New Colibri Theme: Darkness 2.0

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Nov 30, 2009, 1:11:56 AM11/30/09
to Colibri Talk
I have created a new theme for colibri. You can find it under the
files section on the google group's main page.

I have named it Darkness 2.0

It is a clean, black and glossy theme.

The zip file includes a folder called "Darkness 2.0" which you need to
put inside the themes folder of colibri.
The zip file also includes the required fonts, which are in a folder
called "Fonts" and the font files inside must be copied to your windows
\fonts folder.

Any feedback would be appretiated.


Nov 30, 2009, 8:40:22 AM11/30/09
to Colibri Talk
It looks quite good to me! The only thing I could say is that the
white background in the result list has a strong contrast with the
dark colours of the theme. Have you tried to reduce that a bit?

Also, I am not sure about the terms of those fonts... they are already
available on Vista and Windows 7, but I don't think you can distribute
them freely. However, people using windows XP can obtain them directly
from Microsoft installing the PowerPoint Viewer 2007, avalaible here:


Arioch //BDV/

Jan 7, 2010, 6:51:37 PM1/7/10
to Colibri Talk
> I have named it Darkness 2.0
> It is a clean, black and glossy theme.

wish: screenshot in posts likee this

one glance worth thousand words :-)

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