affect the result in the original?
>> When you're making heavy use of promises, you end up passing them
>> around quite freely, like you do with normal references in synchronous
>> code. Once you start doing asynchronous operations, you quickly find
>> that most of your references become promises. Imagine what it would be
>> like to program in Javascript if you had to "clone" a reference before
>> passing it to another object. Your code would be littered with "clone"
>> operations in a haphazard and awkward way, making it less readable and
>> likely still not secure since you probably forgot to do the "clone"
>> operation in some places.
> The "clone" method was supposed to be analogous to your separation of
> read-only and writable promises. How is that that programmers using your
> API are so much less likely to improperly distinguish between them? If I
> spelled it "promise" and made it getter would there be any difference
> between them?

The crucial difference between the two APIs is that the object
returned by Q.defer() is *not* polymorphic with a promise, whereas a
Deferred that has not been clone()'d is polymorphic with one that has.
For example, in the ref_send API,

in callee:
function foo() {
var x = Q.defer();
// do some stuff.
return x; // forgot to return x.promise

in caller
Q.when(foo(), ...); // causes runtime error since foo() does not
return a promise

Now, in the proposed Deferred API for the callee:
function foo() {
var x = new Deferred();
// do some stuff.
return x; // forgot to call x.clone()

in caller:
foo().when(...); // code works even though clone() not called

In the above code, it may be a security violation for the returned
Deferred to not be clone()'d; however, the error lies hidden since an
honest caller is only expecting a read-only Deferred and so doesn't
attempt any write operations. The security error may lie dormant in
the code until an attacker notices that write operations will also
succeed. The extra write permission leaks out of the caller and sits
waiting for an attacker to notice.

The proposed design for Deferred.clone() is a good example of a design
anti-pattern that is well-known in capability-based design: "Don't
create subtypes that provide greater authority". This anti-pattern is
an important one that we commonly search for when doing security
audits, since it provides a hiding place for security errors in code
that seemingly works and passes its unit tests.

> Designing the syntax around separate promises still feels we are
> designing convenience for the exception rather than the norm.

That's strange, since my own intuition is exactly the opposite.
Between E, Waterken and some others, I've done a fair amount of
programming with promises and also participated in rigorous security
reviews of this code. To me, mutable promises seem like a disaster.

This disagreement is especially surprising since you agreed earlier in
this thread that promises are likely to be used in a library's public
API. With mutable promises, this is like client code getting write
access to a library's internal data structures. It's hard to create
reliable code that way.

>>>> 3) Debugging
>>>> In local-only computing, stack traces are often a crucial debugging
>>>> tool, as they provide a snapshot of the call chain leading up to an
>>>> error condition. In asynchronous messaging, this call chain is broken
>>>> up, since the callee is invoked later. Having lost a crucial debugging
>>>> tool, its important to provide a similarly powerful one. For promises,
>>>> Mark Miller, Terry Stanley and myself have been working on Causeway, a
>>>> program that can stitch stack traces back together after they've been
>>>> broken up by asynchronous messaging
>>>> <>. AFAIK, the Deferred API has
>>>> not been designed with similar debugging support in mind.
>>> Is there a reason why the ref_send API would be more debuggable than the
>>> Deferred API for promises that I proposed?
>> Since the proposed Deferred API doesn't provide a or Q.get()
>> API, it can't be used to generate remote operations and so can't
>> generate the Causeway log events used to stitch together traces of
>> call chains that cross process boundaries.
> Obviously if you can't generate remote operations they can't be debugged
> :P. But, if post and get exist in a separate API, why can't they be
> debugged in the same manner from that API?

In such a case, I suspect the get() / post() implementation would end
up creating its own promise implementation, since it's useful to be
able to stash information inside the promises for use by the get() and
post() methods. For example, for Causeway logging, these methods need
some way of assigning a stable string identifier to promises. It's
most convenient to store this identifier inside the promise.


Mar 31, 2009, 1:34:49 AM3/31/09
Hi Tyler,

Since Kris is looking for an API distinct from the remote object semantics of ref_send, what would you think if we rewrote --

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 11:38 AM, Tyler Close <> wrote:
var good  = ...
var account = ...
var payment =, 'withdraw', [ Q.get(good, 'price') ])

as the following? --

  var payment ='withdraw', good.get('price'))

In other words, the API of the promises would contain methods for generic "call", "get" and "set". The fully syntax would be something like:, arg_1, arg_2, ..., arg_k)
  aVow.set(fieldName, value)


Ihab A.B. Awad, Palo Alto, CA

Mar 31, 2009, 1:37:51 AM3/31/09
And one more --

  aVow.when(function(value) { ... });

where 'value' allows one to access the resolved value of 'aVow'. One could write this without that function argument:

  aVow.when(function() { ... });

since the body of the "when block" closes over 'aVow', but that would require accessing 'aVow' via its "call/get/set" API all the time. To that end, it would be considered perfectly fine style to mask off 'aVow' in the function body, as in:

  aVow.when(function(aVow) { ... });

Tyler Close

Mar 31, 2009, 1:19:41 PM3/31/09
Hi Ihab,

It looks like you're suggesting two changes:

1. spell 'post' as 'call'
2. put the methods on the promise, instead of sending them via the Q object.

I don't think either of these changes affects how "remote"-oriented
the protocol is. I suppose the first is more a matter of taste than
anything, so I'll just let it alone for now. The second change has a
negative impact on the API though. When a caller does a 'post' (or
'call'), it wants assurance that the invocation will be done later,
not immediately. This assurance means you don't have to worry about
thrown exceptions, or recursive calls. To get this assurance, the
current API has the caller invoke the Q object, instead of the
promise, since the caller may have gotten the promise as an argument
from an untrusted party. For example:

function makeObservable() {
var value;
var observers = [];
return freeze({
getValue : function () { return value; },
observe: function (observer) {
setValue: function (updated) {
value = updated;
observers.filter(function (observer) {'currentValue', value);

In the above code, which uses your proposed syntax for an asynchronous
invocation, a malicious caller could provide a normal object, instead
of a promise, as the argument to the observe() method. This argument
could then throw an exception when invoked from the setValue() method,
thus preventing the remaining observers from being notified of the
updated value. If we just change that one line from:'currentValue', value);

to:, 'currentValue', [ value ]);

We're now protected against that kind of bug, and a few others. For
more detail on the kinds of thing that can go wrong in this scenario,


Mar 31, 2009, 1:27:52 PM3/31/09

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 10:19 AM, Tyler Close <> wrote:
1. spell 'post' as 'call' ... I suppose the first is more a matter of taste than

anything, so I'll just let it alone for now. 

It depends on what you want the property setter to be. If it's "set", then it's not remote oriented; if it's "put" then it is. :) I do agree, though, that this is bikeshedding.

2. put the methods on the promise, instead of sending them via the Q object. ... has a

negative impact on the API though. When a caller does a 'post' (or
'call'), it wants assurance that the invocation will be done later,
not immediately.

Ah, I see. Makes sense. (Cool!)

So, in E, using the eventual send operator, "aVow <- doSomething()", serves the same purpose.


Mark S. Miller

Mar 31, 2009, 5:10:23 PM3/31/09
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 10:27 AM, <> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 10:19 AM, Tyler Close <> wrote:
>> 1. spell 'post' as 'call' ... I suppose the first is more a matter of
>> taste than
>> anything, so I'll just let it alone for now.
> It depends on what you want the property setter to be. If it's "set", then
> it's not remote oriented; if it's "put" then it is. :) I do agree, though,
> that this is bikeshedding.

I'll add to the bike's paintjob by saying that I hate 'call'. For
years the E community has been using 'call' vs 'send' to distinguish
synchronous call-return interactions vs asynchronous message sends. I
often misremember Tyler's 'post' as 'send' but never as 'call'.

Actually, since post/send is by far the most common operation, why not
make Q a function so we write

Q(observer, 'currentValue', [value])


>> 2. put the methods on the promise, instead of sending them via the Q
>> object. ... has a
>> negative impact on the API though. When a caller does a 'post' (or
>> 'call'), it wants assurance that the invocation will be done later,
>> not immediately.

Further, the current API enables the ref_send library to treat a
non-promise value as equivalent-for-most-purposes to a promise which
has already been resolved to that value. If these methods were on the
promise, then they could be confused for methods of the same name on
non-promise values.

> Ah, I see. Makes sense. (Cool!)
> So, in E, using the eventual send operator, "aVow <- doSomething()", serves
> the same purpose.
> Ihab

Yes. For future JavaScript, "<-" would unfortunately be ambiguous.
Instead, I hope that

aVow <== soSomething()

could one day desugar to

Q(aVow, 'doSomething', [])


when (aVow) ==> (a) {

could desugar to

Q.when(aVow, function(a) { return ...a...; });


Mar 31, 2009, 5:20:32 PM3/31/09
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 2:10 PM, Mark S. Miller <> wrote:
Actually, since post/send is by far the most common operation, why not
make Q a function so we write
   Q(observer, 'currentValue', [value])

Interesting. For JS objects (as opposed to E) which need a "get property / set property" access, how would we do that?


Mark S. Miller

Mar 31, 2009, 5:45:47 PM3/31/09
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 2:20 PM, <> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 2:10 PM, Mark S. Miller <> wrote:
>> Actually, since post/send is by far the most common operation, why not
>> make Q a function so we write
>>    Q(observer, 'currentValue', [value])
> Interesting. For JS objects (as opposed to E) which need a "get property /
> set property" access, how would we do that?

For get, I would leave unchanged Tyler's current

Q.get(aVow, 'propName')

For set, delete, for/in, in, instanceof, ===, and all the other
elements of JS inter-object interaction not covered by get & send, we
come to an interesting fork in the design space. Tyler chose
operations that can be mapped to a language independent protocol and
rationalized in terms of HTTPS GET and POST semantics. What he's come
up with works rather well across E, Joe-E, JS, and Caja. Within
Tyler's design, these other operations can be mapped onto posts to an
object that provides these services for its local objects. In other
words, in vat A exports an

exports.JS = Object.freeze({
set: Object.freeze(function(obj, propName, newValue) {
obj[propName] = newValue;
// .. and likewise for the other JS-specific interactions

then, when JS in vatB has a remote reference to vatA's JS, say, as
JSARef, then, if it want to eventually set aVow's propName to 8, where
aVow is also expected to be a reference to an object in vatA, it can

Q(JSARef, 'set', [aVow, 'propName', 8])

or, with possible sugar,

JSARef <== set(aVow, 'propName', 8)

Yes, even with sugar this is ugly. But I'd rather live with it for the
uncommon case rather than make the intervat object model JS specific.


Mar 31, 2009, 6:08:14 PM3/31/09
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 2:45 PM, Mark S. Miller <> wrote:
For set, delete, for/in, in, instanceof, ===, and all the other
elements of JS inter-object interaction not covered by get & send, we
come to an interesting fork in the design space. Tyler chose
operations that can be mapped to a language independent protocol and
rationalized in terms of HTTPS GET and POST semantics.

I see. Well that supports Kris Zyp's claim that this is "remote oriented". Or at least inter-language RPC oriented -- a very similar thing....
What he's come up with works rather well across E, Joe-E, JS, and Caja.

Ok, so this is an extra constraint: "Represent promises in a remote-friendly way". Is this something we all really need? The lesson I learned from CORBA (fwiw) is: Pick a language and VM, and stick with it, and so embrace code mobility.
   Q(JSARef, 'set', [aVow, 'propName', 8])
Yes, even with sugar this is ugly. But I'd rather live with it for the
uncommon case rather than make the intervat object model JS specific.

But promises are not *always* used intervat, and the common case *is* JS specific.


Mark S. Miller

Mar 31, 2009, 7:23:20 PM3/31/09
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 3:08 PM, <> wrote:
> I see. Well that supports Kris Zyp's claim that this is "remote oriented".
> Or at least inter-language RPC oriented -- a very similar thing....

Ihab & I just had a verbal conversation that clarified many things.
I'll try to recap.

If we're not computing inter-vat, why do we need a promise API at all?

If we are computing inter-vat, we're already paying all the semantic
costs of computing between address spaces, and thus most of the costs
of computing between machines. Once we shift to async messages over
unreliable references, we've already mostly shifted to a distributable
model, so let's just get it right. E, Waterken/Joe-E, and AmbientTalk
show that this right way is still bloody simple.

>> What he's come up with works rather well across E, Joe-E, JS, and Caja.
> Ok, so this is an extra constraint: "Represent promises in a remote-friendly
> way". Is this something we all really need?

If you're only computing within a vat, why do you need promises? Why
not just continue with conventional sequential programming?

> The lesson I learned from CORBA
> (fwiw) is: Pick a language and VM, and stick with it, and so embrace code
> mobility.

It's a tradeoff. E's distributed object semantics is tightly tied to
its local object semantics. The two were designed together to play
together well. Were E to switch to ref_send as its only remoting
protocol, something would be lost.

Neither JS nor Java were designed to play well with remote objects.
ref_send was initially designed with the main use-case being Java then
Joe-E objects. However, Tyler was careful not to design something Java
specific, and he hasn't. If we were designing something JS specific, I
don't know what I would do differently. When the misfit of computing
across languages is sufficiently small, we may as well pay a small
cost to buy the large benefits.

>>    Q(JSARef, 'set', [aVow, 'propName', 8])
>> Yes, even with sugar this is ugly. But I'd rather live with it for the
>> uncommon case rather than make the intervat object model JS specific.
> But promises are not *always* used intervat, and the common case *is* JS
> specific.

When you know you're computing intra-vat, then you can painlessly do
all these other operations in a when block. For example, a deferred
'in' operation is simply:

var flagVow = Q.when(aVow, function(a) { return 'propName' in a; });

Since it is presently uncertain whether JavaScript itself will ever
have catchalls, we can't easily write access abstractions, such as
interposed membranes. Instead, we can divide into two solvable cases.
In the local synchronous case, we know what properties the proxied
object already has at the time we create the proxy, so we can create
proxies for each of these properties explicitly. For the asynchronous
case, we don't know, so we can't. Fortunately, by funnelling all async
ops through a generic API, we don't have to. The big advantage of
supporting only deferred get/send/eq directly is that interposed
access abstractions only have to intermediate these operations.


Kris Kowal

Mar 31, 2009, 10:29:51 PM3/31/09
Could either Tyler Close or Kris Zyp summarize the deferred and
promise API in a documentation form with the options for names and the
noted preferences?

I'm interested in a generalized event API, an event loop/reactor/vat
module, and perhaps a worker thread module. I'm curious about whether
it would be appropriate to build one on top of the other, or whether
they should be coupled.

I would not preclude the possibility of inter-vat computing. Client
and server "vat" communication is very likely to become common.
Multiple vats might be composed on either or both the server and the
client, by way of worker thread communication. Even intra-vat
computing in JavaScript demands a strong basis for asynchrony.

I'm thinking that we need a "promise" module, an "event" module, and a
"worker" module, or some subset with some functionality accreted.
Tyler's Q object, would presumably be the "promise" module:

var Q = require("promise");

Tom Robinson, Wes Garland, and I have recently talked about what we're
going to do about timers, threads, and event loops. Wes advocates not
imposing any particular strategy, but providing modules for each. Tom
Robinson proposes the addition of an "onunload" event to the standard,
so a module can hook an event loop or timer service to the end of the
current execution. Without that, we could still explicitly initiate
an event loop, like Twisted's "", or a ""
equivalent. I see event loops, timers, vats, reactors, events,
observer pattern, promises, signals, and form binding ideas as closely
related and really ought to flush well with one another, perhaps in
terms of each other. My question for those with experience: what
would the natural architecture stack look like?

At any rate, a summary would be good for the rest of us. I'm still
plodding through Mark's thesis and don't consider myself an expert,
but certainly becoming a fan, of the promise model.

Kris Kowal

Mar 31, 2009, 10:46:12 PM3/31/09
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 7:29 PM, Kris Kowal <> wrote:
Tom Robinson proposes the addition of an "onunload" event to the standard,
so a module can hook an event loop or timer service to the end of the
current execution.  Without that, we could still explicitly initiate
an event loop ...

"onunload" will *initiate* an event loop? I'm confused. :)


Kris Kowal

Mar 31, 2009, 10:57:03 PM3/31/09
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 7:46 PM, <> wrote:
> "onunload" will *initiate* an event loop? I'm confused. :)

Yeah. Nominally the module system would check whether
environment.onunload exists and call it after the main module has
finished loading. Thus any module in the environment could register a
callback by having been required, thereby permitting events registered
by its API to execute in turn. A high level timer API and worker
thread communication events could be implemented in terms of sleep and

Kris Kowal

Mar 31, 2009, 11:18:07 PM3/31/09
Hi folks,

There's one more item from our conversation to share. Mark reminded me of the diagram in his thesis, attached here, showing the allowable states of references in E. Notice specifically:

* A "promise" _resolves_ to either a "near" or a "far" reference.

* A "near" reference is a simple reference to a local object, like some constructed object, or the number 5, or the string "hello world", or whatever. This kind of reference accepts immediate invocations, like:


* A "far" reference is a reference to a remote object. This kind of reference accepts eventual invocations, like:

  aFarRef <- doSomething(7)

and this returns a *promise* for the results of that operation. Given this promise, rinse and repeat....

     *   *   *   *   *

This then describes the connections *and* distinctions between the idea of a promise and the idea of a remote object invocation. I believe that, in Tyler's ref_send API, they are one and the same thing. ==> Tyler, am I correct?

To an extent, this makes sense since the APIs for a promise and a far reference are similar (eventual send operations returning promises). In fact, the syntax in E for invocations on these looks the same. The question is, in our JS incarnation, should we make them similar or different?


Tyler Close

Apr 1, 2009, 1:28:26 PM4/1/09
Hi Kris,

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 7:29 PM, Kris Kowal <> wrote:

> Could either Tyler Close or Kris Zyp summarize the deferred and
> promise API in a documentation form with the options for names and the
> noted preferences?

The update-to-date version of my JavaScript ref_send library is kept at:

Below is a copy of the interface documentation for the main Q object
exported by the library:

* Enqueues a task to be run in a future turn.
* @param task function to invoke later

* Constructs a rejected promise.
* @param reason Error object describing the failure
* @param $ optional type info to add to <code>reason</code>

* Constructs a promise for an immediate reference.
* @param value immediate reference

* Constructs a ( promise, resolver ) pair.
defer: ,

* Gets the current value of a promise.
* @param value promise or immediate reference to evaluate

* Registers an observer on a promise.
* @param value promise or immediate reference to observe
* @param fulfilled function to be called with the resolved value
* @param rejected function to be called with the rejection reason
* @return promise for the return value from the invoked callback

* Gets the value of a property in a future turn.
* @param value promise or immediate reference to get property from
* @param noun name of property to get
* @return promise for the property value
get: ,

* Invokes a method in a future turn.
* @param value promise or immediate reference to invoke
* @param verb name of method to invoke
* @param argv array of invocation arguments
* @return promise for the return value

People on this list have been kicking around alternate names for the
'post' method. I'm inclined to keep the interface as is.

> I'm interested in a generalized event API, an event loop/reactor/vat
> module, and perhaps a worker thread module.  I'm curious about whether
> it would be appropriate to build one on top of the other, or whether
> they should be coupled.

The ref_send.js library reuses an existing event loop, rather than
creating it's own. Promise libraries are typically coded this way,
layering the promise functionality on top of an existing event loop
API. Concurrency is created by having multiple event loops, with
asynchronous messaging between them. These inter-event-loop references
also conform to the promise API. An event can be modeled as a
(promise, resolver) pair. For example:

var event = Q.defer();

// Register an event handler
Q.when(event.promise, function (value) {
// the event happened

// Fire an event

If an event is recurring, you could do something like:

var recurringEvent = Q.defer();

// Register an event handler
var handler = function (next) {
// the event happened!

// register for the next event in the series
Q.when(next, handler);

// Fire an event
var next = Q.defer();

There are many variations you could create on the above pattern,
depending on what kind of event stream you want to create.

> I would not preclude the possibility of inter-vat computing.  Client
> and server "vat" communication is very likely to become common.
> Multiple vats might be composed on either or both the server and the
> client, by way of worker thread communication.  Even intra-vat
> computing in JavaScript demands a strong basis for asynchrony.
> I'm thinking that we need a "promise" module, an "event" module, and a
> "worker" module, or some subset with some functionality accreted.
> Tyler's Q object, would presumably be the "promise" module:

If you take an approach like the one I outlined above, you'll probably
end up with many different flavours of event modules, all built out of
promises. I think that's a good thing. For a "worker" module,
something like the Google worker module API would do fine. This
provides an event loop and a messaging layer on which to implement
cross-worker promises.

> var Q = require("promise");
> Tom Robinson, Wes Garland, and I have recently talked about what we're
> going to do about timers, threads, and event loops.  Wes advocates not
> imposing any particular strategy, but providing modules for each.  Tom
> Robinson proposes the addition of an "onunload" event to the standard,
> so a module can hook an event loop or timer service to the end of the
> current execution.  Without that, we could still explicitly initiate
> an event loop, like Twisted's "", or a ""
> equivalent.  I see event loops, timers, vats, reactors, events,
> observer pattern, promises, signals, and form binding ideas as closely
> related and really ought to flush well with one another, perhaps in
> terms of each other.  My question for those with experience: what
> would the natural architecture stack look like?

A vat spawning API, built on top of something like the Google worker
API, plus a promise API like ref_send, is a good foundation to build
on. This gives you an easy to use concurrency model, asynchronous and
remote messaging, and a foundation for various event APIs.

> At any rate, a summary would be good for the rest of us.  I'm still
> plodding through Mark's thesis and don't consider myself an expert,
> but certainly becoming a fan, of the promise model.

It's a surprisingly useful model. The API is rather simple, yet it
solves a wide array of problems. MarkM/Liskov really hit upon
something good.


Tyler Close

Apr 1, 2009, 1:38:59 PM4/1/09
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 8:18 PM, <> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> There's one more item from our conversation to share. Mark reminded me of
> the diagram in his thesis, attached here, showing the allowable states of
> references in E. Notice specifically:
> * A "promise" _resolves_ to either a "near" or a "far" reference.
> * A "near" reference is a simple reference to a local object, like some
> constructed object, or the number 5, or the string "hello world", or
> whatever. This kind of reference accepts immediate invocations, like:
>   aNearRef.doSomething(7)
> * A "far" reference is a reference to a remote object. This kind of
> reference accepts eventual invocations, like:
>   aFarRef <- doSomething(7)
> and this returns a *promise* for the results of that operation. Given this
> promise, rinse and repeat....
>      *   *   *   *   *
> This then describes the connections *and* distinctions between the idea of a
> promise and the idea of a remote object invocation. I believe that, in
> Tyler's ref_send API, they are one and the same thing. ==> Tyler, am I
> correct?

Like in E, both a promise and far reference implement the same API,
but the underlying implementation is different. One queue's up
operations to be forwarded to the resolved value of the promise, the
other sends the operations over the network to the remote object. As
discussed earlier with Kris Zyp, there can be many different far
reference implementations that use their own on-the-wire syntax. In
that light, think of a promise as a kind of far reference that queues
its messages in RAM instead of on the NIC.

> To an extent, this makes sense since the APIs for a promise and a far
> reference are similar (eventual send operations returning promises). In
> fact, the syntax in E for invocations on these looks the same. The question
> is, in our JS incarnation, should we make them similar or different?

What would it mean for them to be different?


Tyler Close

Apr 1, 2009, 1:45:22 PM4/1/09
On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 10:28 AM, Tyler Close <> wrote:
> If an event is recurring, you could do something like:
> var recurringEvent = Q.defer();
> // Register an event handler
> var handler = function (next) {
>    // the event happened!
>    // register for the next event in the series
>    Q.when(next, handler);
> };
> Q.when(event.promise,handler);
> // Fire an event
> var next = Q.defer();
> event.resolve(next.promise);

Actually, that not quite right. It would have to be like:

var recurringEvent = Q.defer();

// Register an event handler

var handler = function (info) {
// the event happened!

// register for the next event in the series

Q.when(, handler);

// Fire an event
var next = Q.defer();

event.resolve({ next: next.promise });

In the previous code, the event handler would never fire, instead
being automatically queued on the next promise.


Apr 1, 2009, 1:54:53 PM4/1/09
Hey Tyler,

Thanks for the explanation.

On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 10:38 AM, Tyler Close <> wrote:
What would it mean for them to be different?

One could decide that a:

  "promise resolving to near reference"

would support a superset of the operations of either of:

  "promise resolving to far reference"
  "far reference"

Examples of JavaScript-native operations that promises to near references could support would be:

  EQ (===)
  enumeration of keys (for ... in)
  arithmetic operations


Kris Kowal

Apr 6, 2009, 9:51:17 PM4/6/09
On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 10:28 AM, Tyler Close <> wrote:
> The update-to-date version of my JavaScript ref_send library is kept at:

I'm porting this to ServerJS on Narwhal. I have a question. I'm
going to have to supplant the ADSAFE API with standard library module
equivalents, and standard JavaScript idioms. That means that the
module will no longer be able to depend on static verification and the
ADSAFE API to maintain security invariants. When it counts, globals
will be deeply frozen. Are there any objects I need to freeze?

Kris Kowal

Kris Zyp

Apr 6, 2009, 10:47:13 PM4/6/09

Tyler Close wrote:
> Responses inline below...
> On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 12:33 PM, Kris Zyp <> wrote:
>> Tyler Close wrote:
>>> For the local only case, the above code is semantically equivalent to
>>> the previous code, but is more awkward to read and write and doesn't
>>> work when the good and/or account may be remote. So the and
>>> Q.get() API is about providing a more productive syntax for promises
>>> and a compatibility layer that we can plug a remote messaging
>>> implementation into.
>> I certainly agree that we want promises and remote object interaction to
>> be compatible. And if we agree that the goal is compatibility and not
>> combining, is it safe to surmise that we can define these with separate
>> APIs/modules (for ServerJS's purposes)?
> Not providing a way to schedule future invocations greatly limits the
> utility of promises. Really, this functionality is the thing that
> makes a promise what it is. Most of the programming idioms in the E
> language and the Waterken server rely on this functionality. I'm not
> sure that there's much value in a promise API that doesn't support
> scheduling future invocations.

Dojo has benefited greatly from promises that with any special concept
of a future invocation on the promised object. There are a huge range of
uses that don't require a future invocation API (HTTP requests, File IO,
event-completed actions, etc).

So we do need a API for the promise object itself then don't we? In
order to send the method invocation to the target of an unfulfilled
promise, there must be some contract of what to call on the promise for
the remote protocol implementor to deliver that invocation. In the
waterken source code it looks like promise is a function, and the first
argument is the operation (WHEN, GET, or POST), and the other arguments
do other things. I assume you chose to make a promise a function so you
could prevent tampering. Of course on the server side we can actually
make tamper-proof objects that expose methods that safely return value.
It seems to me that this lower-level API (which is apparently
undocumented AFAICT in ref_send) should be what ServerJS should be
standardizing in order to support different promise implementors (with a
separation of plain promises and remote invocation functionality,
perhaps as "subclass"). Then environments can freely provide convenience
methods like those provided by the ref_send API.

OK, that makes sense, the read-only promise should have different method
signatures then the mutable promise. I think that seems reasonable.

>> Designing the syntax around separate promises still feels we are
>> designing convenience for the exception rather than the norm.
> That's strange, since my own intuition is exactly the opposite.
> Between E, Waterken and some others, I've done a fair amount of
> programming with promises and also participated in rigorous security
> reviews of this code. To me, mutable promises seem like a disaster.
> This disagreement is especially surprising since you agreed earlier in
> this thread that promises are likely to be used in a library's public
> API. With mutable promises, this is like client code getting write
> access to a library's internal data structures. It's hard to create
> reliable code that way.

Mutable promises have been far from a disaster for us, they have been
very useful. However, I do see the value in immutable promises, and that
does seem a more reasonable path for object-capability systems. Still we
need an API for that allows for different implementations, and I don't
see how ref_send provides that.



Apr 6, 2009, 10:59:31 PM4/6/09

On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 7:47 PM, Kris Zyp <> wrote:
.. we need an API for that allows for different implementations ...

Specifically, I claim that we need an "eventual reference" API, with specifications about:

a. The set of allowable operations if this eventual reference points to a local object; and

b. That subset of (a) if this eventual reference points to a remote object.


Tyler Close

Apr 7, 2009, 12:08:13 PM4/7/09
Hi Kris,

On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 6:51 PM, Kris Kowal <> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 10:28 AM, Tyler Close <> wrote:
>> The update-to-date version of my JavaScript ref_send library is kept at:
> I'm porting this to ServerJS on Narwhal.

That's great.

>  I have a question.  I'm
> going to have to supplant the ADSAFE API with standard library module
> equivalents, and standard JavaScript idioms.  That means that the
> module will no longer be able to depend on static verification and the
> ADSAFE API to maintain security invariants.  When it counts, globals
> will be deeply frozen.  Are there any objects I need to freeze?

ADSAFE similarly only supports frozen globals, not frozen objects, so
just freezing the Q interface should be sufficient.

ADSAFE also blacklists a number of dangerous Javascript functions,
where these can break encapsulation or change the behaviour of
standard classes. The ref_send.js code depends on this protection. Is
something similar to ADSAFE or Caja being used in ServerJS to provide
these invariants?


Tyler Close

Apr 7, 2009, 12:34:01 PM4/7/09
Hi Ihab,

I suspect you'll find that in actual use, when(), get() and post() are
the only operations you want to do eventually. For other operations,
you typically want to get an immediate reference to the object first
and then do the operation. As MarkM was showing earlier, you put the
custom operations inside a when() block like:

var p = ... // some promise
var pr = Q.when(p, function (value) {
for (key in value) {
// do something immediate with key
// or some other custom op.
return // return the value computed with the custom operations
// pr is a promise for the return value of custom operations

I believe this tends to be the case, because the APIs you use the
return values with tend to be APIs that expect immediate references,
not promises. For example, in the above code, you probably need the
actual String objects for the key, not promises for a String, in the
body of the loop.

For providing more operations on promises to be useful, I suspect you
need a design like that of Joule, where everything is coded to be able
to deal with either an immediate reference or a promise, right down to
simple arithmetic on numbers. I doubt it's feasible to move Javascript
to a Joule-like design; the changes cut to the core of the VM. Doing
something more like E seems like the best course of action; where some
APIs expect near references, and so you invoke them from inside a
when() block.


Tyler Close

Apr 7, 2009, 1:09:15 PM4/7/09
On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 7:47 PM, Kris Zyp <> wrote:
> Tyler Close wrote:
>> Not providing a way to schedule future invocations greatly limits the
>> utility of promises. Really, this functionality is the thing that
>> makes a promise what it is. Most of the programming idioms in the E
>> language and the Waterken server rely on this functionality. I'm not
>> sure that there's much value in a promise API that doesn't support
>> scheduling future invocations.
> Dojo has benefited greatly from promises that with any special concept
> of a future invocation on the promised object. There are a huge range of
> uses that don't require a future invocation API (HTTP requests, File IO,
> event-completed actions, etc).

It's wonderful to hear that you've achieved such adoption. The E
community has often struggled with how best to teach promises, so that
programmers become comfortable with them and make good use of them.
Can you provide any links to user application code that uses the Dojo
Deferred. It would be interesting to study how it is or is not being
used, what mistakes are being made and what security vulnerabilities
may be created.

>>> If I wrote both the fetch functions, how do indicate to how to
>>> execute the method execution on the different remote objects?
>> The implementation delegates the invocation part of the call
>> to the provided promise object, so your
>> fetchObjectForSOAPInteraction() function would return a promise
>> implementation that does SOAP messaging.
> So we do need a API for the promise object itself then don't we? In
> order to send the method invocation to the target of an unfulfilled
> promise, there must be some contract of what to call on the promise for
> the remote protocol implementor to deliver that invocation. In the
> waterken source code it looks like promise is a function, and the first
> argument is the operation (WHEN, GET, or POST), and the other arguments
> do other things.

This internal API is indeed the one you need to implement in order to
create your own promises that are compatible with the ref_send API. If
you look at the web_send.js file, in the same folder as the
ref_send.js file, you'll see an example of how to do this. The
web_send.js file creates remote promises that send messages using XHR.

> I assume you chose to make a promise a function so you
> could prevent tampering.

And also to discourage users from invoking a promise directly. See my
response to Ihab's first post in this thread for a discussion on why
that is important.

> Of course on the server side we can actually
> make tamper-proof objects that expose methods that safely return value.
> It seems to me that this lower-level API (which is apparently
> undocumented AFAICT in ref_send) should be what ServerJS should be
> standardizing in order to support different promise implementors (with a
> separation of plain promises and remote invocation functionality,
> perhaps as "subclass").

I suspect ServerJS will want to standardize both the user API for
promises, as documented in the Q interface; and the extension API,
which is under-documented at the moment. The user API is by far the
more used and so more important, so I documented it first. I'll get to
the extension API soon, but it should be pretty straightforward when
studying the ref_send.js code.

> Still we
> need an API for that allows for different implementations, and I don't
> see how ref_send provides that.

The extension API, which we discuss above, is the one that supports
different implementations.


Tyler Close

Apr 8, 2009, 3:56:43 PM4/8/09

I've updated the ref_send.js file with a comment describing the extension API.


* The above functions, reject() and ref(), each construct a kind of
* promise. Other libraries can provide other kinds of promises by
* implementing the same API. A promise is a function with signature:
* function (op, arg1, arg2, arg3). The first argument determines the
* interpretation of the remaining arguments. The following cases must be
* handled:
* 'op' is undefined:
* Return the most resolved current value of the promise.
* 'op' is 'WHEN':
* 'arg1': callback to invoke with the fulfilled value of the promise
* 'arg2': callback to invoke with the rejection reason for the promise
* 'op' is 'GET':
* 'arg1': callback to invoke with the value of the named property
* 'arg2': name of the property to read
* 'op' is 'POST':
* 'arg1': callback to invoke with the return value from the invocation
* 'arg2': name of the method to invoke
* 'arg3': array of invocation arguments
* 'op' is unrecognized:
* 'arg1': callback to invoke with a rejected promise


Kris Zyp

Apr 11, 2009, 2:10:22 PM4/11/09

Tyler Close wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 7:47 PM, Kris Zyp <> wrote:

> [snip, and little out of order]

>>>> If I wrote both the fetch functions, how do indicate to how to
>>>> execute the method execution on the different remote objects?
>>> The implementation delegates the invocation part of the call
>>> to the provided promise object, so your
>>> fetchObjectForSOAPInteraction() function would return a promise
>>> implementation that does SOAP messaging.
>> So we do need a API for the promise object itself then don't we? In
>> order to send the method invocation to the target of an unfulfilled
>> promise, there must be some contract of what to call on the promise for
>> the remote protocol implementor to deliver that invocation. In the
>> waterken source code it looks like promise is a function, and the first
>> argument is the operation (WHEN, GET, or POST), and the other arguments
>> do other things.
> This internal API is indeed the one you need to implement in order to
> create your own promises that are compatible with the ref_send API. If
> you look at the web_send.js file, in the same folder as the
> ref_send.js file, you'll see an example of how to do this. The
> web_send.js file creates remote promises that send messages using XHR.
>> I assume you chose to make a promise a function so you
>> could prevent tampering.
> And also to discourage users from invoking a promise directly. See my
> response to Ihab's first post in this thread for a discussion on why
> that is important.

On the server side, tampering with object methods isn't an issue, since
we can easily create readonly, permanent properties. The concern that
was mentioned in response to Ihab's post on thread (I think it was his
second actually) had to do with methods possibly immediately throwing
errors. However, I don't see how this any different than calling methods
on any other untrusted object. Any untrusted method can throw an error,
and callers are also free to try/catch them, if they can cope with an error.

>> Of course on the server side we can actually
>> make tamper-proof objects that expose methods that safely return value.
>> It seems to me that this lower-level API (which is apparently
>> undocumented AFAICT in ref_send) should be what ServerJS should be
>> standardizing in order to support different promise implementors (with a
>> separation of plain promises and remote invocation functionality,
>> perhaps as "subclass").
> I suspect ServerJS will want to standardize both the user API for
> promises, as documented in the Q interface; and the extension API,
> which is under-documented at the moment. The user API is by far the
> more used and so more important, so I documented it first. I'll get to
> the extension API soon, but it should be pretty straightforward when
> studying the ref_send.js code.

I believe the API of the actual promise objects is far more important
because it defines how asynchronous operation providers provide
promises, it forms the low-level API for additional convenience
functions (like ref_send's Q.*), and it actually itself can provide the
most convenient access to most common operations. For the (by far) most
common action of simply starting an asynchronous operation and handling
the result, I don't think we should settle for anything less than
simplicity of syntax like:

db = require("database");
return db.query("select * from table").addCallbacks(function(result){
... do something with result ...
return newResult;

rather than:
db = require("database");
Q = require("Queue");
return Q.when(db.query("select * from table"), function(result){
... do something with result ...
return newResult;

Of course, in situations where the async function to be called is
untrusted, the Q.when can be helpful API for unifying sync and async
errors, but that shouldn't complicate the vastly more frequent case when
async function is trusted.

>> Tyler Close wrote:
>>> Not providing a way to schedule future invocations greatly limits the
>>> utility of promises. Really, this functionality is the thing that
>>> makes a promise what it is. Most of the programming idioms in the E
>>> language and the Waterken server rely on this functionality. I'm not
>>> sure that there's much value in a promise API that doesn't support
>>> scheduling future invocations.
>> Dojo has benefited greatly from promises that with any special concept
>> of a future invocation on the promised object. There are a huge range of
>> uses that don't require a future invocation API (HTTP requests, File IO,
>> event-completed actions, etc).
> It's wonderful to hear that you've achieved such adoption. The E
> community has often struggled with how best to teach promises, so that
> programmers become comfortable with them and make good use of them.
> Can you provide any links to user application code that uses the Dojo
> Deferred. It would be interesting to study how it is or is not being
> used, what mistakes are being made and what security vulnerabilities
> may be created.

I can look for some, but I think it is worth noting through the history
of the Dojo support mailing list, I have yet to hear of someone using
the Deferred API with untrusted code (despite the fact that we have
provided an infrastructure for object-capability based security with the
ADsafe-like system). I certainly am totally on board with
making sure we have a means for preserving object-capability security,
but I don't believe that it needs to be an overriding force in
determining the easiest paths in our APIs.


Kris Zyp

May 30, 2009, 5:22:21 PM5/30/09
I've updated this proposal based on the discussions of this thread, so
that the promises can be more appropriately used in a object-capability
systems. One of the key changes proposed here is that the interface only
defines how to interact with an instantiated promise, but does not
dictate how the promise is fulfilled. Thus, this interface could be
implemented by various implementors that have their own means of
fulfilling the promise, which often may be internal (and it would be
insecure and dangerous to expose). The Dojo Deferred class could then be
viewed as one implementation of this API (roughly anyway, there are a
few places where it doesn't quite match), which happens to expose it's
fulfillment methods.

The other change is that addCallbacks returns a new promise that does
not affect the original promise, thus providing a way of giving a
promise to untrusted module without impacting the original promise.

Obviously, this is still different than the "Q" API (proposed by Tyler
Close), but a key point here is that I don't believe these are mutually
exclusive. A "Q" API implementation can easily utilize this promise API
for the promises that it passes around to the Q functions. The Q API
certainly is valuable, and provides a lot of convenience, for example in
providing single points of error handling (rather than requiring
try/catch and onerror handlers for untrusted objects). However, a
promise API is the fundamental building block that is needed for
ServerJS implementors to provide asynchronous methods and from which Q
functions could be built. Furthermore, this is API provides very
convenient access to the most common operations.

Also, I wanted to note that this proposal is not intended to push for
more async APIs. I think in many/most situations sync APIs will probably
be the easiest and most convenient for ServerJS. However, I think there
will be situations were we will want to use async APIs, and hence the

exports.Promise = function(){};
exports.Promise.prototype = {

addCallbacks: function(callback, errorHandler, progressHandler){

// summary:
// Add separate callback, errorHandler, and progressHandler to the
// end of the callback sequence. Non-function values are ignored.
// returns:
// This should return a new promise that is fulfilled when the
// given callback is finished. The value returned from the
// callback is the fulfillment value for the returned promise.

wait: function(){

// summary:
// This will block the execution of the current function while
// waiting for the Promise to be fulfilled, *if* the
// implementation and this Promise support this operation.
// If supported, the function will return the result of the
// resolved Promise when it is fulfilled. If the Promise is
// resolved with an error, than this function will throw the
// the provided error object. If the concurrency model of
// the implementation or the Promise object does not support
// blocking, the "wait" property should be a null or
// undefined. This API is not intended to imply that
// implementations that provide a "wait" function are superior.
// returns:
// The fulfilled value of the promise.

// extends Promise
exports.InteractivePromise = function(){};
exports.InteractivePromise.prototype = {

get: function(propertyName){

// summary:
// Requests the given property from the target of this promise.
// returns:
// Returns a promise to provide the value of the stated property
// from this promise's target.

call: function(functionName, arg1, arg2, ...){

// summary:
// Request to call the given method/function on the target of
// this promise.
// returns:
// Returns a promise to provide the return value of the requested
// function call.


// just signfying that it extends Promise, I know thats not necessarily
// how you do it for reals.

Obviously one can extend it even further for other purposes...

Kris Zyp wrote:
> I promised to propose a promise API (sorry for the pun), so here it is.
> If I started from scratch, my personal preference would probably be to
> spell it "Future". But, I strongly believe in following prior
> implementations, and I am pretty sure that Dojo's Deferred API would be
> the most widely used promise API in JavaScript. The following API is
> therefore based on Dojo's
> (, with a few
> changes based on what we have learned from experience using the API (the
> need for allowing progress events) and keeping things minimal (I omitted
> some of the extra convenience functions), as well as some influence from
> the waterken (sp?) API:
> Deferred = function(/*Function?*/ canceller){
> // summary:
> // Creates a new promise, encapsulating a sequence of
> callbacks in
> // response to a value that
> // may not yet be available. This is modeled after the
> Deferred class
> // from Twisted <>.
> }
> Deferred.prototype = {
> cancel: function(){
> // summary:
> // Cancels a Deferred that has not yet received a value,
> or is
> // waiting on another Deferred as its value.
> },
> callback: function(result){
> // summary:
> // Fulfills the Deferred promise object, beginning the
> callback
> // sequence with a non-error value.
> },
> errback: function(/*Error*/error){
> // summary:
> // Fulfills the Deferred promise object with an error,
> beginning the
> // callback sequence with an error result.
> },
> progress: function(progressValue){
> // summary:
> // Indicate that progress has been made on fulfilling
> this Deferred object
> },
> addCallbacks: function(callback, errback, progressback){
> // summary:
> // Add separate callback, errback, and progressback to
> the end of the callback
> // sequence. Non-function values are ignored.
> },
> wait: function(){
> // summary:
> // This will block the execution of the current function
> while waiting for the Deferred
> // to be fulfilled, *if* the implementation and this
> Deferred support this operation. If
> // supported, the function will return the result of the
> resolved Deferred when it is
> // is fulfilled. If the Deferred is resolved with an error,
> than this function will throw the
> // the provided error object. If the concurrency model of
> the implementation or the
> // Deferred object do not support blocking, the "wait"
> property should be a null or
> // undefined. This API is not intended to imply that
> implementations that provide
> // a "wait" function are superior.
> }
> }
> Deferred.when = function(value, callback, errback){
> // summary:
> // When the value is not a Deferred object, the callback
> function is immediately called
> // with the value as the first argument.. If the value is an
> instance of Deferred, this is
> // equivalent to calling value.addCallbacks(callback, errback);
> }
> Deferred.wait = function(value){
> // summary:
> // When the value is not a Deferred object, the value is
> immediately returned. If the
> // value is an instance of Deferred, this returns the result
> of executing value.wait();
> }

Kevin Dangoor

Jun 2, 2009, 9:15:34 AM6/2/09
Hi Kris,

On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 5:22 PM, Kris Zyp <> wrote:
> Also, I wanted to note that this proposal is not intended to push for
> more async APIs. I think in many/most situations sync APIs will probably
> be the easiest and most convenient for ServerJS. However, I think there
> will be situations were we will want to use async APIs, and hence the
> proposal.

I agree with this sentiment. Would you mind putting your proposal up
on the wiki somewhere? I haven't gotten through all of my mail to know
if something has come along in a separate thread, but it would be good
to document the different ideas that have come up.


Kevin Dangoor


Avenida Gez

Apr 16, 2013, 8:46:13 PM4/16/13
I have not read all the post, neither done a deep analysis on Promises/A, but one thing is clear to me at first sight
in order for a promise to work is not as stated in "A promise represents the eventual value returned from the single completion of an operation"
In fact the promise must return a Promise, not itself, in order to be chainable.
If talking of simple variable in return eventual value, then the promise is a simple async callback function.
And the problem starts on how will I make something to  make me a promise if it doesn't even exists, and may be never will, which goes beyond the fulfilled or failed paradigm.
It seems to be mayor influence in microsoft programing terms, which is not good to virtualize the real concept of promise.
Reasons to not accomplish a promise (I will say fulfill to follow the same terms) are many, but the main ones are lack of resources, lack of time, both may be due too to a failure (lets call it system failure, operation failure or whatever) so the promise in terms of a strict request, if not fulfilled the result is a failure but it could not be a failure at all, furthermore a promise could be suspended in which case there could by anyway a partial result which is not a failure at all depending on who suspended the operation but there must be a result value. And if it can be suspended it can be resumed (which could be based on its actual results, state or whatever you want to call it)
The client of my boss promised him to pay the pending bills, my boss promised me then pay my salary, I promised the car dealer having the money buying the car, the dealer promised the factory to get that car, the factory promised to pay my boss when the dealer gets the car, which I will get when my boss pays me who will pay me when the factory pays him, which will pay.........
See? That kind of loops are part of real promises, can it be solved? So making simple promises based on fulfill or failure doesn't have any sense at all, is just rubick cube to play with
I do not speak english at all, but I remember a friend telling me a story, of a friend asking another friend, if you were in Africa in a sneak appears in front of you what would you do?, the answer, simple I would take a stick and attack the snake, and if it appeared a crocodile? simple, I will take high in a tree, And if 10 Lions appears in front of you? simple I kill them with an AK-47. But where will you take the AK-47? Simple, from the same place you took the lions. 

And that is the same answer for promises
when(house,color,red),then(bike,color,blue).else(bike,color,green)    Not possible in real promises terms, there is an implicit fulfill failure case
The goal must no be based in an eventual promise result, viceversa, the promise eventual result must be based on the goal
Now in your terms

That means in first place I know the process to paint the house (and that is wrong)
the other way if paint is a promise, paints knows how to do its job, so it call clean, which by the way is a promise
once called clean, clean calls to remove, which by the way, is a promise too
In this real order, I do not know nothing about how paint processes the order, which is based in promises too.

Now, should be notice, that neither paint or clean could start to do its work (operation) because are waiting for remove
So in a call for status, or report to paint it would need to ask further to clean and it to remove, otherwise the advance is zero which in fact is not.

So what is the problem? (like in JQuery)

when a task X is delegated (promise, deferred or whatever) usually at the moment it takes (not makes) a promise, it takes its job as fulfilled.
this is in programing terms async-mode with no feedback, a broken promise, because of the return of values and not promises.
Who has a promise, might have too a pending promise (task) derived from that promise, so the first thing to handle promises is not just being a promise, to be a promise you need first know how to deal with promises as yourself and that is what I do no see in Promises/A

Thanks for reading.
I might eventually return but do not take it as a promise. (redundancy? shall I say I will or I might?)

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