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creating a plugin

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Brandon Pedersen

Aug 20, 2011, 8:58:47 PM8/20/11
Hey, so I am just starting to create my own plugin. I am trying to
figure out the proper structure for the project. I have a couple
questions. I obviously notice that the base plugins are all in a .cpx
file. However, the source for these plugins is not the same structure
as the cpx archive. How are these plugin archives generated? Is there
some tool? I am guessing that the baf.xml files in the plugin source
has something to do with how this file is generated or how the plugin
is used in colony. I realize I could just put the source in the
plugins folder itself but is that the proper thing to do?



João Magalhães

Aug 21, 2011, 10:52:44 AM8/21/11
Yup that's one of the ways to do it.

But for developement I would recommend adding a path to the plugins.pth file so that you can use a different directory for the developement, that way you can avoid the other (base) plugin files that create visual confusion.
I guess that if you use the scaffolding plugin for plugin generation it does that stuff for you.

For production environments we use the colony plugin files (cpx) they are generated throught the colony build automation system. There's not a lot of documentation on the build automation system but basically it all works around the baf.xml file and the build_automation_item capability. To run the automation tool you need to use tge colony console command run_automation [plugin_id].
Obviously you also need to install the build autmaion plugins or the bundles.

Hope this helps.

Brandon Pedersen

Aug 22, 2011, 1:49:11 AM8/22/11
2011/8/21 João Magalhães <>:

> Yup that's one of the ways to do it.
> But for developement I would recommend adding a path to the plugins.pth file so that you can use a different directory for the developement, that way you can avoid the other (base) plugin files that create visual confusion.

OK, I will give this a shot.

> I guess that if you use the scaffolding plugin for plugin generation it does that stuff for you.

I tried using the scaffolding plugin but it gave me problems trying to
install it:

[admin@plugins]$ install_bundle pt.hive.colony.bundles.main.scaffolding
there was an exception: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:

It looks like it is combining some temp directory with the path to the
actual bundles directory.

> For production environments we use the colony plugin files (cpx) they are generated throught the colony build automation system. There's not a lot of documentation on the build automation system but basically it all works around the baf.xml file and the build_automation_item capability. To run the automation tool you need to use tge colony console command run_automation [plugin_id].
> Obviously you also need to install the build autmaion plugins or the bundles.

OK, I will give this a shot too when I get the chance...seems simple
enough from looking at the other plugins.



João Magalhães

Aug 23, 2011, 5:02:46 AM8/23/11
The bundle intallation problem is clearly a bug.
We'll take a look at it.
I'll post back when we get it fixed.

João Magalhães

Sep 6, 2011, 12:14:38 PM9/6/11
Sorry for the huge delay, the install bundle problem should now be fixed (since build 16623).


João Magalhães
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