production 0.6.9 => 0.8.1 upgrade and rails 2.1.1 support

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Sep 15, 2008, 7:27:06 AM9/15/08
to Comatose Plugin
I have a web application with comatose and i would like to upgrade
rails to 2.1.1 and comatose to 0.8.1 the problem is that i have a
large database and i don't want to get a wipe out :)

Is there any problems with this type upgrade ?

Is comtose working nice with rails 2.1.1 ?


Sep 17, 2008, 7:38:27 AM9/17/08
to Comatose Plugin
Not really. I just tried to install the latest uber-alpha. After
installing all the migrations and stuff, I get this nice exception
when accessing the comatose_admin

NoMethodError in Comatose_admin#index

Showing vendor/plugins/comatose/views/comatose_admin/
_page_list_item.html.erb where line #7 raised:

You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
The error occurred while evaluating nil.title

Extracted source (around line #7):

4: # Called From:
5: # - index
6: # Description:
7: # This partial is used recursively. Render it with the root
node, and it will recurse
8: # down all of the child nodes to build a list with proper
indentation to indicate
9: # tree depth.
10: %>

Trace of template inclusion: /vendor/plugins/comatose/views/
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