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Get Oort URL from Seti

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Roman Zaynetdinov

Jul 13, 2020, 7:57:28 AM7/13/20
to cometd-users


Is it possible to get an Oort URL from Seti using known user id for an already registered user? I see that Seti holds already that information in the form of LocalLocation/SetiLocation.

The use case I am now considering is the ability to proxy http requests to the correct node for the given user id. CometD messages are automatically forwarded to the correct node thanks to the built-in Oort/Seti support. As for the static resources we were thinking of going with a custom proxy solution and retrieve clients' instance from Seti.

In the docs I found that we can listen to presence events and collect urls ourselves. This would work as an alternative solution.

Since Seti already contains that information I was wondering if there is a specific reason for keeping Oort url hidden.

- Roman

Simone Bordet

Jul 13, 2020, 9:37:14 AM7/13/20
to cometd-users

On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 1:57 PM Roman Zaynetdinov
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to get an Oort URL from Seti using known user id for an already registered user? I see that Seti holds already that information in the form of LocalLocation/SetiLocation.

The problem is that you don't get a single URL for a userId, you can have many.

> The use case I am now considering is the ability to proxy http requests to the correct node for the given user id. CometD messages are automatically forwarded to the correct node thanks to the built-in Oort/Seti support. As for the static resources we were thinking of going with a custom proxy solution and retrieve clients' instance from Seti.

If you have a load balancer, you can stick using the BAYEUX_BROWSER cookie.
That will allow to direct HTTP calls to the right node.

If you have a different URL that does not match the BAYEUX_BROWSER
cookie URL, then listening to presence events is probably best,
although you still have to figure out which URL among possible many
URL for the same userId.

> In the docs I found that we can listen to presence events and collect urls ourselves. This would work as an alternative solution.


> Since Seti already contains that information I was wondering if there is a specific reason for keeping Oort url hidden.

Please open an issue about this - it may be worth exposing this information.


Simone Bordet
Developer advice, training, services and support
from the Jetty & CometD experts.

Roman Zaynetdinov

Jul 14, 2020, 6:54:26 AM7/14/20

Thanks for the quick and detailed response!

I will create a ticket if we decide to go with this approach.

- Roman
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Roman Zaynetdinov

Aug 4, 2020, 7:44:00 AM8/4/20
to cometd-users
We decided to go with an OortMap which already exposes the owner URL for a given key.
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