Collecta API - JSON format

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Oct 27, 2010, 2:21:54 AM10/27/10
to collecta developer
Hi all..

small issue here.. i'm using the API to return JSON formatted data.

after studying it for a long time, i realised that each entity/article
is nested within the previous one.

as a result, i can't iterate the json data as is... i have to go
inside each entity, to get to the next.
(hope i'm being clear here..)

is this done intentionally, or is this a bug?

Mick Thompson

Oct 27, 2010, 2:29:24 AM10/27/10
Hey Shaun,

I see that too, that is bug. 

If you use what we call "twitter compatible" api (, just meaning that the search params and output match twitter search, it doesnt nest the output.

run your search like:

instead of:

Hope that helps and thanks for reporting the bug, we'll get that fixed.



Oct 27, 2010, 2:36:58 AM10/27/10
to collecta developer
thanks mick.

if you could kindly just drop a note here whenever this little bug is
removed.. that'll be fantastic.

and kudos on the quick replies!!!

On Oct 27, 2:29 pm, Mick Thompson <> wrote:
> Hey Shaun,
> small issue here.. i'm using the API to return JSON formatted data.
> > after studying it for a long time, i realised that each entity/article
> > is nested within the previous one.
> > as a result, i can't iterate the json data as is... i have to go
> > inside each entity, to get to the next.
> > (hope i'm being clear here..)
> > is this done intentionally, or is this a bug?
> I see that too, that is bug.
> If you use what we call "twitter compatible" api (, just meaning that
> the search params and output match twitter search, it doesnt nest the
> output.
> run your search like:
> instead of:
> Hope that helps and thanks for reporting the bug, we'll get that fixed.
> <>
> _Mick

Mick Thompson

Nov 5, 2010, 6:59:19 PM11/5/10
The nested JSON output bug has been fixed. 

For more information about the formats available see:



Nov 9, 2010, 9:56:15 PM11/9/10
to collecta developer
thank you sir!
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