Hi Colosseum,
I did `colosseumcli rf start 1033` to start "Boston close moderate" on one of my SRNs and got:
"Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)".
Which seems to suggest an error in JSON parsing (at the very beginning).
On the same SRN `colosseumcli rf scenario list` also fails with:
"Failed to get the scenario list. Code: 400
Failed to get scenario list from colosseum
For more information the listed scenarios use the link below:
Could it be that, for some reason, some SRNs cannot obtain config information about certain scenarios?
The same sometimes happens for the 1017 ("Rome close static" scenario).
As a side note, the link in the second error message seems to be a stale one.
Best regards,
Novak Boškov