Error code 139 when searching with "No enzyme"

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Nate Camp

May 22, 2024, 9:43:20 AMMay 22
to Comet ms/ms db search support
Hi Jimmy,

I'm trying to search with enzyme set to none, and when I run the prophets I am getting error code 139 (see attached pic). After a quick google search I don't really understand what this error means. Perhaps this has something to do with our HPC settings? I figured I'd check you first before running it by our IT department. I've also attached my params file in case something is fishy there.

Thanks for the help!


Nate Camp

May 22, 2024, 10:25:03 AMMay 22
to Comet ms/ms db search support
Forgot to mention - everything runs fine when i run a standard trypsin search.

Jimmy Eng

May 22, 2024, 12:36:06 PMMay 22
to Comet ms/ms db search support
Nate, can you send me that "20210720***100ng.pep.xml"?  Either in an email or via file share.  The hard part with this is that if you're going to need a software update to Comet or the TPP to address this issue, that's going to be painful based on everything we just went through/learned with central computing at your org. 


Jimmy Eng

May 22, 2024, 6:23:14 PMMay 22
to Comet ms/ms db search support
Just to give some closure to this thread if anyone comes across this issue in the future, this issue was due to a bug present in Comet in the 2017 thru 2018 releases that was addressed in release 2018.01.2.  The bug manifests itself as corrupted masses in the pep.xml output when there is a static modification and no variable modifications specified in the search.  Using a newer versions of Comet would address this issue as it was identified and fixed back in 2018.
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