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Mar 28, 2013, 2:19:40 PM3/28/13
Thinking about buying cf.
Just need to clear up a couple of thing first. i have access to all crestron software i can make sense of about 30% of the programmig . but im not into writing programes.
i have also tried homeseer and iridium mobile.
on the trial version of cf there doesnt seem to be a lot to it compared to those ive mentioned above.
1. does cf have swipe like ipad.
2. which is easier to progrme cf or crestron at the end of the day i just want to be able to grag and drop programes.
3. i am thinking about buying crestron mp2e or a global gc-10012 which one is better


Greg S.

Mar 28, 2013, 3:10:34 PM3/28/13
Regardless of what control system you choose you will have a learning curve.  How much of a curve will most likely depend on the complexity of the system you are integrating and your current skill level with programming concepts in general.  For all but the most basic of systems, what you are asking for - simple drag and drop programming - doesn't really exist in any one system that is available today, in my opinion.  There will always be something that one system does that another doesn't, or some device that you want to control that you can't find a driver for, at which point you are left to do the heavy lifting and create the driver/feature/function yourself.  In my experience this is almost always the case regardless of the control system, and the more complex and custom the system gets, the further away from a drag and drop scenario you will find yourself.  Since we don't know what you are trying to control (i.e. one TV and a satellite box, or 30 zones of audio and video distribution, security, HVAC and lighting integration, etc.) it is a pretty tough question to answer.

Having said that, my company currently uses Crestron with CommandFusion for most of our larger projects as the flexibility of the two combined allows us to get the results that we can't currently achieve using only one system.  I'm sure that will change at some point as technology evolves.  At this point in time there are things that I can't easily do in CommandFusion that I can do very rapidly in Crestron.  There are also things I can do in CommandFusion that are for the most part impossible in Crestron.  Some of the issues are hardware and some my own inability to achieve the desired results with one tool over the other mainly because of my experience level with each tool (15 years in Crestron, less than 2 years with CommandFusion). 

I can tell you this - the support you will receive from this community and from the guys at CommandFusion is some of the best support in the industry and I'm sure that if you provide more details about what your end result looks like, someone here will probably help you make the best decision for you and your capabilities.  Either way, I'm sure you'll get a lot of opinions :-)  Good luck!!


Jarrod Bell

Mar 28, 2013, 8:25:36 PM3/28/13
1. Yes iViewer supports gestures (much more than just swipes) and also supports dynamic scrolling lists.
2. You won't be able to just drag and drop in CommandFusion. Crestron is a completely different kettle of fish - if you haven't done the training, I would not recommend you do it yourself.
3. Completely different devices. GC units are just protocol converters (ethernet to IR, ethernet to serial, etc). Crestron boxes are programmable (as you know), whilst GC units are not.


Jarrod Bell

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Deiby Rojas Montero

Mar 28, 2013, 8:47:00 PM3/28/13
to CommandFusion
Since I use CommandFusion has changed my life, as it is one of the best systems I've used so far, took three years and continue to learn with, there are things I need to learn but at some point I will.
Since I started using it to this day I have found that other more expensive devices they have are when I can CommandFusion integrate with almost all devices that are on the market and now with the new hardware is a snap to get more robust my projects forward.

2013/3/28 Jarrod Bell <>

Deiby Rojas Montero
Moncortec S.A.

Tel: 2263.6052
Cel: 8374.5853

Clayton Vicente

Mar 28, 2013, 9:07:12 PM3/28/13
....and the support its one of the best or the best in the market.

Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2013 18:47:00 -0600


Mar 30, 2013, 7:44:51 AM3/30/13
bring your project challenges and the support here will break it down for you into solutions. CF has that feature!
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