Capturing large amount of serial command from CAN bus, and identify them

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Jan 26, 2014, 12:29:46 PM1/26/14
Hi all,

I need to capture CAN commands from the bus via CAN-RS232 adapter, this works ok with hercules or similar but I need to copy/paste captured command immediately to excel to properly identify it. It's time consuming and I know already that I will need to use it more often than only this time.

It's sometimes like learning large amounts or IR commands, after you get few similar matches you can consider it as a valid cmd.

I have couple of options in my mind..

- Run "hercules" -type of serial capture software which has feature to group and/or comment captured lines.

- Capture RS232 traffic to excel.

- HTML page with ability to communicate with TCP socket (CAN-RS232 to CG-100).

- gui for iViewer to record feedback data (CAN-RS232 to CG-100) and enumerate it, then dump data somehow to PC.

I can´t spend too much time at the location where I need to do the capturing, but I can prepare for a cheklist like:

Command #1, entrance lights bright
Command #2, entrance lights dim
Command #3, entrance lights off

and then just capture corresponding CAN commands and tag those quickly with 1,2,3.. around 200 commands in the first location

Hope this is somehow understandable, thanks for any ideas regarding this kind of capturing.

Thanks for all replies in advance!

Nahshon Williams

Jan 26, 2014, 2:49:58 PM1/26/14
Sounds like you need to reverse engineer an installation.
How about you make a detailed plan of the building illustrating all the
wall switches.
Number them in a strict sequence.

Open Hercules
Activate each light function 3 times . . . following your detailed map
and tick each on off the list as you go along.

Once you have completed the building you can sort the copied commands
from Hercules using notepad plus plus.
Your detailed plan list will help with drafting the spreadsheet.

Perhaps better to do it in batches (floor by floor or room by room) so
you can spot anomalies more easily.

Hope this helps
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