[ANN] News via XMPP

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Dec 3, 2009, 3:55:24 AM12/3/09
to collecta developer
Hi I created a simple service for pushing news to XMPP clients -
[ http://news2xmpp.appspot.com/ ]

You can receive news on particular topic, in real time, directly
delivered to your XMPP (Jabber) client.
You have to use a Jabber/XMPP client.
Add news...@appspot.com as a friend.
After that, say '/hello' to the bot. This will add your JID to the
system and you can subscribe yourself to some topics.

Available commands

- /topics - list of the available topics
- /sub {topic} - subscribe to some topic
- /unsub {topic} - unsubscribe from some topic
- /list - list of topics, you are already subscribed to
- /off - silent mode, no messages
- /on - receiving messages enabled
- /mode - report receiving messages mode

The application is currently deployed on Google AppEngine. Because of
the non-complete XMPP implementation by Google, the PubSub client,
doing the real job is deployed on Heroku. Real Time Search is powered
by Collecta XMPP API.

In the moment there is a limited list of topics, but my plans include
to enable topics creation to all users.


- gwave "google wave" OR gwave -invite -invites
- push pubsubhubbub OR webhooks OR rsscloud
- xmpp xmpp OR jabber category:story
- iphone iphone
- apple apple OR mac OR osx OR iphone OR ipod category:story
- windows windows OR vista OR windows7 category:story


Christopher Zorn

Dec 3, 2009, 10:13:28 AM12/3/09
to collecta-...@googlegroups.com
This is awesome!

However, there is a bug with some clients though. Gajim and other clients interpret the / as a start of a command. The bot can not be used with clients  that do this. I even tried adding a space and I get back

[10:09:35 AM] tofu:  /topics
[10:09:35 AM] news2xmpp: Echooooo (when you're done playing, type /help) >  /topics

The bot is nice though!

manish deora

Dec 3, 2009, 10:18:19 AM12/3/09
to collecta-developer
Its really rocking ..
good job stoyan
Manish Deora
Samuel Goldwyn  - "I'm willing to admit that I may not always be right, but I am never wrong."


Dec 3, 2009, 10:36:31 AM12/3/09
to collecta developer
On Dec 4, 12:13 am, Christopher Zorn <christopher.z...@gmail.com>

> However, there is a bug with some clients though. Gajim and other clients
> interpret the / as a start of a command. The bot can not be used with
> clients  that do this. I even tried adding a space and I get back

Hm, I thought my Pidgin is bad. Seams not only my problem... Sad that
Google choice /... for their XMPP implementation
(xmpp_handlers.CommandHandler) :(
In all my other bots until now I used webapp.RequestHandler so I can
have what I want for the command syntax. For the first time I decided
to be more "google-compatible" and see - problems ...
If all you think this will be a problem, I can rewrite the XMPP
handling part of the bot. See for example http://github.com/zh/ReaTiWe/blob/master/xmppbots.py
- other similar bot I have.


Dec 4, 2009, 12:36:28 AM12/4/09
to collecta developer
On Dec 4, 12:13 am, Christopher Zorn <christopher.z...@gmail.com>

> However, there is a bug with some clients though. Gajim and other clients
> interpret the / as a start of a command. The bot can not be used with
> clients  that do this. I even tried adding a space and I get back

I have another version (where I'm first adding new features) on
Add jit-...@appspot.com to your roster and send 'hello'. Commands are
without slash '/'.
Also the spaces in the beginning are skipped. Commands:

- hello - first command, adding you to the system
- t or topics - list of the available topics
- s or sub {topic} - subscribe to some topic
- u or unsub {topic} - unsubscribe from some topic
- l or list - list of topics, you are already subscribed to
- f or off - silent mode, no messages
- o or on - receiving messages enabled
- m or mode - report receiving messages mode

Maybe some of the topics are missing (I added only the most active


Dec 8, 2009, 9:12:42 PM12/8/09
to collecta developer
On Dec 4, 2:36 pm, stoyan <sto...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have another version (where I'm first adding new features) onhttp://jit-news.appspot.com/
> Add jit-n...@appspot.com to your roster and send 'hello'. Commands are
> without slash '/'.

FriendFeed is the best Real Time Web frontend in the moment. I made
the jit-...@appspot.com bot to talk to the FF bot, so now you can see
the results from the real-time search via web, not only via XMPP.
Almost all topics are connected to the FriendFeed group (you can see
to which one exactly when you do 'l' (list of topics you are
subscribed to) ot 't' (list of all available topics). Example:

> l
JIT News: Subscribed to:

- xmpp : 'xmpp OR jabber category:story' (1), see also:
- push : 'pubsubhubbub OR webhooks OR rsscloud' (1), see also:
- collecta : 'collecta' (2), see also: http://friendfeed.com/jit-collecta

With this, you can switch XMPP messages off ('off' command) for the
night and on the next morning check the FF group for the results of
searches during the night.
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