For those of you who are not aware, Dianne Tramutola-Lawson, the founder of Colorado-CURE and its Chairperson for the last 34 years, suffered a major injury In May. Due to the injury and the amount of time that will be required for rehabilitation, Dianne, in discussion with the Board of Colorado-CURE, has decided to step down from the leadership of Colorado-CURE effective June 20th.
Dianne founded Colorado CURE in 1990 and has been its Chairperson for the last 34 years. Dianne will be recognized as Chairman Emeritus and will be working with the Board to ensure issues are handled in a timely fashion during the transition.
The Board of Colorado-CURE, which consists of Dianne Atkins, Nick Boyd, William Cecil, Michael Dell, Kathie Izor, Andrew Matson and Barbara Stephenson, has decided to move forward with an Interim Leadership team composed of Andew Matson, Nick Boyd and Barbara Stephenson.
Dianne has already communicated with the Department of Corrections who are planning on notifying their leadership as well as updating the inmate population of the change going forward. The address for Colorado-CURE remains the same, and we have members who will work to see mail is responded to in a timely fashion.
Due to the need to work on several issues related to the transition, the Board has decided to cancel this month’s meeting scheduled for June 26. The July 24th meeting will be a recognition of Dianne, and the inspiration for the work that Dianne has done, Habe Lawson. Their relationship resulted in Colorado-CURE being the effective Correctional Reform advocacy group that it has been for the last 34 years.
As the Leadership team and Board move forward, we will act to update the membership on changes that may occur due to this transition.