problems with js in a button on Android 5 (long delay to start the command)

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Jun 21, 2015, 11:58:44 PM6/21/15
guys, I found a problem that only happens in Android 5, with version 4.0.201 . I put a js in a button command to start a command depending on join number and join state (toggle function). I touch a button and the command is started only after a long time 

In iOS and Android 4.x works good, but the same project in Android 5.0.2, iViewer 4.0.201 doesn't work good. 
With iViewer V4.0.195 and Android 5 this problem doesn't happen.

Tested with Motorola Moto G 5.0.2 , iViewer 4.0.201

How to simulate:

- use guiDesigner to upload the attached test project to an Android 5.x
- don't stop the upload service (this is important, as an easy way to see the problem)
- touch the light button in GUI, you should see after a long delay the command in serial text and slider (sometimes you will see a short delay, as desired)

If you uncheck the reload options in iViewer, the problem doesn't happen so frequently (but still happens)


Jun 22, 2015, 2:22:22 AM6/22/15
Encountered this issue with a Samsung Tab4 too - all running fine and smooth in Kitkat 4.4.2 but when upgraded to Lollipop 5.0.2 all the button actions, page animations slows down considerably and takes about 6-8 seconds for the commands to fire. Seems it's more to an issue of the OS upgrade rather than iViewer itself as users reported that their Android devices slows down considerably after the OS upgrade.

Try the following solutions (based on S4 but the concept is the same) step by step - if the particular step is already successful, you need not go to the next:
  1. Clear partition cache:
  2. Disable animation options:
  3. Factory reset the device, remember to disable the autoupdates - only update if necessary.
  4. Reinstall iViewer.
  5. Downgrade back to older version of Android.

For me personally I had success from step #1 - #3, and of course you'll need step #4 after you've done step #3.


Jun 22, 2015, 7:47:44 AM6/22/15
Hi Terence, thanks, I will try your suggestions.

But take in mind that the problem I described doesn't happen with V4.0.195, My first suggestion would be downgrade iViewer to 4.0.195

So CF could take a look in both versions and compare what changed, using my test project.

To solve quickly and smooth the problem to my customer, I choose to wipe out all js I don't need and replace a couple of single command and feedback with js  for +100 discrete commands and feedbacks without js. 
But I will keep testing in lab; 
Just for you know, I make iViewer GUIs for integrators in Brazil that actually sell the whole solution to the customer. I deliver a full programmed package, encrypted, via Dropbox.



May 24, 2016, 9:27:39 PM5/24/16
to CommandFusion Software,
apparently problem solved in V4.0.211

Tested with Motorola Moto G 5.1 , iViewer 4.0.211
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