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Matthew Boston

Oct 9, 2013, 6:15:45 PM10/9/13
to columbu...@googlegroups.com

Raju Gandhi

Oct 9, 2013, 9:31:32 PM10/9/13
to columbu...@googlegroups.com
Wow. That was cool.

I recently got introduced to Helm (via emacs-prelude) and I a really liking it.

Thanks Matthew.


On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 6:15 PM, Matthew Boston <matthew...@gmail.com> wrote:

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Oct 9, 2013, 11:06:41 PM10/9/13
to columbu...@googlegroups.com

Helm is awesome.
I use it everywhere in Emacs.

Are you using it with Projectile?
If not, I recommend it.

Projectile is a project plugin.
When used together, it enables fuzzy file matching across an entire project.
When using them together, you don't "find files" using Ctrl-x Ctrl-f. 
You could, but then you must goto the directory where the file you wish to open exists.
Instead, you'd use the keybinding Ctrl-c h.
As you type, helm shows you a list of files that match. The list of files are from the root directory of the project and all child directories.
It's very useful and I can't imagine not having this feature.



Oct 10, 2013, 9:15:53 AM10/10/13
to columbu...@googlegroups.com
Been looking for that functionality lately. Thanks

Sent from my iPhone

Raju Gandhi

Oct 10, 2013, 11:00:09 AM10/10/13
to columbu...@googlegroups.com

Thanks for the info. Like I said, I just got to using Helm with emacs-prelude (which I switched to after emacs-starter-kit got deprecated). Turns out that emacs-prelude pulls in Projectile too, which from what you tell me is good news.

So far, emacs-prelude has been good to me - The author introduces some nifty shortcuts like Super+f (which is key right next to your Meta key) and that I believe uses Projectile to fuzzy search all files in a "project" (which for all intents and purposes is the directory holding the .git directory).

Another thing that emacs-prelude introduced to me was http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/KeyChord - which I think is inspired by Vi - so you can type JJ (really quickly otherwise it assumes you want to type the letter J followed by J) - and the key chord tied to JJ is "Jump back to previous buffer" ... I am really loving that.

FWIW any emacs users out there who want some pretty functionality with emacs out of the box should look at emacs-prelude - It's well done without being too invasive. It comes with things like "grep across project" and open file in project, helm and Projectile, bootstrapped with emacs package manager and a way to easily put in your own customizations.

Thanks for the vote on Projectile - I will need to look into it more.

On a side note anyone coming to Columbus Code Camp? I will be there in the morning.



Oct 10, 2013, 11:57:36 AM10/10/13
to columbu...@googlegroups.com
Yeah, I started out with Prelude.
I no longer used it because I wanted to have total control over what packages were installed. So, I installed a vanilla version of emacs 24 and installed only the stuff I wanted.

One thing you'll have to do when using Helm in a version of emacs with Prelude installed is to disable ido-mode.
Otherwise, you'll be using ido for file finding and switching buffers.

I'll have to look up CCC. I have never heard of it.


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