Fireworkz 2.32 is now available

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Stuart Swales

Nov 5, 2022, 4:29:20 PM11/5/22
to Colton Software Fireworkz
From PackMan in a wee bit, or over at for the impatient.

More consistent use of https:// vs. http:// in URLs.

Much missing spreadsheet function documentation now provided.

Pressing Ctrl whilst clicking the Up icon in dialogue boxes may be used to set the value in the adjacent field to its maximum allowed value. Similarly, Ctrl-Down may be used to set the minimum allowed value. Ctrl-Up/Down arrow keys work in the same way.

Improve detection of not-specifically-typed tab- and comma-separated-value files.

RISC OS: Can import tab-separated-value files of type TSV (0xF0D), analagous to importing CSV files.

RISC OS: Scrap transfer filename fixed (was FireworkzFireworkz, and in the wrong directory).

RISC OS: Several toolbar sprites fixed to be visible on RISC OS 3.1.

RISC OS: Updated ImageSlot transient utility has RISC OS 4/6 header and Aemulor 32OK trailing bytes.

RISC OS: ROOL DDE 30d build environment used.

Windows: Can import tab-separated-value (TSV) files of extension .tsv, analagous to importing CSV files.

Windows: Fixed issue where Fireworkz could abort during Quit if data had been copied to the Windows clipboard.

Stuart Swales

Nov 5, 2022, 4:30:05 PM11/5/22
to Colton Software Fireworkz
The interested may wish to roll their own from

John Harrison

Nov 5, 2022, 5:01:48 PM11/5/22
to Colton Software Fireworkz
In article <>,
Stuart Swales <> wrote:


That's Fireworkz 2.32. I'm running ForewokzPro 2.31. Is there a
corresponding update of that?

John Harrison
Using 4té and ARMX6, both running RISC OS

Harriet Bazley

Nov 6, 2022, 3:35:42 AM11/6/22
to Colton Software Fireworkz
On 5 Nov 2022 as I do recall,
Stuart Swales wrote:

> From PackMan in a wee bit, or over at
> for the impatient.
I see a redraw issue that wasn't happening on the previous version

At a scale of 70% (the default saved scale for this document) there are
no visible gridlines between rows 3 and 4 or rows 6 and 7. At a scale
of 75% there are no gridlines displayed between rows 5 and 6. At a
scale of 80% there are no gridlines between rows 4 and 5. At a scale
of 85% there are no gridlines between rows 8 and 9, and no vertical
gridlines between columns b and c either.

I have to go up to a scale of 95% or more, or down to a scale of 50%,
before all the gridlines are in fact displayed at once.

(The document seems fine when printed, but then it is presumably being
printed at a scale of 100%!)

{Version:2.32;05 Nov 2022;Fireworkz;;;Alphabet-Latin1}
{Style:BaseSheet;{ColWidth:1474}{ColName:x#}{RowHeight:1008}{RowHeightFix:1}{RowUnbreakable:0}{RowName:#}{MarginLeft:114}{MarginRight:114}{MarginPara:0}{Tablist}{Background:255;255;255}{ParaStart:32}{ParaEnd:16}{LineSpace:0;288}{Justify:0}{JustifyV:0}{NewObject:1}{Numform:#,##0.#######\\\;-#,##0.#######[Negative]}{ hh:mm:ss\\\;\\\;hh:mm:ss}{NumformSE:@\\\;Error}{BorderColour:0;0;0}{Border:0}{GridLeftColour:221;221;221}{GridTopColour:221;221;221}{GridRightColour:221;221;221}{GridBottomColour:221;221;221}{GridLeft:0}{GridTop:0}{GridRight:0}{GridBottom:0}{Protect:0}{Typeface:Helvetica}{Fontx:0}{Fonty:240}{Underline:0}{Bold:0}{Italic:0}{Superscript:0}{Subscript:0}{Foreground:0;0;0}}
{Style:BaseHeadFoot;{ColWidth:11055}{MarginLeft:114}{MarginRight:114}{Tablist:C5414 R10828}{ParaStart:68}{ParaEnd:68}{LineSpace:0;72}{Justify:0}}
{Style:Current cell;{Background:221;221;221}{BorderColour:0;0;0}{Border:4}}
{StyleCurrent:Current cell}
{Style:Date;{StyleSearch:1}{NumformDT:d Mmm}}
{Style:arrow symbol;{Typeface:SymbolB}{Fonty:320}}
{Style:Header row;{RowHeight:864}{Justify:1}{JustifyV:1}{Fonty:400}{Bold:1}}
{Style:Day column;{ColWidth:2268}{JustifyV:1}{Fonty:320}{Bold:1}}
{Style:Body cell height;{RowHeight:1928}}
{S:X;X;0;1; }
{S:S;F;0;2;"Sun 6 Nov";[c_dateformat]daydisplay(start_date+row-3)}
{S:S;F;0;3;"Mon 7 Nov";[c_dateformat]daydisplay(start_date+row-3)}
{S:S;F;0;4;"Tue 8 Nov";[c_dateformat]daydisplay(start_date+row-3)}
{S:S;F;0;5;"Wed 9 Nov";[c_dateformat]daydisplay(start_date+row-3)}
{S:S;F;0;6;"Thu 10 Nov";[c_dateformat]daydisplay(start_date+row-3)}
{S:S;F;0;7;"Fri 11 Nov";[c_dateformat]daydisplay(start_date+row-3)}
{S:S;F;0;8;"Sat 12 Nov";[c_dateformat]daydisplay(start_date+row-3)}
{R:;1;;;;2;;;0;1;{StyleHandle:Header row}}
{R:0;;;;1;;;;1;0;{StyleHandle:Day column}}
{R:;2;;;;9;;;0;1;{StyleHandle:Body cell height}}
{ImpR:1;7;;32;2;8;;32;0;0;36;1001;0;40;{StyleHandle:Current cell}}

Harriet Bazley == Loyaulte me lie ==

The best way to keep your friends is not to give them away.

Stuart Swales

Nov 6, 2022, 5:32:14 AM11/6/22
Thanks Harriet!

I will investigate...

Cheers, Stuart

Stuart Swales

Chris Johnson

Nov 6, 2022, 5:51:39 AM11/6/22
to Colton Software Fireworkz
In article <>,
Harriet Bazley <> wrote:
> At a scale of 70% (the default saved scale for this document) there
> are no visible gridlines between rows 3 and 4 or rows 6 and 7. At
> a scale of 75% there are no gridlines displayed between rows 5 and
> 6. At a scale of 80% there are no gridlines between rows 4 and 5.
> At a scale of 85% there are no gridlines between rows 8 and 9, and
> no vertical gridlines between columns b and c either.

Is this the long existing behaviour in many apps where the scaling
causes the lines on the vdu to become less than 1 pixel, and so they
disappear. Why Draw has the option 'thin lines', where every line is
at least 1 px.

Chris Johnson

Stuart Swales

Nov 6, 2022, 8:24:05 AM11/6/22
On 06/11/2022 08:34, Harriet Bazley wrote:
> On 5 Nov 2022 as I do recall,
> Stuart Swales wrote:
>> From PackMan in a wee bit, or over at
>> for the impatient.
> I see a redraw issue that wasn't happening on the previous version
> (2.32).
> At a scale of 70% (the default saved scale for this document) there are
> no visible gridlines between rows 3 and 4 or rows 6 and 7. At a scale
> of 75% there are no gridlines displayed between rows 5 and 6. At a
> scale of 80% there are no gridlines between rows 4 and 5. At a scale
> of 85% there are no gridlines between rows 8 and 9, and no vertical
> gridlines between columns b and c either.
> I have to go up to a scale of 95% or more, or down to a scale of 50%,
> before all the gridlines are in fact displayed at once.
> (The document seems fine when printed, but then it is presumably being
> printed at a scale of 100%!)

[sample document snipped]

Bit of bisection later: this rendering problem is caused by my
replacement C code for muldiv64(int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t divisor).
This routine computes ((a * b) / divisor) via a 64 bit intermediate
value, with an analogous routine also yielding the remainder and any
overflow. Routines in Fireworkz that map objects from internal
coordinates to screen pixels make heavy use of functions
[muldiv64_floor() and muldiv64_ceil()] that are built on top of this to
hopefully achieve consistency when rendering adjacent elements in cells.

This was originally (1990, for PipeDream charts) coded in ARM assembler
and I thought it time to write it somewhat more portably now that (a) we
have 64 bit arithmetic support in the Norcroft C compiler and (b) the
support routines for that in the SharedCLibrary are now optimised for
each platform, so much faster division was possible on modern platforms.
Clearly my test cases for this replacement didn't give good enough
coverage! I will revert to the old assembler routines for a bit till I
sort that.

For a bit I thought it was the graphics window going wrong... In fact
the lines drawn on screen are all rectangle fills. When printing,
Fireworkz does SWI Draw_Stroke for thinner lines.
Thanks again for the report.
Stuart Swales

Stuart Swales

Nov 6, 2022, 10:08:46 AM11/6/22

Harriet Bazley

Nov 6, 2022, 12:14:40 PM11/6/22
On 6 Nov 2022 as I do recall,
Stuart Swales wrote:

> And the fixed version is at

I can confirm that this seems to have fixed that particular display
issue at various scales.

Harriet Bazley == Loyaulte me lie ==

He that would govern others, first should be master of himself.
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