basic DRL xapp development steps in scope colosseum

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Mostafa Naseri

Jul 25, 2022, 10:10:35 AM7/25/22
to Colosseum Users
I have run an experiment with 4xSRNs (1x scope with e2 + 1x near rt ric + 2x scope(ue)). I have the sample-xapp show the "Received data" while ues are having traffic.
1-what are the basic steps to modify the working sample-xapp to transmit simple (say rule-based) policies to the near rt RIC and see it is applied to the slices in the cell.
2-what are the steps to have an ML model interact with emulated nodes in Colesseum. I've read openRAN gym website and Colosseum O-RAN COMMAG Dataset but it seems the "get_data_from_DUs" is supposed to be replaced by our DU. My question is what are the steps to have this function replaced by the existing Colosseum resources so that the training can happen there?

Hu Hang

Jun 25, 2024, 5:10:04 PMJun 25
to Colosseum Users
Hi Mostafa and community,

I'm interested in deploying our developed DRL scheduler xApp on the Colosseum testbed. Could anyone provide any examples or step-by-step guidance on how to accomplish this? Thank you very much for your assistance.

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