Windows 10 Pro N 1803
nVidia GeForce GTX 1050 2GB
driver, 5/22/2018
It looks like it's the way that Windows task manager reports usage. I'm running the COLMAP GUI, and inside task manager, COLMAP always shows 0% GPU, while Desktop Window Manager shows activity during feature matching. During reconstruction after matching there is no activity on the GPU.
During feature matching the GPU usage doesn't hit 100%, usually staying a little over 50% (again, under the Desktop Window Manager process), with 1.6 of 2 GB RAM occupied, while COLMAP stays at 25% CPU. I've got a 4 core CPU, so it looks like the GPU may be limited by a single threaded process to control or load the data to the GPU.
During reconstruction (after running matching), GPU is unused by any process. It starts by taking a few seconds to BA each image, but now I'm at image 530 and it looks like it's loading about 30 images at a time, then doing a series of bundle adjustments (4-5 sets of bundle adjustments, running increasing numbers of iterations as the process continues, around 15-20 on the first BA, then 10-12 for the next 3-4). Is this a normal pattern or is there a problem? Do I need to change settings? Should GPU be used in BA?
Thanks for your help,