Fwd: Community voices can help local governments prevent violence

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Feb 11, 2025, 11:11:52 PMFeb 11
to CO-CURE Google Board

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: Community voices can help local governments prevent violence
Date: 2025-02-11 12:32
From: "Urban Institute :: Research Update" <researc...@news.urban.org>
Reply-To: "Urban Institute :: Research Update" <reply-fe891578736c077872-179...@news.urban.org>

Also: The effects of prosecuting young people as adults
Web Version

How can local governments learn from community voices to strengthen their violence prevention work?
Recommendations include creating spaces to collaborate with community-based organizations, serving as a hub to showcase and support local community violence resources, and using qualitative and quantitative data to inform public safety strategies.

Prosecuting young people as adults can undermine rehabilitation and fuel mass incarceration
Treating 17-year-olds as minors, rather than adults, in the criminal legal system allows juveniles to continue their education, access essential services, and pursue paths that may reduce further involvement in the criminal justice system.

Gaps in research and care for adults with a disability who have substance use disorders
Common barriers to treatment for substance use disorder are often magnified for adults with disabilities. For disabled adults, specific challenges include treatment that doesn’t accommodate physical or sensory barriers and a lack of specialized screening and treatment tools.


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