Hello Researchers and @Leonardo Bonati,
I carefully read all the previous discussions and I was able to run 1 BS with multiple UEs, it works perfectly fine. I can see the application data transfers using 'tmux a -t scope'. For example: running 1 BS with 4 or, 5, or, 6 UEs.
But I was facing problems when there are multiple BS [eg. 2 BS and each one has 4 UEs. so, total 10 SRNs]
- I was trying many many times to run a very basic scenario with almost default configurations as the SCOPE base image (from /share/nas/common).
- I modified each of the SRNs radio_interactive.conf file (given below) and run it in both BS and UEs.
Configured the radio_interactive.conf file as follows [assuming ]:
if SRN-33 ---> enb
SRN-34, SRN-35, SRN-36, SRN-37 are ---> ue as I see after running the 'cd radio_api && python3 scope_start --config-file radio_interactive.conf' in each of the SRNs.
"capture-pkts": "False",
"colosseumcli": "True",
"iperf": "True",
"users-bs": "4", "write-config-parameters": "True",
"network-slicing": "True",
"global-scheduling-policy": "0",
"slice-scheduling-policy": "[1, 1, 1]",
"tenant-number": "4", "slice-allocation": "{0: [0, 5], 1: [6, 11], 2: [12, 16]}",
"slice-users": "{0: [33], 1: [34, 35], 2: [36]}", "custom-ue-slice": "True",
"force-dl-modulation": "False",
"heuristic-params": "{'buffer_thresh_bytes': [1000, 2000], 'thr_thresh_mbps': [0.25, 0.75]}",
"bs-config": "{'dl_freq': 980000000, 'ul_freq': 1020000000, 'n_prb': 50}",
"ue-config": "{'dl_freq': 980000000, 'ul_freq': 1020000000, 'force_ul_amplitude': 0.9}"
For BS 2:
if SRN-41 ---> enb
SRN-42, SRN-43, SRN-44, SRN-45 are ---> ue as I see after running the 'cd radio_api && python3 scope_start --config-file radio_interactive.conf' in each of the SRNs.
"capture-pkts": "False",
"colosseumcli": "True",
"iperf": "True",
"users-bs": "4","write-config-parameters": "True",
"network-slicing": "True",
"global-scheduling-policy": "0",
"slice-scheduling-policy": "[1, 1, 1]",
"tenant-number": "4","slice-allocation": "{0: [0, 5], 1: [6, 11], 2: [12, 16]}",
"slice-users": "{0: [42], 1: [43, 44], 2: [45]}","custom-ue-slice": "True",
"force-dl-modulation": "False",
"heuristic-params": "{'buffer_thresh_bytes': [1000, 2000], 'thr_thresh_mbps': [0.25, 0.75]}",
"bs-config": "{'dl_freq': 980000000, 'ul_freq': 1020000000, 'n_prb': 50}",
"ue-config": "{'dl_freq': 980000000, 'ul_freq': 1020000000, 'force_ul_amplitude': 0.9}"
I am getting data transfer problems from UEs: 42, 43, 44, 45: it says:
'Unable to connect to server'
- I ran the same configuration (as mentioned above) files for both BS and UE SRNs.
Please let me know how can I run multiple BS with multiple UEs in a specific scenario.
Thank you.