iViewer for Android Now Available!

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May 27, 2013, 10:06:41 PM5/27/13
to comman...@googlegroups.com
iViewer 4 for Android is finally out of beta and is now available on the Google Play store and for direct download from our website! 

A big thank you to all beta testers for providing valuable feedback.

Please continue to report any bugs/issues you come across - while we do our best to make sure every release is big free, there area always a few that aren't picked up until later. 
We are also always open to any suggestions on how to improve our software - please feel free to post in this topic, or create a new one if you like.


May 28, 2013, 1:26:44 AM5/28/13
to comman...@googlegroups.com
What a grateful news!
I will test soon!

2013年5月28日火曜日 11時06分41秒 UTC+9 Aaron:


May 28, 2013, 2:14:50 AM5/28/13
to commandfusion
Is there support for air gesture and IR blaster? My S4 has these features and it would be nice to be able to use them with iViewer

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Jarrod Bell

May 28, 2013, 2:26:22 AM5/28/13
to comman...@googlegroups.com
Not at this stage.


Jarrod Bell


May 28, 2013, 2:37:56 AM5/28/13
to comman...@googlegroups.com, jar...@commandfusion.com
As mentioned in a previous thread, it is possible that in the future the Android version will support features that aren't currently possible on iOS, but for now everything is the same. 

You are of course welcome to provide these suggestions to us, and we can add it to our development list. We cant promise everything can/will be implemented - but we will look at all suggestions.


May 28, 2013, 3:57:38 AM5/28/13
to commandfusion
Would it be possible to sync up the version number with the iOS version since they have the same features

Sent from my Ultrafast Samsung Galaxy S4 on Three

Florent Pillet

May 28, 2013, 4:19:11 AM5/28/13
to comman...@googlegroups.com
Not really, because the version number increments due to fixing issues (for example, we'll push another Android build today to fix a couple early ones).

And it's possible that the Android version gets new features faster than iOS, due to the fact that there is no approval delay to get it published. It makes things much easier for us!


On May 28, 2013, at 9:57 AM, vmailtk5 <vmai...@gmail.com> wrote:

Would it be possible to sync up the version number with the iOS version since they have the same features

Sent from my Ultrafast Samsung Galaxy S4 on Three

Florent Pillet - Software Engineering Lead


May 28, 2013, 12:29:49 PM5/28/13
to comman...@googlegroups.com
Great news, probably a bit early for feature requests...

It would be really nice to have the ability to start iViewer on device bootup, and use the device as a fully fledged remote, is this possible?


Nahshon Williams

May 28, 2013, 12:31:22 PM5/28/13
to comman...@googlegroups.com
IPTV streaming and SIP video would be the end of everything!

Clayton Vicente

May 28, 2013, 10:15:08 PM5/28/13
to comman...@googlegroups.com
The beta licenses still working ? I tried to test my .gui, but the license its not working.

Date: Mon, 27 May 2013 19:06:41 -0700
From: aa...@commandfusion.com
To: comman...@googlegroups.com
Subject: iViewer for Android Now Available!

Jarrod Bell

May 28, 2013, 10:21:03 PM5/28/13
to comman...@googlegroups.com
The beta license is not valid for the release build.


Jarrod Bell

Clayton Vicente

May 28, 2013, 10:28:23 PM5/28/13
to comman...@googlegroups.com
Ok , let me see if i understand right.
I test several times my .gui, i send the .gui for several friends and clients, dont work well for anyone, its running smooth in all the ipads. I report the problems here, no answer of anyone. Now you guys are selling the Android version and i cant test any more, an less that i buy a license and pray for your guys have time to tell me why anything its working well in my .gui.

Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 12:21:03 +1000
From: jar...@commandfusion.com
To: comman...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: iViewer for Android Now Available!

Jarrod Bell

May 28, 2013, 10:39:14 PM5/28/13
to comman...@googlegroups.com
All clients must have a license, its as simple as that. And I did say this directly to you in a previous posting (relating to using beta versions on friends devices):
Yes but the beta licenses will be invalid shortly once the first stable release is available, so it may be short lived. (https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/commandfusion/dYLmAfa0ajY)
As for your personal testing, you can apply for a single free license for your devices, same rules as for iOS.

Can you please link me to the reports that have gone unanswered? Sometimes we miss things.


Jarrod Bell


May 28, 2013, 10:46:25 PM5/28/13
to comman...@googlegroups.com, jar...@commandfusion.com
Valuable input from Beta testers will NOT be forgotten and we are currently looking at ways to thank the testers that provided helpful test results and feedback.

I encourage you to apply for a licence for testing purpose as Jarrod has mentioned in the meantime.

Clayton Vicente

May 29, 2013, 8:01:12 AM5/29/13
to comman...@googlegroups.com
I was thought that the Android version would be sold when everything was working well, its as simple as that. I was expecting a new beta version were the app dont crash when we move from a page to another, or  dont loose the connections after trying to get a feedback, or the CF.request works.
Yesterday i was a little frustrating not only with this Android thing, so my email was more hard then i wanted, but was honest. I am spending several hours to find a good application with a good support to integrate my interface with windows, its another frustrating thing dont have IViewer for Windows. I dont buy many licenses in my name, but believe me, i have several clients using my interface around the world, they buy his own licenses. Its very frustrating when this guys (and others there are not using the interface yet) send a request to me asking to put my interface to work with the Android and i cant do anything to help. Another frustrating thing its not have my lists scrolling smooth, i and others already report this here several times, again, there is nothing that i can do to solve this. All this together is pushing me to test others software to make my interface, even if i dont wanted. 
I will be honest with you, like always, sorry if this will bother you. If i dont get my interface working to cover my clients need, i will simple give up to CF and start to learn another software (that work for Windows, Android and IOS, and have JS too), i am not alone, others users here are doing the same thing. And take in your consideration that i am a "fan" of CF.
My questions about the Android version its just because i want to work with it, i wait months for this android version, but if not possible, no problem. I can "try" to get a license for test, but my clients or friends will never be able to test this to me and tell me if is working or not. I will not be able to test in BlueStaks, mini androids, etc, since i will be using only one license. And since that everytime that i send my interface for your guys in the supoprt i never get a single answer, even say "WE WILL NOT TEST YOUR .GUI", i dont waist my time sending my .gui to the support and trying to convince you guys to test my .gui to see if there is something wrong with it or if is a problem with the Android Version.
For now, its simple as that, the android version its not working for me, at least your last Beta 151.

Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 12:39:14 +1000

Jarrod Bell

May 29, 2013, 9:04:49 AM5/29/13
to comman...@googlegroups.com
Firstly, we appreciate all beta testing, but as far as we were aware the product was working very well for many many beta testers (we have hundreds of people beta testing). So we need to release a product for sale that people can use in jobs - and this is the first release of iViewer for Android.
Sure there are bugs, but point me to a software product that doesn't have bugs - does not exist. And because we have the ability to move much more quickly on bug fixes on Android (no app store approval process before you can get your hands on it) we plan to take advantage of this - another reason to release the current build (which works for most people's requirements).

Your usages are definitely on the more advanced side, and we are very ready to test anything you can provide - but it actually needs to be something we can test. We need you to offer remote connection possibilities as we don't have the systems in house that you are working with in the exact same setups as your GUI requires.

We have NEVER said "we will not test your GUI". More we 'cannot' test it, in which case we asked for slimmed down GUI files to reproduce specific problems. I don't believe we have ever been given such a thing from you.

As for lists - we have explained MANY times why they will NEVER be as smooth as native apps which are designed from scratch to do only one thing. Our list system is much more powerful than this, which introduces overheads which impact performance. We have made steps to create smoother lists, and there has been progress in this over recent times as I hope you have seen (or maybe you jumped on board after all this had taken place).

Android is a hog of a platform to develop for, with huge fragmentation of devices and what they how they actually implement functionality of the OS. So of course we cannot test every scenario - if something crashes, make sure to send the log. If the log never reaches us, nothing we can do about fixing a bug we aren't aware of.


Jarrod Bell

Florent Pillet

May 29, 2013, 10:34:14 AM5/29/13
to comman...@googlegroups.com
Hi Clayton,

CF.request on Android works fine. A recent fix that will be in build 158 is that we automatically add the http:// prefix if it's missing, as Android is a little less permissive than iOS on this front.

Also, many of our testers confirmed that the latest beta builds worked just fine for them. I'm sorry that you are still finding things that don't work as expected - if I remember correctly, one of the issues with your gigantic GUI is that it relies on many systems we don't have, so it's difficult to troubleshoot what's going on.

Crash on page flip is new to me - it has not happened for a long time. Feedback issues? please detail the feedback that doesn't work, including the data that's input. The more info the better, but if you send us a GUI it needs to be able to run standalone or with minimal connections to other systems!

Thanks for your time - we're working hard on this and we appreciate your input.


On May 29, 2013, at 2:01 PM, Clayton Vicente <clayt...@hotmail.com> wrote:

I was thought that the Android version would be sold when everything was working well, its as simple as that. I was expecting a new beta version were the app dont crash when we move from a page to another, or  dont loose the connections after trying to get a feedback, or the CF.request works.


May 29, 2013, 12:15:47 PM5/29/13
to comman...@googlegroups.com
Sorry to re-ask questions, but would it be possible to add an autostart feature to iViewer for Android?


Clayton Vicente

May 29, 2013, 12:34:21 PM5/29/13
to comman...@googlegroups.com

To be fair its my fault too, i dont test the build 158, but my requests already have the http://. I have to take a time to do the things in the right way. First of all my main objective its use the Android version to monitor some system, i will need to use this in September . I have a mini android here, i dont remember the brand, i should test this in a specific .gui before, i have the BlueStacks here too and maybe will be better test with it.
So, in the next two weeks i will buy a new android device (Galaxy) with a big screen. I will try get the free license to use with the BlueStacks and i will buy another one to test with the Galaxy. I will walk in the right way now and made my own tests with interfaces created for this devices, of course that will test my full interface too.
About the free license, i dont have a company email, i use a generic one and is this email that i am using in the CF account. How can i proceed ? Of course i can send my company details for you.

Subject: Re: iViewer for Android Now Available!
Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 16:34:14 +0200
To: comman...@googlegroups.com

Florent Pillet

May 29, 2013, 2:02:02 PM5/29/13
to comman...@googlegroups.com
We're looking into this.


On May 29, 2013, at 6:15 PM, ja...@hthome.co.uk wrote:

> Sorry to re-ask questions, but would it be possible to add an autostart feature to iViewer for Android?
> Jack

Jarrod Bell

May 29, 2013, 8:29:15 PM5/29/13
to comman...@googlegroups.com
For the free license, just submit some details to say what you're doing, etc, and I will make sure it gets processed.


Jarrod Bell


May 30, 2013, 7:22:03 AM5/30/13
to comman...@googlegroups.com
Jarrod is not kidding here btw..... Early on in the testing I couldn't get the app to work one bit on my devices and it was as simple as jumping in their IRC channel and pinging one of them... Shortly after that I was allowed to download a different version that allowed them to see everything realtime that was going on in the app when used to help them diagnose the issues I was having... Can't beat that service!! I couldn't of been the easiest to deal with as I was testing so much so early but the whole time the guys were great!

I've been away from the forum here for awhile with workand all but still kept using the beta app the whole time.... Never once felt that support was poor as the crew here does a stand up job!

Florent Pillet

May 31, 2013, 9:51:31 AM5/31/13
to comman...@googlegroups.com
We can build a version that has the required flags, but you'll have to do some manual setup as a full kiosk mode currently involves rooting the device:


On May 28, 2013, at 6:29 PM, ja...@hthome.co.uk wrote:

It would be really nice to have the ability to start iViewer on device bootup, and use the device as a fully fledged remote, is this possible?

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