Tiny comment issue with scaffold generator

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Luís Martinho

May 19, 2011, 12:09:45 PM5/19/11
to colony...@googlegroups.com
I just ran generate_scaffold mvc pt.hive.colony.plugins.my_project and although everything is neatly commented, there was a bug in the comments, :)

Line 91 should probably read # retrieves the root entities instead of company, right?

Tiago Silva

May 19, 2011, 12:11:32 PM5/19/11
to colony...@googlegroups.com
yep, my bad :/ fixed and commited ;)

2011/5/19 Luís Martinho <lmar...@hive.pt>

Luís Martinho

May 19, 2011, 1:33:05 PM5/19/11
to colony...@googlegroups.com
while we're at this, the mvc scaffold seems inconsistent in what concerns using class attributes. e.g. the plugin back-end has the plugin as a class attribute, but not the root_entity_controller, the entity models and the mvc controllers map are just declared in load_components. is this ok?

Tiago Silva

May 19, 2011, 1:41:00 PM5/19/11
to colony...@googlegroups.com
damn! my bad again :/ fixed and commited ;)

2011/5/19 Luís Martinho <lmar...@hive.pt>
while we're at this, the mvc scaffold seems inconsistent in what concerns using class attributes. e.g. the plugin back-end has the plugin as a class attribute, but not the root_entity_controller, the entity models and the mvc controllers map are just declared in load_components. is this ok?

João Magalhães

May 19, 2011, 6:46:33 PM5/19/11
to colony...@googlegroups.com
Just as a random note about scaffolding I've just changed the default path for the generated files from $COLONY_HOME/var/development to $COLONY_HOME/var/extras.
The changes have been made in commit 14290.

Luís Martinho

May 20, 2011, 7:31:47 AM5/20/11
to colony...@googlegroups.com
So I put my plugin folder in the $COLONY_HOME/var/extras but the plugin is not loaded. How can I get it to be deployed to $COLONY_HOME/plugins?
I tried colony_deploy --flush.


2011/5/19 João Magalhães <joa...@hive.pt>

Just as a random note about scaffolding I've just changed the default path for the generated files from $COLONY_HOME/var/development to $COLONY_HOME/var/extras.
The changes have been made in commit 14290.

João Magalhães

May 20, 2011, 7:33:43 AM5/20/11
to colony...@googlegroups.com
You need to add the new plugin path (relative or absolute) to the $COLONY_HOME/config/general/plugins.pth file.

2011/5/20 Luís Martinho <lmar...@hive.pt>
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