Call for papers (standards and tools)

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David Nickerson

Dec 12, 2024, 2:56:50 PM12/12/24
to CellML Discussion List,, combine-annot
Dear COMBINE community,

There will be another special issue of the Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics covering COMBINE specifications, standards and tools!

The JIB journal is here:

Similar to our previous special issues:
- It will be free of charge for articles in the special issue
- All articles will be linked via PubMed.
- Additionally, it's worth noting that JIB now has an impact factor (not very high, but better than none).

There will be two paper types
a) new or updated standards
b) papers describing tools, databases, libraries or similar using COMBINE standards

Submission DEADLINE:
January 31st 2026.
Important: Articles - after completion of the proofing process - are published online in DOI-citable form. This can already happen any time in 2025, so if you have something much earlier than the deadline it would be also available earlier online (ahead of print)

How to submit:
a) new or updated standards
1. Prepare a PDF of the standard
1.1 The normal PDF you already have for your standard could be used
1.2 Prepare a cover page for your PDF which you attach as first page of your PDF
Important: Use the JIB template for this cover page ! The aim is to have the title page of each paper (standard) in the journal format, but the journal would be flexible enough to allow the remaining pages to be in the existing format.
2. Submit your standard paper at JIB (see important note below)
Please follow the process of submitting a paper to JIB, you do not need to suggest reviewers.

b) papers describing tools, databases, libraries or similar using COMBINE standards
1. Prepare your paper as normal, using the JIB style
2. Submit your standard paper at JIB (see important note below)
Please follow the process of submitting a paper to JIB, you do not need to suggest reviewers.

Send an Email to Björn ( and me ( before you submit!
We will give you additional information to make sure that is goes into the special issue (and you do not have to pay the normal open access fee).

If there are any questions please do not hesitate to contact me (

Kind regards

Falk Schreiber
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