Workshop invitation “Multimodal Digital Publishing“, 20/21 May 2021 on Zoom

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Anna Ramella

May 10, 2021, 11:59:10 AM5/10/21
Dear #Colleex,

enclosed you find the programme for our workshop on Multimodal Digital Publishing. The workshop is organized by the AG Medien of the DGSKA (GAA German Anthropological Association) and is #1 of a series on Multimodal Digital Anthropology. 
Please sign up for our mailing list to be informed about further workshops:

Please join us from 20th to 21st May 2021 online. 
You will receive the link by registering to the event:

All the best

Anja Dreschke, Anna Lisa Ramella, Cora Bender & Simone Pfeifer


Multimodal Digital Publishing 

20th to 21st May 2021 | Online Workshop | AG Medien | DGSKA

The use of digital devices has become ubiquitous in ethnographic research, generating  new forms and formats of media as ethnographic material. Almost simultaneously, the rapid progress of digitalization has expanded the possibilities to publish the outcomes of anthropological studies. Though a major part of publications is still text-based and published in books or printed journals, a significant increase of innovative digital publishing formats can be observed such as blogs, podcasts/videocasts, audio/video essays, web-applications, profiles on social media platforms, etc. These multimodal forms of publishing not only allow for a more experimental use of audio-visual media – (moving) images and sounds can be (re)combined with texts in a way that analogue forms of publishing can hardly provide – but they can also influence and transform ethnographic research in terms of methodology as well as epistemology and knowledge production. 

At the workshop and in a subsequent series of events we want to discuss a broad variety of questions related to the digitalization of academic as well as artistic research.   


Thursday, May 20th 2021

11.00 Welcome & Introduction

11.30 Felix Girke (Allegra Lab – Anthropology for radical optimism): 
“Allegra Lab - from Things and Stuff to Radically Optimist Multi-Modal Platform”[]

13.00 Lunch Break

15.00 Julia Yezbick (sensate: a journal for experiments in critical media practice):
"Sensate Journal: reflecting on 10 years of publishing experiments in critical media practice"[] 

16.30 Lina Franken & Tim Schütz (PECE | Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography): Publishing multimodal ethnographic work in an open-ended and collaborative way. The Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography (PECE)

18.00 End

Friday, May 21st 2021

10.00 Sevasti-Melissa Nolas & Christos Varvantakis (entanglements – experiments in multimodal ethnography): 
Entanglements that matter: The Possibilities and Limits of Independent Publishing 

11.30 Ehler Voss (boasblogs): The Varieties of Blogging Experience 

13.00 Final Discussion

Registration | Zoom

Organisation & Contact
Anja Dreschke, Universität Düsseldorf (
Anna Lisa Ramella, Universität zu Köln, (
Cora Bender, Universität Siegen (
Simone Pfeifer, Universität Mainz (

Next workshop of the AG Medien 
›Presenting Online. Anthropological Approaches to Digital Curating‹
DGSKA Online Conference
September 27th to 30th 2021

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