Set of cartoons about colony framework

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João Magalhães

May 24, 2011, 3:14:08 PM5/24/11

Markus Gattol

May 24, 2011, 6:10:01 PM5/24/11
to Colony Users
I like them all but really, there should be something (sketch with two
lines or so) that tells first-time visitors to Colony "what the heck
is this thing". I think some infrographic/cartoon is an excellent way
doing that since, after all, humans are very receptive to visuals.
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João Magalhães

May 24, 2011, 7:59:05 PM5/24/11
You're right we need a simple punchline based cartoon that explains colony in a single sentence.
Grahhhh we seriously need a copywriter.

Markus Gattol

May 25, 2011, 6:21:38 AM5/25/11
to Colony Users

On May 25, 12:59 am, João Magalhães <> wrote:
> You're right we need a simple punchline based cartoon that explains colony
> in a single sentence.

Maybe, not so sure it's that hard though :) What I'd do is have
the "what is colony" message transported by:

- a cartoon; one image that goes with
- three or less sentences of text
- relates (text and cartoon) colony to something folks are
familiar with (e.g. Python the interpreter, Django, ...)
- all on one DIN A4 page; basically text and cartoon all transport
one single coherent message "what is colony"

That's going to turbo-charge people while entering into Colony-land
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