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Aghata Lima

Oct 14, 2022, 8:16:39 AM10/14/22
to Colibrino
Bom dia!
Estamos reproduzindo o Colibrino com um grupo de alunos do EM na eletiva de neurociência.
Estamos na parte da programação. Contudo, não encontrei o modelo de algoritmo no repositório do projeto no GitHub. Poderiam me ajudar?


Aghata Lima

Oct 14, 2022, 8:20:23 AM10/14/22
to Colibrino
Encontrei este na internet, mas não sei se é semelhante ao utilizado no colibrino:

/*Use a gyroscope to emulate mouse movement and a presure
   sensor for clicking and scrolling using a mouth
   Include some libraries
   MPU6050 and I2Cdev from https://github.com/jrowberg/i2cdevlib or forked at https://github.com/ArmandBester/i2cdevlib (probably best to stick with the original rather)

#include <Mouse.h>
#include <I2Cdev.h>
#include <MPU6050.h>

//Define inttypes to the 6 axis values which will be obtained from the MPU6050
int16_t Ax, Ay, Az, Gx, Gy, Gz;
// From examples from the library
MPU6050 mpu;

//Define the values that will be sent to the Mouse
int mx;
int my;
//Define a scaler value to change the sensitivity of the mouse
int scaler = 100;

//Smoothing of mouse movement
const int nReadings = 5;
int xReadings[nReadings];
int yReadings[nReadings];
int xTot;
int yTot;
int xAvg;
int yAvg;
int readIndex;

//Timing control
//----> Mouse movement
unsigned long prevMouseMillis = 0;
const long mouseInterval = 5;  //10 is a safe value

//Pressure click and scroll
#define pPin A0
int p = 0;
int pTimerPos = 0;
int pTimerNeg = 0;
int pThresh = 50;
int clickTrigger = 300;
int scrollTrigger = 800;
int scrollDist = 10;

// Define pins for debuging mouse clicks, this is just LEDs
#define leftLedPin 4
#define rightLedPin 5

// On startup callebrate ambient pressure
int cPressure = 0;
int aPressure = 500;  //will update this value with cPressure

void setup() {

  Serial.begin(9600); //mostly for debugging
  pinMode(leftLedPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(rightLedPin, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(pPin, INPUT);

  // initialize the mpu
  if (!mpu.testConnection()) {
    while (1);
  else {
    Serial.println("Could not find a valid MPU6050 sensor, check wiring!");

  // Smoothing of mouse movement, initialize empty arrays
  for (int i = 0; i < nReadings; i++) {
    xReadings[i] = 0;
    yReadings[i] = 0;

  //callibrate to ambient pressure

  for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) {
    cPressure = cPressure + analogRead(pPin);
  aPressure = cPressure/10;

  //end of setup


void loop() {

  // Mouse movement

  unsigned long currentMouseMillis = millis();

  if (currentMouseMillis - prevMouseMillis >= mouseInterval) {
    prevMouseMillis = currentMouseMillis;

    mpu.getMotion6(&Ax, &Ay, &Az, &Gx, &Gy, &Gz);
    mx = -(Gz - 200) / scaler; //adjust offsets for the gyro to cancel drift
    my = (Gy - 225) / scaler;

    //smoothing of mouse movement
    xTot = xTot - xReadings[readIndex];
    yTot = yTot - yReadings[readIndex];

    xReadings[readIndex] = mx;
    yReadings[readIndex] = my;

    xTot = xTot + xReadings[readIndex];
    yTot = yTot + yReadings[readIndex];

    readIndex = readIndex + 1;

    //reset readIndex if nReads are reached
    if (readIndex <= nReadings) {
      readIndex = 0;

    xAvg = xTot / nReadings;
    yAvg = yTot / nReadings;

    Mouse.move(xAvg, yAvg);
    Serial.print(" : ");

  // ENd of mouse movement

  //Beginning of clicking and scrolling section

  //positive pressure controls
  if (analogRead(pPin) >= (aPressure + pThresh)){
    pTimerPos ++;
  //left click
  if (analogRead(pPin) < (aPressure + pThresh) && pTimerPos >= clickTrigger && pTimerPos < scrollTrigger){
    pTimerPos = 0;
  //down scroll
  if (analogRead(pPin) < (aPressure + pThresh) && pTimerPos >= scrollTrigger){
    Mouse.move(0, 0, -scrollDist);
    pTimerPos = 0;

  //negative pressure controls
  if (analogRead(pPin) <= (aPressure - pThresh)){
    pTimerNeg ++;
  //right click
  if (analogRead(pPin) > (aPressure - pThresh) && pTimerNeg >= clickTrigger && pTimerNeg < scrollTrigger){
    pTimerNeg = 0;
  //up scroll
  if (analogRead(pPin) > (aPressure - pThresh) && pTimerNeg >= scrollTrigger){
    Mouse.move(0, 0, scrollDist);
    pTimerNeg = 0;


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