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Trouble with 5G config settings on Colosseum

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Jaehong Kim

Jan 27, 2022, 8:27:18 PM1/27/22
to Colosseum Users
Dear developers and users,

I have some trouble making my own configuration on Colosseum,
and I have the following questions:

- I want to run srsRAN(srsLTE) 21.10 release which supports 5G NSA gNodeB.
Have anyone tried this and if you did, could you provide me some configurations for this setting?

- I used the configuration provided in the Colosseum github repo and was able to successfully run the full UE-ENB testbed with RF SCOPE scenarios.
I want to increase the number of RBs from 15 (default in this config) to at least 50 or more (just like in SCOPE).
If I just change the numbers on enb.conf it's not working. Do you have any suggestions?

- Seems that srsRAN supports up to 4 UEs per eNB. If I try to attach more UEs, it fails.
This holds true for COTS phones in my local testbed. Is the max limit of the number of UEs for srsLTE is 4 ?

Leonardo Bonati

Feb 22, 2022, 2:57:24 PM2/22/22
to Colosseum Users
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