Autonomic Mirage MMS-5A Login Challenges

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Bill Hunter

Feb 7, 2018, 3:53:41 PM2/7/18

May I ask for some help? 

I am attempting to control an Autonomic Media Server version MMS-5A utilizing the example module available on the Github website (, uploaded through the CommandFusion GuiDesigner version, to an iPad Air running Commandfusion iViewer version 4.0.360 build 360.1. The Mirage Server is up to date with the latest firmware version release number 5.35.20171102.4.  Lastly, the iViewer 4 settings through the iPad Utility Window have everything selected, including Reload GUI layout, Reload GUI assets, Remember Last GUI File, Preload Images, Show Preload Status, Button Press Sound and the Auto Lock Delay is set to "Use System Lock Timer".  

The example software is unmodified except for the [inputURL]  which was changed to the appropriate network address of  

The following is the debug script logged to the monitor through CF.log():

> Javascript interface up and running, opening connection with iViewer
> Established connection with iViewer
> Javascript starting up. iViewer version: v4.0.360 build 360.1
> Initializing modules
> Module found: Autonomic MMS5 version: Beta v0.01
> Autonomic MMS-5 System Setup Started.
> Autonomic MMS-5 System Setup Completed.
> Autonomic MMS-5 System is Disconnected!!
> Autonomic MMS-5 System is Connected!

Although the iPad reports that the "Server Connected" in the upper left corner of the screen and an album cover and associated album information is populated in the text boxes below the album cover, the screen freezes and attempting to press any other screen buttons (Albums, Artists, Genres, Playlists, Radio Sources, Queue, Actions, Zone, Sources or Settings) does not have any effect.

Below is a screenshot: 

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Bill Hunter

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Feb 7, 2018, 9:01:34 PM2/7/18
to CommandFusion Software
From the look of the screenshot, the subpages are not showing up. Did you put your device's license code into the GUI project?

Bill Hunter

Feb 8, 2018, 10:17:19 AM2/8/18
to CommandFusion Software

Thanks for your help Terence - it's very much appreciated.  Of course, you were right.  Although I had license codes associated with the module, for whatever reason it did not pick up the license code for the iPad I was using.  Not sure why it didn't pick it up, but after your advice, it was an easy fix.

BTW, my compliments on your coding. The example module code is some of the easiest I've seen for someone to build off of.  


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