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Commodity Arbitration Club Reminder Thursday 6 May

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Commodity Arbitration Club

Apr 29, 2021, 12:08:24 PM4/29/21
to Commodity Arbitration Club

Dear Colleagues,

If you have not already registered then a reminder that our next virtual meeting takes place details below.

If you have registered then please ignore this message.

Date:    Thursday 6 May 2021

Time:   13:00 London time

Duration will be about 90 minutes.

The event will be hosted by HFW on zoom.

Topics will be:

  1. Interpretation – Do words always trump context – recent signals from the Supreme Court. This will be introduced by Brian Perrott of HFW.
  1. Custom of the Trade This will be a discussion regarding the recent case Black Sea Commodities Ltd v Lemarc Agromond Pte Ltd. 

A link to the judgement is below and I would encourage you to read this in advance of the event.

HFW acted for Black Sea Commodities. 

Jonathan Waters will give a Gafta perspective on the case as well.

If you wish to attend this discussion please register by using the following link:


You will then receive details of the Zoom login.

While this meeting will be recorded we will not be distributing a copy as our meetings are held under Chatham House none attributable rules.


David Barnett

Hon Sec

Commodity Arbitration Club


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