Coworking resurgence

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Nov 7, 2013, 6:25:31 PM11/7/13
Hey Columbus coworkers!

I'm one of the co-founders of The Salt Mines coworking community in Clintonville, and I just wanted to check in to see how many people are still getting updates from this old group. We've built up a good community of coworkers in our space over the past year, but I honestly don't have much of a handle of what the state of coworking is across Columbus in general. Are there other communities that I'm not aware of? I heard that Sandbox in Gahanna shut down a bit ago, so does that just leave us and Qwirk? Are Jellies still a thing? Really, I'd just like to start a dialog with fellow coworkers to see what we can do to encourage and promote the concept of coworking.

Let's just start with a roll call: Anyone still getting these messages? And are any of you still involved with coworking, either at a designated space or in informal groups / jellies?

Andy Soell
The Salt Mines


Nov 8, 2013, 8:11:51 AM11/8/13
Albeit quiet, there are still a few of us on the board. :) Hadn't heard about the sandbox gahanna closure -- too bad if that's the case.

I own and operate Workshop Co in the short north -- and happy to report that our studio member bench strength has never been stronger. While our model isn't 100% pure co-working (we operate with 6-mo initial terms), it's great to see there are still a few shared studio options in CBUS for folks looking for office alternatives.

A resurgence? Hmm. That assumes it went away... Which I don't believe it ever did... Just those models that didn't work.

So glad to see saltmines doing well.... We're fans! Hope to see more activity on the board... Thanks for jump starting.

Andy Soell

Nov 8, 2013, 9:09:40 AM11/8/13
Hi Brady, good to hear from you! I've heard incredible things about Workshop Co, I've been meaning to stop in and see it for myself. Glad to hear things are going so well down there.

I guess when I used the word "resurgence," I was looking at it from the outside. From a general public point of view, coworking in Columbus has been dead (or at least comatose) for years. I think this is evidenced by the silence in this group, culminating in Joe inquiring about coworking options in the city and coming back with the answer he got. I'd love to reopen the dialog of coworking in the city and see what we can do to promote the idea to those who may be unaware that there are existing options in our city.

Andy Soell
The Salt Mines

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Nov 8, 2013, 10:29:29 AM11/8/13
I'm still getting messages here.  I don't need a co-working space right now, but I might in the future.  I like to keep up with what is happening.  Is there a better place to get messages?

- Tad

Andy Soell

Nov 8, 2013, 4:00:24 PM11/8/13
Not that I'm aware of. Hopefully we can get this group going again!

Andy Soell
The Salt Mines
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