IP Control of Command Fusion SOLO

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Jay Antoney

Feb 21, 2017, 12:23:49 AM2/21/17
to CommandFusion Software
Hi All,

First - thanks for reading :)

Attached is a mock up of what we are trying to do, simplified to control only. Our BSS BLU processor has an app that we are using to control the audio side of things because it can give us live feedback of the position of volume faders and metering levels of the audio. What we want to do is integrate a SOLO processor into the system so the BLU can control IR and RS232 devices.


The BLU is able to send TCP or UDP commands in any format to an IP address at a specified port. So I was hoping that a command sent to the SOLO from the BLU might be able to send out specified RS232 or IR command from the respective port.

(Either programmed into the SOLO and we just send a ‘trigger’ to the SOLO or we send the complete command to the SOLO inside the IP command.)


From what I can tell, CFlink is an open protocol and this is possible using a command similar to:

// Send a command to an ethernet device connected to slot 1, for Solo on CFLink ID [03]

> [F2][03][F3]TSOLSND[F4]1:Hello World!\x0D[F5][F5]

{{ https://www.commandfusion.com/wiki2/hardware/cflink/solo-cflink-protocol }}


However this doesn’t tell me if it is possible to spit out an IR command with this or if I’m reading this correctly at all and can’t even do this for RS232 devices.

2nd half of the question is, can a macro be programmed up into the Solo and a TCP/UDP command be sent to the Solo to trigger that macro to then send something out RS232 port 1, something else out port 2 and maybe something out of the IR port?

** Back story - I don't have a Solo or have had any experience with the CF products. I'm looking for something to do the above role and this product "seems" to match from my reading.

thanks in advanced 


Links to listed products:


Jarrod Bell

Feb 21, 2017, 12:32:49 AM2/21/17
to comman...@googlegroups.com
Hi Jay,

You can achieve everything you have mentioned.

To send IR or 232 commands, you simply have to send a CFLink packet to the IP of the Solo on port 10207 (TCP).
The CFLink format is as per the wiki link you mentioned - but instead of using the TLANSND command, you just want to use TSOLSPW for "serial port write" and TIRXSND for "IR Send".
Once you get your hands on a Solo, you can send test data from the Solo configuration web page then look at the log and simply hit the "Copy CFLink" button to copy that command and paste into your own software.

More documentation on sending RS232 and IR data is also here:

To run a macro that is already configured on the Solo its a simple TSOLRUN command:


Jarrod Bell

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Adam Walker

Feb 21, 2017, 3:34:01 PM2/21/17
to CommandFusion Software
to add to Jarrods Reply

you don't need to use the BSS app to get live feedback / control from the BSS to an ios device

we have recently used Iviewer and custom JS to control a BSS including live feedback

my code is a little rough , and tightly integrated with the rest of our iviewer project (so not very portable to a new project) however if you want snippets for particular parts i can help

also your setup will work as you currently have it, however be aware that doing feedback from your solo to the BSS will be difficult. (its possible it will just be painful )

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Jarrod Bell

Mar 17, 2017, 8:28:16 AM3/17/17
to comman...@googlegroups.com
Hi Jay,

"Extra RPC Server TCP Port" is not anything to do with our Solo controller. Can you please show a screenshot of this?
Maybe you are looking at the web config of some other device?

The ID string is as per the ID that shows in the dashboard and on the system settings page.
You can also send \x00 to direct to just the device you are connected to.

The command to change the serial port config (as per your sample) should look like:

If you hit "Copy" along side any message in the log from the web config, it will copy the full CFLink command that you need to send to replicate that command.
The log view is cleaner to make it easier to read rather than making it dirty with hex prefixes.

The port to use is TCP 10207 or UDP 10207. These are the default control ports.


Jarrod Bell

On 17/3/17 7:53 pm, Jay Antoney wrote:
Hi Everyone,

So I finally got to site (long way from my home town) and I can not for the life of me figure out how to talk to the SOLO over IP.

I can log into the web interface, I can send the Serial commands i want to the devices using the test interface provided, but i can not for the life of me send it a TCP command to (or UDP for that matter) to get it to do anything. the WHO isn't even working.

I think my main issue is the [ID] of the string. How do i know what this is? I can't find it explained anywhere.

Commands i'm trying are

I'm sending it by UDP to port 10207, however whats interesting is that I cannot connect to it on TCP 10207. on the web interface, it shows 'Extra RPC Server TCP Port: 49901' and it does connect by TCP to that, but no reply.

Not sure where to go from here - Help Please :)
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