During the next 90 Days we are going to figure out what product or
service Collaboration Alley is going to offer. We can put a site
together, we can build a theme, we can review other sites we
consider to be competition, and to be successful we must have
product or service that correctly addressed this question, "What
does Collaboration Require?" and leaves the client saying "Wow!!!!
They thought of everything needed to make Collaboration EASY!!!".
Do you have the answer? If so, we can start moving forward with
mapping out the layout of the site.
One of the discussions we have had thus far is around providing a
space for clients collaborating to post their skill sets. WE can do
that as a group here in the Google Doc's Section. When I return
this afternoon, I'll post my Vita as an example.
Focus on answering this question, "What does Collaboration
Require?". The sooner we get that answer the sooner we can start
coding. =)