Fwd: I need your input

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Jeffery J. Smith

Jan 16, 2015, 2:28:11 PM1/16/15
to Allen Smith, Scott Baker, Edward Dodson, Andy Mazzone, Billy Fitzgerald, Alanna Hartzok, Josh Vincent, common-ground-nyc@googlegroups.com NYC

Begin forwarded message:

Date: January 16, 2015 at 9:19:38 AM PST
From: "Alanna Hartzok" <ala...@centurylink.net>
To: "Michael A. Lewis" <mle...@hunter.cuny.edu>, "Eri Noguchi" <en...@columbia.edu>, "Steven Shafarman" <st...@FlexAware.com>, "Murphy Jason" <murph...@Elms.edu>, "Mark Witham" <mwi...@basicincomeproject.org>, <sss...@gmail.com>, "Michael Howard" <michael...@umit.maine.edu>, "Jeffery J. Smith" <j...@geonomics.org>, "Karl Widerquist" <ka...@widerquist.com>
Subject: Re: I need your input

Karl -  This sounds "in house" rather than like a public event. First, describe in one or two sentences what BI is and why it is important.
Two, whatever your role is or will be or will not be is not so important in an  event announcement that is intended for the public. 
Third, make it sound like an exciting new opportunity for engagement in this component of new economics.
Yes, remove the "don't know what might come out of it" that sounds like "why bother" to show up, New Yorkers have lots of other things to do.
So, maybe back to the drawing board.
I await the details on the Hunter College event.
- ah
-------Original Message-------
Date: 1/16/2015 9:08:40 AM
Subject: I need your input
Dear Michael, Mike, Eri, Steve, Alanna, Jason, Mark, Scott, and Jeff,

I need your input on the following editorial. It's an announcement of the Activists Meeting at the Brooklyn Commons in New York. I don't know much about how we should do this. I'm promising to organize the space and moderate the discussion. Mark do you have any details we can add about how you'll get people connected online? Anybody have any idea about how to get acivists there? I don't know whether anyone will come or not. One person has already asked me for a place to stay, and I don't even know activists in the area who might be able to do that. I think we should provide a space to facilitate the discussion, but I really don't know how to go about it.

So, I guess my questions are two: 

1. How (if at all) should I change the announcement below.
2. How best can we plan for this? What help do y'all think we need and what can you give?



Editorial: Basic Income Activists Meeting in Brooklyn, New York and on the Internet, March 1, 2015

With interest in Basic Income taking off and activists groups forming and become more active around the world, interest in the formation of an American movement is growing. The USBIG Network has been around since December of 1999, but it is not an activists’ group. Its goals have been to increase discussion and research into the topic. To have an activists’ group, either USBIG will need to change or a new, additional group will have to form. At the occasion of the 14th Annual North American Basic Income (NABIG) Guarantee Congress, USBIG is organizing a public discussion on this issue. We invite everyone who is interested in discussing this issue to come and anyone who is interested but can’t be there in person to participate online (we’ll announce details about how the meeting will be connected to the web later). We’ll have pizza and drinks. We’ll take up a collection to pay for them, but they’ll be distributed unconditionally—even to those unwilling or unable to contribute to the costs.

As conference organizer, I have volunteered to moderate the discussion, but I have taken myself out of the running for any role in any leadership or any organization that might emerge. The meeting has no agenda; no list of speakers. I have no idea what (if anything) will come out of the meeting. Let’s get together; talk it over; and see what happens. 

Time & date: 6:30pm, Sunday March 1, 2014
Location: The Brooklyn Commons, 388 Atlantic Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11217 (easy to get to by subway from the rest of New York City)
Contact: Ka...@widerquist.com

If people want to come, you can just show up.

If you can help with the advanced planning, contact me. If you have a place in the city where you can put people up who are coming to town for the meeting, that would be great, let me know. If you’re looking for a place, let me know, we’ll see if we can help.

Karl Widerquist
Associate Professor at SFS-Qatar, Georgetown University
3300 Whitehaven Street, N.W.
Suite 2100, Harris Building
Washington, D.C. 20007-2401
US cell phone: +1 504-261-0891
Qatar cell phone: +974 5508-9323
Qatar office phone: +974 4457-8384
Qatar fax: +974 4457-8231
EMAIL: Ka...@widerquist.com
Website: http://works.bepress.com/widerquist/
Quote of the moment:
"it's unfair that you can get judged by something you didn't do, 
but it’s also unfair that you can inherit money that you didn't work for."
-Chris Rock

SMITH, Jeffery J.
President, Forum on Geonomics
Editor, www.progress.org
Share Earth's worth to prosper and conserve.

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